Divinely Driven: Quantum Leap Through Manifestation For Feminine Leaders

Identify & Reframe The Limiting Beliefs Sabotaging Your Success & Unlock Abundance

Broadcast on:
10 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Are you tired of feeling stuck, unable to manifest the abundance and success you desire despite your best efforts? As a female entrepreneur and visionary, you may find yourself constantly battling limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential. In this episode, I guide you through a powerful shadow work process designed to help you overcome these subconscious blocks and awaken your true potential.

Expect to learn:

  • A step-by-step method to identify and reframe the limiting beliefs sabotaging your success
  • How to harness the power of quantum physics and consciousness to rapidly manifest your desires
  • Techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind using meditation, hypnosis, and sound healing

Don't let your subconscious continue to sabotage your dreams–listen now and unlock the keys to your spiritual awakening and abundance!

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Discover the ultimate podcast where a female entrepreneur delves into the realms of meditation, hypnosis, sound healing, and breathwork, guiding you through visualization techniques, spirituality, and shadow work to achieve enlightenment and awaken consciousness, while exploring the law of attraction, manifestation, and the quantum physics behind the divine feminine and abundance mindset.

It is uncomfortable to look at the harsh beliefs we have about yourself and our life, but in order to do the real healing and to sign a new life, you have to take responsibility for the narrative you have about yourself. Welcome to Divinely Driven, the podcast for awakened female visionaries. We'll shadow limiting beliefs, program in mind for success and manifest your dream life from within. I'm your host, Sicilian Stable. Today, we have another episode elevated existence, which means it's only going to be me and you today, creating frameworks and shortcuts to help you align your inner world with that grand vision of yours. And step into next level leadership of your own life. So you are fit to lead others and their awakening. Let's dive in. Hello, gorgeous human being. Today, we're going to talk about overcoming limiting beliefs and awakening your true potential through shadow work. We're actually going to go into a process. I'll be asking you some questions that I really want you to sit with and ask yourself. These questions are incredibly potent. I know that even though they might sound simple, these questions holds the opportunity to change your entire reality. So please don't skip this. If you need to put it on pause and just sit with this, this can be a good episode to actually have a cup of tea and a journal and sit and reflect on these questions, because there will be a massive change for you. If you actually go in, sit with us and are really honest with yourself. So what is shadow work? Shadow work is the work that we do on the parts of us that are not the brilliant, incredible part that we most often share with the world and want to be seen in the shadow is the part of us that often get buried and neglected. But if we decide that we want to level up in life, we want to reach the next level of reality, we want to really have bigger blessings, bigger abundance, more amazing people, and bigger impact. The fastest way to get to that point is to have a look at the parts of ourselves that we usually neglect, because instead of drifting away to some other reality of love and light, in order for you to do a level up, the fastest way to do that is to actually unplug you from the parts that are currently drawing you back down from that level. And that happens in the shadows. So these are your limiting beliefs that are telling you that you are not worthy of that new business that you are looking to build at this moment. It's a limiting belief that you are unworthy of the relationship, you are calling in, you're on all the dating apps, trying with your conscious mind and your aligned actions to call in this partner. But deep down, there is a part of you don't believe you are worthy of that. Hence, you're not going to call that person in because it's not going to feel safe in your body, even when that person shows up. Or you're trying to call in more abundance, more wealth. But you have this limiting belief about actually receiving, especially receiving money, because that word feels almost dirty in your mind. Can I actually receive that? Is that possible? So even though you are taking all the actions and working really hard to generate more income and abundance and money for yourself, this limiting belief is likely going to come in and stop you from actually achieving that it might not make rational sense in your life, because you feel like you're working so incredibly hard. But nothing is changing for you. And that is why we need to go deeper. We need to not go only in for that vision and the desire, which is a very potent. I love it. If you have a clear vision for your future. And if you haven't done that yet, I want you to go back to the episode a few weeks ago, we're going to link it in the show notes where we talk about how to get really clear on your vision of the future so you can hold that clear in your mind and keep that in your manifestations and in your visualizations, because that is also important. But usually what I see in this world is that there is more a lack of addressing the things that we are out of integrity with that we don't feel in control with because that is harder. And it's something that feels really overwhelming sometimes to feel into. And it can feel very confronting. But if you really want to have a shift in your reality, this is going to help shift that really fast. So today, I actually want to not only talk about the importance of this, but I want to bring you into a process where we actually ask you some questions. So you get to reframe your limiting beliefs and reflect a little bit around the framework or reality that you currently hold in your mind and in your heart. I want you to find something to take notes on it can be your computer, it can be a notebook. But just make sure that you're present in this process. I don't want you to keep taking up your phone or doing different things when you're in the middle of this, because this is likely to also triggers them emotions. And there might be things coming up that your first instinct is that you don't really want to look at it because it feels it feels just icky in your body. And if there's something you are, I'm asking you a question, and there's something you would want to write down. But then some part of you don't want to write it down, because it just feels too bad for you to even look at it and writing. That is exactly what I'm looking for. And that is exactly what I want you to write down. If you can be so honest and confrontational with yourself that you go ahead and write that thing down, you are going to see massive changes from this. Let's go into the process. I want you to start with finding one area in your life where you currently feel blocked. It could be a relationship, friendship, money, clients, intimacy, spirituality, health, or really any other area life that currently feels like it's not moving, even though you really wanted to, and you might feel like you're taking aligned action, and you know what you want. But it's just not happening. What is it in your life that currently feels like there is some block for you in order to reach the level you want to be out. Now you