Divinely Driven: Quantum Leap Through Manifestation For Feminine Leaders

Manifest Your Wildest Desires: From Tech Support and 20 Years of Eating Disorders to Rocking Kanye's Stage & Shining Her True Light | Laura Escudé

Broadcast on:
17 Sep 2024
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Are you struggling to find your authentic voice in a world full of noise and comparison? Discover how to revolutionize your creative process and manifest your true artistic vision. In this episode, I'm joined by Laura Escudé, a visionary music producer, composer, and live show specialist who has worked with industry giants like Kanye West, Selena Gomez, Drake and Cirque du Soleil. Laura shares her transformative journey from tech support to becoming a multi-faceted artist and entrepreneur, revealing how embracing her authentic self unlocked unprecedented creative abundance.

Expect to learn:

  • How to harness the power of meditation and embodiment practices to overcome limiting beliefs and tap into your unique artistic expression
  • Practical techniques to align your energy with your creative vision, allowing you to manifest opportunities in the music industry
  • The secret to balancing entrepreneurship and artistry while maintaining spiritual and physical wellbeing

Get in touch with our spirited guest Laura

Email: | Instagram: @lauraescude

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Discover the ultimate podcast where a female entrepreneur delves into the realms of meditation, hypnosis, sound healing, and breathwork, guiding you through visualization techniques, spirituality, and shadow work to achieve enlightenment and awaken consciousness, while exploring the law of attraction, manifestation, and the quantum physics behind the divine feminine and abundance mindset.

I was doing all of these things to change how I was feeling and then I started to slowly realize there's a reason why this is happening like what's the meaning behind this how can I change my mindset how can I change how I love myself there's just all these things that I was just doing so much in like the 3D doing world and I was so used to that I didn't know how to just let go welcome to divinely driven the podcast for awakened female visionary we'll shatter limiting beliefs program in mind for success and manifest your dream life from within I'm your host Cecilia Stable today we have another episode of quantum code breakers which are profound conversations with authorities in their field helping you to shortcut your way to success let's dive in hello gorgeous human being today I'm joined by Laura Escudae our renowned music producer composer and live show specialist has worked with artists like Kanye West Drake Selena Gomez and Cirque de Soleil expect to learn how to transform self-doubt into empowered creativity ways to really bring out your artistic expression techniques to use embodiment practices for enhanced performance I hope you enjoy I certainly did first of all I'm so happy we're here and that you wanted to come on we're already working together but honestly I had no idea how amazing you are because now I've been like digging and researching and like watching you live loop on stage in like sequence caves and just like really just I'm in awe because we had this conversation the other day where you were like yeah musicians are you looking up to and like who do you aspire to and I'm like I aspire to be you I knew you were great but I just seeing you just like live perform like that and just like the mastery of tech that you have is insane so I'm just yeah really really cool thank you so much for that I really appreciate it it's very well deserved so but I know you've been in this industry for a long time and even though now you're really good at what you do you probably didn't just get birthed out as this master of tech and violinist usually there's like a lot of things that goes into that probably a lot of determination and I know your mom was also a musician so maybe a little bit of like something that might have come in on an early stage but I would love for you to bring the listeners back in time and to give them a little bit of a context that led you on the journey that you are on today sure absolutely well first of all thank you so much for that and it's been an absolute joy working with you so far and helping guide you and I just can't wait to see how your music gets birthed and created and it's just you have such a magical voice and presence and you have all the raw the rawness already and just gonna craft it and sculpt it into into something that is a new form so yeah very excited to work with you yeah I'm very excited too I definitely need the technical skills yeah well that's why I'm here so yes but yeah so I started out playing the violin when I was five my mom was a musician just you know casually she played piano and and sang and we were going to church and I saw this little girl playing violin and I told my mom that's what I want to do I want to do that and she said well what about the piano and you know and I think the little girls mom said you should you should let her play the violin because that's what she wants to do and so my mom said okay you know so she came to terms with the fact that I wasn't going to be just like her and I started playing the violin and I just I fell in love you know that was just like I love playing the instrument and I really just focused on violin throughout my childhood and had was able to have private lessons thankfully and also started playing in the school orchestras and I just really loved the violin and went to like summer camps and just did different things I started getting more into like alternative music when I was in high school so remember hearing like Dave Matthews band and the Dave Matthews band has this amazing violinist Boyd Tinsley and I remember thinking wow like you can play the violin like that in a band like so I started to just get interested in using the violin in different ways but I didn't know how and so when I went to college I started I think it was my junior year I started to get into like the rave scene and go to electronic music nights and my best friend's boyfriend was a DJ and so I would go and they kept saying oh come to these nights and I said I don't know I don't know if it's for me and then I went and then I was like oh this is like life-changing this is amazing so I really fell in love with like the electronic music culture and dance music and started playing violin with DJs and that's kind of how I got started but I didn't really consider myself technical at all like I hadn't I mean I didn't really use technology growing up I was kind of scared of it and I didn't really know how to use it and so I remember just like kind of looking over their shoulder like oh how do you do this and the guy was like oh the learning curve is too high you'll never get it and I was like well obviously you don't know me then because I am going to make it my mission to figure this out it's just a challenge I took it as a challenge yeah so I started learning how to record myself and then I was also like booking shows at this cafe and they had like we had bands at night and I booked this funk band and it was George Clinton's son's band and George Clinton is like the godfather of funk music and you know very famous in the US so I started getting in the studio with them and kind of started directing them and saying oh you should make it sound like this or make this melody sound like this and they said well why don't you get up here and do it and I said well I don't know how to do it and they said well we're gonna show you and so that was literally how I first got started was in the studio with them kind of like looking over their shoulder and kind of learning how to produce so this was back in 2000 so this was a while ago and so I graduated from from college and ended up moving to LA in 2004 and got a job doing tech support at this music technology company called M Audio and they make these like keyboards and speakers and just it was like really like a popular company at the time it still is but it's changed hands a few times but anyway I just started learning so much about the tech there because I was immersed in it and I remember when I got hired one of the guys in tech support who was kind of like oh I guess he just wanted like a girl in here oh she doesn't really know what she's doing blah blah and so then I kind of made it my mission again like these challenges kept coming up you know and I was like oh well no I do know what's going on so yeah so that was kind of like my earlier journey and then since then I could keep going through my career or just you know depending on on what you feel like but just kind of kept building on from there and and now you know I've been doing it for quite some time so amazing and I think it's very probably comforting to a lot of people to hear that you like because oftentimes we find people when they're kind of like at their peak or really far down the road and they're like these now you're like this tech genius and I'm getting intimidated just by looking at you looping you know and I'm very happy that I have you on as a mentor that are like teaching me all of these things but I think especially for women like you said sometimes we can get told that like oh you don't know technology or like and you're like no I'm going to show you I can learn too like there's why would I not be able to of course we are absolutely yeah I definitely don't like being told I can't do something maybe either I think best way to get me to do something you're giving away your secret if you want to learn something oh she can't do it but I know you had some challenges along the way as well and in 2008 you lost your job when the economy kind of crashed in a way but that also led you to a pretty good opportunity a little way down the road with Cirque du Soleil and I think oftentimes there are these moments that feel a little soul crushing at the time and we're like where am I headed after this like why is this happening and then oftentimes the universe has this like bigger plan for us that we don't really know about so how did that partnership come about wow yeah that it's just exactly how you said it I think it's more challenging especially when you're younger to really have that mindset some people do just naturally I was just really bummed I was like wow the rug was like pulled out from underneath me so I was working at Ableton the company that makes the software that I use for all the looping and on all the shows that I've worked on and yeah I had just you know gotten this award for like top sales person and you know I thought I was doing really well and you know I got a call from my boss one day and he was kind of like really sorry we're like restructuring the company basically getting rid of your position and I was devastated I was like oh my gosh that was the first job where I'd had I was working from home and I had a lot of freedom and I just couldn't fathom the idea of like going back in like working at you know a regular job again where I had to drive two hours a day in LA traffic to like get two and so I just thought you know what I'm just gonna build my own company you know I'm just gonna start building my own company so I did and that was like the first iteration of my company electronic creatives it was called Evo Tech Audio then I was doing some consulting for different brands and they would hire me to kind of do demos and things like that and and then one day I got a call from Cirque de Soleil and they were like do you want to move to Vegas and work on this show for four months and I said absolutely I mean I was just floored that this company wanted me to do this big show and I honestly didn't even know how it all worked I didn't know how these shows worked so I went to Vegas in 2009 and worked on this show and it was definitely life-changing for me I mean it was the catalyst I mean there were other shows that I worked on before that but it was still like the biggest show at that point biggest opportunity so yeah it was a really incredible opportunity and I think the universe was just like okay that was great and that was a good opportunity and this is even better you know here you go we're and I made a lot more started making a lot more money and had a lot even more freedom because I was like working for my really truly working for myself so that I think losing my job kind of forced me in a fun way to become an entrepreneur yes and probably a really fun vortex to be in as well with so many like creative people and artists in different ways than you are that you can still get like really inspired by probably very disciplined as you need to be when you're like part of such an orchestra of people moving in the way that they are there and just I love how we can get so inspired by other people doing completely different things but still find like so deep resonance with them when we get into those vortexes at least for me I