can put this in pause, write this out, and then come back and click play once you've done that. The second question is what is the limited belief system you have about receiving the solution to that? I wanted to ask yourself, why am I afraid of receiving in this area? It could be why am I afraid of meeting my soulmate? Why am I afraid to be in a loving relationship? Why am I afraid that my stomach issues will go away? Why am I afraid to have a super successful business? Why am I afraid of making new friends? Why am I afraid of making more money? Why am I afraid of having my dream body? Whatever you're afraid of, just phrase it, why am I afraid of? And then something you really desire. And then I want you to just write whatever comes to mind. The first thing, usually that is the best way to tap into something that might not be fully conscious yet, or something that you haven't really thought about. But that is very present in your reality and limiting you from leveling up into this reality that you are really in this, because science tells us that you are always interacting with the neutral field in quantum physics. So whatever your consciousness perceives to be reality is what will be reflected back to you. So what is blocking you is technically that you are not in alignment with it, and afraid of receiving what you desire. I'm so happy you're here. If you're finding this helpful, I would love for you to subscribe wherever you prefer to listen into the show. You'll be the first to know when new episodes drop. And it really does support the podcast and helps me get even more amazing guests to help you in your evolution. What did you see? What comes up? This can be a good part for you to pause if you are doing this and taking notes and writing this out in your journal. See what thoughts come up. When you ask the question, why? It can be, I don't think I deserve to meet my soulmate because I'm not lovable. I don't think I'm worthy of having a successful business because I'm stupid. I don't think I can become wealthy because I'm terrible at managing money. I don't think I'll ever attract a like-minded community because I never fit in. Name whatever feels true to you, and limit you in your expression. It can feel really hurtful to feel into that. It is uncomfortable to look at the harsh beliefs we have about yourself and our life. But in order to do the real healing and design a new life, you have to take responsibility for the narrative you have about yourself. And it does not mean it's the truth. It can be so far away from it. But some part deep in your mind, there is a limiting belief system, a faulty belief system that still believes this. And this is limiting your expression and it's limiting you from stepping into this next level of your reality where you are meant to be and you're meant to be. So it might be easy for you to identify the limiting relief at once. And it might take a little while at other times. But just allow yourself to feel fully into the answer. Maybe close your eyes and take a little time to see what comes up for you. These patterns have been running for a long time. And just because they have been running for a long time, it doesn't mean fully conscious yet. A lot of us usually pick these up during childhood, because in the first seven years of your life, your brainwave, your brainwaves are mostly in theta, which is a hypnotic state where the brainwaves are very slow. So what you'll learn during that time gets embedded into the subconscious. That might sound a bit extreme, but it's actually an incredible design by nature. When you entered this world for the first time in this body, you had thousands of rules, norms, words, and practices to learn to be a functional part of society. If you haven't made a conscious decision to change some of the programs that got imprinted into your mind from watching your parents have a dysfunctional relationship, or you were constantly told that money doesn't grow in trees, or you have to work really hard to be successful. You are likely still running these programs, and some of them are likely limiting you. After you identify these beliefs, I want you to question if each belief is actually true. Is it really an absolute truth that I'm unlovable? And when you look at it, it's not an objective truth. It might be how I feel. But a few people I have loved made me feel based on lack of respect, lack of mutual affection, or not being prioritized, which might have led me to internalize the narrative that I am not lovable. I might have the evidence for it, but it's still not an objective truth. So these questions are really potent in order for you to bring the unconscious into the conscious and start changing your beliefs and your reality by knowing what they actually are, because so often we don't even know what our limiting beliefs are because they're so deeply hidden into the subconscious. And just by doing a process like this, they can help us remembering them and acknowledging them and recognizing them from being so deep buried in our minds that we can start to actually take action on changing them. This is one of the greatest starting points to do that. So after you have recognized what these limiting beliefs are, it's going to be even more potent for you to go into a process of semantic practices like breathwork, we can do deep dives with hypnosis meditations and sound healing true, open up to subconscious mind and imprint opposing beliefs. So now that you have a starting point, and maybe you can start to reflect a little bit about these different things, it's going to be really helpful for you in order to step into new reality where those are not limiting your life. So I'm so proud of you if you did this exercise, because I know it can be very confronting and hard and feel a little bit harsh, because we have often believes in our minds that we would never say to anyone else, because it's really harsh and brutal sometimes. So just pat yourself on the back and I'm giving you a hug for quantum. I hope you feel it right now, because I'm very brave of you. It can go if you went through this process. I feel very proud of you if you went through this process. You've just learned the first step to breaking limiting beliefs and replacing it with a more empowering mindset. You've got clarity on the subconscious programming keeping you from accessing that desire. This is just one of the things that we could really deep into on my courses, we help you break those limiting beliefs and embed them with new empowering beliefs, create a nervous system actually able to hold the capacity of the blessings that come when you change your reality by changing who you are and how you view your reality. We peer that with teaching quantum entanglement and how to tap into the quantum field to manifest really fast. And then it becomes really fun to play this game because you become an incredibly powerful crater. If that sounds curious to you, you'll find the link to the course in the show notes will be starting this fall. And I am incredibly excited to see you there that it feels a line. Thank you for listening in and taking the time to invest in your revolution. If you want to dive deeper with me, I would love to invite you into my mentorship. This is for you if you're ready to take radical ownership over your own experience, break through energetic ceilings and quantum leap in your reality. From I am fine to feeling it all, from hustling to alignment, from seeking validation to self sourcing radical trust, from overthinking to complete presence. You'll find the link in description if you feel cold. Until next time. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]