find that my inspiration just skyrockets in a way that it it can't always do like sometimes I'm very inspired when I'm alone but there's also something about coming together with a group and just working together and the joy and the play in that which I know you're all about now and your music as well can be so nourishing so I'm just yeah I'm really happy you ended up there which eventually not too long after that I believe you started working with Kanye as well and I heard you say that it's like yeah I knew he was at the point but it was not like you were like super into him necessarily or like it was like an earlier stage Kanye it was definitely still very well known but maybe that wasn't the exact music you were into or yeah yeah totally I mean so I first got introduced to him in 2009 also and it was kind of interesting because I got introduced to his engineer Anthony Kilhofer and was in the studio with Anthony just like working on the show and they were they were trying new things because they had seen Daft Punk's show and they're like oh they're using Ableton like we want to try this and Anthony was a studio engineer and didn't have much experience in the live realm at that point with using Ableton so yeah I mean I did a lot of consulting and then and then he was kind of like can you go on this tour and I said no I can't because I already made this commitment with Cirque du Soleil and and so I unfortunately had to turn it down and that was really hard because it's like oh I'm just like I mean both both amazing opportunities you know yeah and so but then in 2011 it actually connected my friend Henry with them and he had been working with them and they kind of called Henry back in 2011 and then I had been talking to this other artist and as it happened the other artist wanted to work with Henry and so we kind of just like swapped our gigs back and we were just like oh okay so then I started working with Kanye again and he started working with this other artist Mike Posner who's a pop star now he's doing different music but anyway amazing singer-songwriter so yeah so then I started working with Kanye again in 2011 and that was kind of like the start of my beautiful dark twisted fantasy tour which is such an incredible album I mean I even listened to it today and I'm just like wow this is such a beautiful album and that just yeah that kind of started all of the Kanye era which kind of really led up until 2016 through the Pablo tour and then I did you know some shows after that as well but like the main era for me was like 2011 through 2016 yeah because at that time there were like you kind of realized that you need to slow down a little bit right you were facing some health challenges and your body was kind of telling you like hey Laura like you're doing amazing work but you might be doing a little too much of it yes yeah I mean I'm also really into human design and I'm a projector and so I didn't really understand the projector energy at that time and so I was really just behaving like a generator like go go go I'm out there doing all these things and I think I kind of just was ignoring the fact that I really needed a lot more rest if you don't listen to your body then your body makes you listen so in 2016 I just got really sick and I was in the hospital and it really was very challenging but also a blessing at the same time because you know I really got to take a step back and really focus on my health and wellness and what I truly wanted to do and what is good for me and what gigs and what shows and what things made sense for me to do what was just truly aligned and I think you know I just realized that that world was not truly aligned for me in a number of different ways I mean although it was incredibly interesting and rewarding and fun at times it was also just very chaotic and challenging and could be toxic you know and so I just decided okay I'm going to take a step back from all of this and just focus on myself and focus on my health and I've done shows like I still work in American Idol and do the playback for that show which is in LA but I quit touring largely just because the touring is what is really challenging on the body. I can imagine and I think it's very easy for us when we're like we set a goal some time down the line that we had just kept pursuing and like suddenly we're getting all these amazing opportunities that we can never even dream of and then it's like at some point we're kind of getting these dopamine drips and we're kind of in this thread mill that just keeps running and I think we can get a lot of like immediate gratification and sometimes it's also so hectic that we don't really have the time to truly reflect about like our life or if this is actually what we want and I think for me it's been really important to actually reframe success in the way that like what do I want my life to look like? What would a day look like for me if I were successful? I would want to make sure I had time for my friends I wouldn't want to make sure I had time to work out to meditate like if I were just like running around all day and we're doing amazing things in other people's eyes but was not truly feeling for fulfilled or at peace because I didn't have these practices in my life then it wouldn't really be true success to me and you spoke a little bit about like being a projector and I'm actually a generator so I keep running like that yeah but when I first heard it I was so disappointed because I'm like ah I'm like everyone else how boring because 70% of people are but I realized like you were saying since a lot of people operate that way like the projectors and the manifestors especially or also the reflectors they often try to be like those people and they might feel like oh I'm not like why is this not feeling completely right or I feel like I'm getting drained whereas other people seem to just be able to go and then really honoring that feeling and getting to know ourselves on that plane and I don't know if you were were you spiritual at this time or were this kind of something that put you in touch with that as well? Yeah I mean my mom is very spiritual and so she kind of raised me to just few things in different ways and really focus on like my beliefs and my thoughts and higher powered spirit and all of that but I think I wasn't really as attuned like I just I kind of understood all of that but I really wasn't in full understanding of like how energetics work and how energy works and it really was the catalyst for me to just dive even further into my spiritual practice and I think just because when I got so sick my mental space was really not good I mean I remember thinking why is this happening you know why you know like I was doing all of these things like to change how I was feeling and then I started to slowly realize okay there's a reason why this is happening like what's the meaning behind this you know how can I change my mindset how can I change how I love myself you know there's just all these things that I I was just doing so much in like the 3D doing world and I was so used to that I didn't know how to just like let go and most of us don't before we're forced to that right I know yeah and so I know you probably have some things in your your story too that you've gone through you know so and a lot of us have you know like we have these opportunities for the catalyst to just come out on the other side and and yeah and and so it's really it was really beautiful and now I think it's really beautiful at the time I was really struggling but it was usually how it is yeah it gave me an opportunity to really just let go and trust and so now you know I find that like when I get sick or when something happens I'm like okay I know how to deal with this you know yeah so yeah I think like when we have kind of like an existential crisis or we're like really going through it it's like why is this happening and then we need we need a little time and space in order for that to fully settle before we can realize like okay in a way it was actually for my heart good I I had a heavy metal poisoning for eight years and I was really sick and like you were saying it's well the the mind the body and the spirit it's this holy trinity that everything works together so it also really affected my mental health and I was really just depressed and like not very very present didn't have enough energy six years ago I could barely read so it was a big initiation like for me like the biggest of my life and but I would also never be where I am today without that I would not be able to feel us deeply love us be deeply or be so in touch with what I feel like my purpose is right now which is probably going to change and iterate down the path as well and just being present to that but I know now it's easy to be like oh that happened for a reason and while I was in it it felt like hell and I would never wish it upon anyone else but at least when we can like take the lessons and the learning out of these things I think it's easier to move forward when we can kind of put some meaning into it so oftentimes these inner transformations also really shows on the outside and I've seen you in videos like in your 20s where you're like looping you're like usually like in all black it's like a sleek ponytail and like a little more like I'm the background dancer kind of vibe whereas now you're like showing up in like these like I told or like like sequin capes and long gowns and like sometimes you have different hair colors and beautiful makeup and you're just like standing there and owning the stage in this like divine feminine character which is just like so beautiful to look at and I can imagine that that's also a reflection of kind of like the inner journey that you have might have gone on through foodist journey so do you feel like the working in the musical industry has also been a part of like initiating your spiritual journey in a way? Absolutely yeah it has been and and I think another piece to like the health part is that I had like 20 years of disordered eating so I really was so unhappy and uncomfortable in my body for so long and being in the entertainment industry especially in LA there's this pressure to look a certain way and I think you know from an early age I thought okay I really need to be super thin in order to be an artist and be on stage and blah blah and I think just being in these worlds that I was in like touring with these huge artists just like fed into that and so it was really during the pandemic that I had the chance to really be alone with myself and really shift that and of course you know work with with the therapist and everything and and I think I was like reborn after that like that's when I shed like the dark colors which I still love like I still wear a black but you know I was like okay I it was like this been a morphesis and I I went through this big change where I was like I had to just learn to love my body the way that it was and I had gained quite a bit of weight throughout like this time period and then I had to learn to just let my body naturally do what it wanted to do which so hard after controlling for so long and then when I was like oh I finally got it and I just worked you know so much and I just let it go and then I was like wow like I just feel so alive I feel like myself because I didn't realize how much energy I was expending controlling and trying to be this certain way and then once I finally was like okay this is who I am and I'm gonna allow me to show up however my body is and I'm gonna love it no matter what you know that was just really freeing to me and so I think it was like that was what was happening on the inside and then I think like my outside started to reflect that because I was like started to go to these like fun events and get invited to do these fun things and work with these amazing artists and it that more in the spiritual community and I was like wow this is like so much more aligned for me because we're here talking about spirituality and meditation and biohacking and how to just transform our lives and just to be in love and heart open and that was like the energy that I wanted to be around and this old energy was just the old black energy was just so yeah it really shows and I think like you were saying as well when we start transmuting that and start to become fully embodied in what really is and like being in touch with that and allowing ourselves to be loved as we are and realize that people don't love us space in our appearance but really how we show up and when we're able to truly show up because we don't have our mind always thinking about only what we look like or what the next meal's gonna be we start really attracting those people and the right tribe because they're vibing on that same frequency too and they get where we're about totally yeah absolutely yeah I'm so happy to hear that and do you feel like that's also reflective in like the kind of music you've been creating and the performances you've given out obviously I can see it like on a stage in the way that you were like so embodied in showing up and in like enthusiasm and just this beautiful glory but is it also reflective in like the styles of music or like how you're how you're doing yeah I'm so happy you're here if you're finding this helpful I would love for you to subscribe wherever you prefer to listen into the show you'll be the first to know a new episode stop and it really does support the podcast and helps me get even more amazing guests to help you in your evolution absolutely yeah I've been working on an album and no I'm allowing it to take its time I think the old me would have been like but you did need to finish and I'm like no I'm just gonna allow it to flow but it is really like more of an embodied experience for me now like when I make this music I'm like okay how does it feel when I'm moving to this you know like how does this feel in my body like what are the themes I feel like with my last EP that I put out which is Enoughness and I put that out in 2020 some of the themes are like emerging there like I have a song called Embrace Your Shadow where I was really doing a lot of shadow work and really in the midst of like just loving myself and learning to love my body during that time and so that's like why I wrote that and then I also have another song called I Love Me and it was like really just like an ode to loving myself and I was just really like learning how to do that at that time when I feel like okay this newer work I've done that you know of course that there's always more love that I can get myself but I have done that and now I'm like focused on like one of the titles of my songs called Reaching For You and it's like this ode to like my future beloved right and so it's a beautiful song that has a lot of like just hope and yearning and just magic and play and just like calling in this person right so that's like the my main song that I'm really excited about and it's like this mid tempo house kind of like really vibey dance track and it's very sexy and so I'm excited about that and then yeah some of the I mean I have like the whole gamut you know I've got like more meditative music I just decided I'm going to I'm just gonna put out whatever it is that's on my heart right and it doesn't need to be like a certain genre and this is what I tell a lot of my clients you know because they're like well I feel like I should should whenever I hear the word should I'm like ah because I catch myself saying it and I'm like no but just like expressing the full range of who I am I love that and I think I know you know who are recruiting us as well and that you actually you've been to head studio right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so and he has this saying where he's like artists a transmission from God and I think that when we really allow ourselves to just be a vessel for something bigger to come through us through our experience and through our lens of how we see the world and share that really vulnerably and honestly and just be like kind of like get the world to see our experience through our lens through our music or through other forms of art that's when we truly create magic and when people get really touched on what we create and it can be I think marketing agencies and like people like that they really wanted to be like this is your genre stick to this become the best person in this and just like this is your identity and especially when we're going through when we're in the spiritual world and like working on ourself I find that like every time there's like a slight rebirth or like there's the part of me dying off I'm like part of me is like I feel like I should be rebranding because now this is not like fully who I am anymore and then just allowing yourself to be in that process it doesn't mean we need to change our logo every other month but just like there need to be some consistency obviously but when we can just express all that is I think that's really great and you're not only doing that we're just allowing yourself to express in different genres you also created this like you're producing you're composing you're doing live shows you're amazing on the violin you're singing you're an entrepreneur and just like really showing us how we can put all of these things together in one vortex and I think a lot of people think they need to be this one thing but when we truly shine in our authenticity and what we're really about and can can actually embody all of that at once I think that's when we become masters of what we are and that's probably why you find a lot of people come to you as well because you have so many unique skill sets that kind of merge together and no one is quite like you you know because you're unique and you're allowing yourself to be fully seen and embraced in that uniqueness and I I think that's something that can be hard as an artist I actually had a I talked to my friend yesterday and I just told her like you know what I'm an artist I shouldn't be doing this marketing stuff like I need someone else to do that for me because it's just killing myself and I get that it's needed in a way but it's just that's not the transmission I'm getting I'm getting the art and then sometimes someone else needs to kind of put the final marketing stamp on that in the end yeah I think it's important you know to know how to do it like because you're you know you learn how to do it and then you train someone else or work with someone else and say okay this is how I want it done you know and I've done that so many times because I've had so many different versions of team throughout the years I mean I've had big teams and small teams it's just been me you know like just so many different forms but yeah just to speak on like the owning at all like I feel like I used to have this alter ego called Alux and she was like my DJ alter ego and I was making like it was definitely an era it was like the 2012 to 2016 17 era and I had like two different personas and it was like Laura who's like this entrepreneur and working with these artists and then it was Alux and then there was like this crossover in between and I remember I had like two different instagrams and you know I had like all this different stuff and I thought I think one day I was working with a coach and he was like what if you just went under your name you know and I thought I just immediately felt this relief wash over me because it was just so much work for me to have the two alter ego's and or just two personas and have to cultivate both of those I think I confused a lot of people that were just Alux fans because all of a sudden it was just Laura and my music like I changed all the names but it just felt so right to me and it was just so much easier for me to do that so yeah I think making that move was the right one for me because I really started saying okay I'm gonna like I am all of this like on my business cards I have like artist entrepreneur I remember I gave it to this guy when I was doing a show in in Montreal and he was like floored he was like wow like you're really you're really claiming it that you can be an artist and you can be an entrepreneur and I was like yeah I am so yeah and I think it's important especially as women as well obviously hiring a team and hiring people to do the things that aren't you know you're not in your zone of genius so yes like when you're able to do that I think things get a lot easier and you can just decide and okay this is what I really want to do and all the other stuff doesn't really matter and but what you were saying about actually having an alter ego as well I think that can be in some way helpful like I have this thing where it's not necessarily a separate identity but it's like my future self whenever I'm in like ah should I do this should I not do this and then my heart might say something different than what am I getting advice in from other people I'm like the ultimate goal of me is to become her that future self who knows all that I know now who has all the same perspective I can't bullshit her because she knows exactly where I'm coming from what I'm dealing with all the work I put into this and then I'm just kind of getting that perspective on something like okay how would she guide you through this right now and just knowing that that kind of wisdom is something that's going to be usually better than anyone else can tell me even though there might be super educated because the goal for me ultimately coming back to work successfully is okay sometimes we can do things that might look more successful to other people but is that truly the life that I want to live and if I don't feel like I'm fully in alignment with it then maybe it's not what I want to do even though it might look better to other people from the outside and really allowing us to acknowledge that I think it's it's really important and I think music can also be a beautiful way for us to tap more into that to tap into the heart and to to our channel in a way because channeling can sound very like a theory but I think when we're really creating art we're all channeling it's like something bigger that comes through us and there's a reason why people are like oh I think they stole my idea oftentimes they did not they just have the same transmission around the same time and you didn't take action on it and it's like okay then someone else got that down load and I think just allowing herself to do that but you know that I also use music for healing and I think sound healing as well can be beautiful but music itself can just be really healing and you spoke a little bit earlier about like your creating meditations and how do you use music for healing? Do you use it mostly therapeatically for yourself in order to actually create and transmute these messages or stories that you might be going through or do you use it also for healing in other ways? Yeah I mean I generally do create it for myself and then I if others resonate with it and it helps them then that's that's wonderful and I mean that's also the goal too but I think when I used to try to make music for other people specifically it didn't fully resonate for me so yeah I start with myself first and something that helps me that I would like to hear I did create and I love me affirmations which is on my youtube and also on Spotify that was a couple years ago when I was going through and healing my body image stuff and that was really for me I mean if you listen to it I listen back to it I'm like wow this was just exactly for me but a lot of people really resonate with it and said that it helped them with their body image and their self-love so that was really powerful for me to hear that and then I also did a couple of medium articles that I wrote on my journey too that I think really helped people so now like when I'm making the meditation music it's just music there's no words in the current stuff that I'm making but yeah I just kind of sit with it and like okay how does this make me feel do I like this and so I am excited to do more of that yeah and I think it's so beautiful like not that it's always necessary but like you said you're now you're creating for you in a way but it's also really beautiful when we can have those reflections than other people when we really share from who we are and they're reflecting like oh you're the exact mirror I need it right now because you're being so open and honest that I can actually see myself through you and just receiving those things can just be the biggest gift totally yeah absolutely yeah and I think you know the more that we share I feel like I am one of those people that of course I want to share about my life and help other people I'm also still like a little private but you know I'm like working on sharing more because every time I do share I just notice how much it helps people and that's just such a good feeling that's the best feeling I can relate and it's it's about finding the right time and place oftentimes it's easier to kind of share it once you've gone through it and work through your stuff so you know that it doesn't come from like a very wounded place but rather from a place of like okay I can share because I really want other people to be able to receive the help that I wish I had in that moment or be reflected to that so clearly you find inspiration from your own life and your own experiences but do you have specific practices or things that you do in order to like really spark your own creativity yeah I mean I've been really just in the past couple of years especially going through my healing journey with my body and just have been getting more into embodiment practices and I find that if I do some embodiment practice before I'm going to create I just feel so much more alive and tuned in with myself and before I used to meditate and that's also good I think but for me I think it's just like about getting into the body and just feeling that like kinesthetic energy and really just tuning in with myself in that way I do meditate like in the mornings but then before I'm going to create I have a little like like stretching and movement ritual and I really try to like just make it intuitive to like however my body's feeling that day so yeah I love that I think the moving of the body it's more like the feminine part where we're like really getting embodied I love like a little dance and just some singing to just like really get me into the mode and then you know but we're there it really helps I have the same kind of practices and when do you feel like you have the most amount of fun probably when I'm with people that are close to me and just creating whatever it is that we're creating I have these in-person play labs which you're going to do when you come to LA I'm so excited for that but yeah I've been like cultivating these experiences for people to come and like play with me because I mean it's fun to play on your own but it's like so much more fun when you're playing with a group of people and I had an amazing play lab a few weeks ago with Orrin Harris who he's an incredible guide and seer and the spiritual guide and his partner Chelsea gifted a play lab with me and it was the first time that someone had brought like a whole crew with them that's usually just like me and one other person or like I'll bring in some guests to like help with the process but yeah he brought it like a whole crew of people and it was just so fun because we were just like all like vibing off of each other and just playing and everyone brought their like unique blend of magic and and there is like a it's like an art to holding space and creating this flow and I've been really working on that aspect of what I'm doing is just like creating this arc and flow of the experiences so yeah I would say like that is the most fun to me just being creative with other people and then just like going to ecstatic dance and dancing and doing movement with people I think is really fun and I actually went skiing for the first time since I was like six years old on Friday and that was really fun because I was just like oh it was like play like okay I'm like really learning how to do this so again and I just had so it was like it's like a mentally just very freeing to just like be just going down this mountain and not thinking about anything else so it was really good yeah and I often find that when we're with other people as well and just like incomplete presence like that's how we like we're just so present in what is that we're just able to like you said create magic together and that was one of the first thing we spoke about in our first call as well when you were like what are the most amount of fun you have the last year and I was like when I've been creating music with people like in the most unexpected ways where we've just been dropping in together and it's just like become this beautiful symphony of cultures that are meeting and sometimes strangers that are meeting and we're just like coming together with the same love for music and getting to just play and it's just the most nourishing thing there is it's just I wish more people can just tap into that because that's healing yeah absolutely absolutely so healing yeah it's true yes but there's also probably at times like you're working with artists and some pretty big names like you mentioned Kanye, Miguel, I know if you work with Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato like a lot of really big artists it probably probably really knows what they want and times maybe almost expect you to be a little kind of psychic in order to know what they want absolutely yeah so what do you find are the biggest challenges when you work with like artists and creatives yeah I mean yeah think being on the same page is as where they are following once you work with an artist for a little while then you start to like understand the way that they think and you like with Kanye I started to anticipate his needs like okay I anticipate that he's gonna want this thing I'm gonna like set it up you know or I would like come and I would suggest ideas to him because we if we were doing like a big show like Madison Square Garden I remember like saying okay here are some options for different new things that we could do just preemptively trying to get in front of the work because like if I waited until he was like let's do this new thing then it would be a lot more stressful so I would like try to preemptively like prepare things ideas for him but yeah I think it's just so interesting with every artist you know some artists especially when they're newer they're kind of just like okay that's great and they think whatever you do is great and they don't really care like they're just like all right let's just do the show you know and then with artists that have been around for a little while then they're kind of get tired of like the same songs and they want to switch it up and make it different and unique and so that can be really fun but yeah it's just about like just staying attuned to them and where they're at and trying to anticipate their needs I would I would say because the creativity is not a linear process and I'm working with like some different freelancers and onboarding some people on my team right now and sometimes I'm like it's not it but I can't like fully articulate what would be fully it it's like you kind of I'm like okay I just need to sit with it for two days and I'll be I'm going to come back to you because it's also a lot easier for them when I can give them some very like direct feedback instead of being like oh you know this is not quite it and they'll be like okay what's at then right it's not giving the feeling I totally know yeah I mean yeah and I know that like from building teams and leading teams you know with my company and everything that is a challenge like especially early stages of entrepreneurship I was just like I have no idea how to build this because it hasn't been built before like there's no roadmap there's nothing to follow right anything now there's definitely more ways in all these different programs that you can buy to follow but what I was doing or what I've done with my company it's a very niche thing and so I kind of just had to hire different people and figure it out and they're like oh this person's not quite doesn't have the quite the right expertise but I'm not sure exactly what it is that I need and it just takes a while to figure that out yeah and I think yeah now we're kind of getting more aligned and they're getting some templates which is gonna make it easier but especially in the beginning it's like oh you know you're kind of just like dancing along together and kind of finding the right rhythm so that it can definitely be yeah creativity is an art and that doesn't always have like a direct road map totally totally so a lot of the people that are listening in some of them I'm sure in the face where they're kind of getting started and you've been able to work with some really amazing artists and if people are like in that face where they're like oh I would like really love to collaborate or get like in touch with some of these people and get to work with them or in some ways get more on their radar what would be your suggestions to actually do that I would say probably social media at this point you know I mean we've got just like this amazing platform and way to reach all these incredible artists and people that can put you in front of incredible artists it's interesting how much the landscape has changed because I remember ten years ago more than ten years ago when I was started working with Kanye like there wasn't really like I mean there wasn't Instagram was starting but it wasn't just like the same way of like discovering new talent that we have now it wasn't as easy and I remember like there was some artists that they had discovered and I was kind of like oh okay because I was reading these like underground blogs and like really researching new artists and it was just interesting like how we found new artists at that time there wasn't like yeah there wasn't like TikTok or Instagram so I would say you know I think some artists kind of struggle with this part of it and it's not for everyone because you know you really do have to put yourself out there but just having a social media presence and being able to share your art with the world and just seeing like who resonates with it I think is like the easiest way because it's not like you can just I mean you can try to like call up their manager or you know but it's just it's not gonna like it probably won't go really go anywhere so I think that the best thing is just like getting really good and at what you do and just really loving it like in letting that truly show in what you're doing and in the videos that you're making and the content you're creating and that's something that I always am working on now too it's like how can I show like my joy and my love for this even more oh that's beautiful because that's really transmute when we can be in like our joy or authenticity and let other people see that and I think especially with this like TikTok and Instagram age it's easy to think like oh I just need to go viral or like look at that person she just blew up in like three weeks and it's like no usually this is actually like a really long-term game even though we have these channels and just really honing your craft and then allowing yourself to share that through the process even though it's not going to be perfect because you're never perfect and it's never a fine product you're always going to be in development and hopefully look back at the things you created today three years later and be like oh totally yeah absolutely absolutely but that's also the process of creativity and I think allowing girls to be present and just really creating from what's true to us usually really brings in the right people and I think your story is a beautiful testament to that as you've been kind of really honing your craft taking the challenges as people have kept telling you that you wouldn't be able to do it and you just rise to the occasion and then eventually the right people that needed your expertise have really kept showing up and you've built this beautiful symphony of people and things that you really do master now so I'm so thank you so honored to be working with you and I just really want to honor your time because I know you have somewhere else to be but if there's anything else do you feel like you want to complete their conversation with before we wrap up I mean just you know one last thing on the authenticity thing like I think for younger artists and myself included I spent so many years like wondering of what everyone else would like what is everyone else how are they gonna view it what are they gonna like and it was really once I started shifting into like myself and like just being really grounded myself and like what do I like and why am I I'm creating this for myself then everything really started to shift for me so I know it's when you're younger artists like you do take inspiration from other artists sure and like that's the way that you get started I mean for me it was like the guy from Dave Matthews Band I was like so inspired by him and then other people were like oh like Mark Rebellet or some of these artists that are looping online are really inspiring and it's like finding your own version of that like taking the pieces the inspirations from different artists and like sitting with that and like crafting your own thing yes uh beautiful thank you for that and we're gonna link to your social media like your website where people can learn more about you and if people actually want to start like playing with you or like get more curious about music and technology they can definitely find you there so sweet thank you so much for your time thank you and absolutely thank you thank you so much thank you in today's episode you've learned the importance of embracing your authentic self in your artistic journey how to use embodiment practices to enhance your creative process the value of balancing technical skills to a artistic expression remember your unique voice and experiences are your greatest assets as an artist and a visionary and by staying true to yourself and continuously honing your craft you'll naturally attract the right opportunities and collaborations thank you for tuning in until next time keep exploring the depths of your creativity thank you for listening in and taking the time to invest in your revolution if you want to dive deeper with me i would love to invite you into my mentorship this is for you if you're ready to take radical ownership over your own experience break through energetic ceilings and quantum leap in your reality from i am fine to feeling it all from hustling to alignment from seeking validation to self-sourcing radical trust from overthinking to complete presence you'll find the link in description if you feel cold until next time [BLANK_AUDIO]