PHLY Philadelphia Eagles Podcast

PHLY Eagles Podcast | Time for the Eagles to turn the page to the Atlanta Falcons & the upcoming MNF matchup

Time for the Eagles to turn the page to the Atlanta Falcons & the upcoming MNF matchup

Broadcast on:
11 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

The coordinators spoke today & Zach Berman will break down what Kellen Moore & “Uncle” Vic Fangio had to say about Week 1 in Brazil. We also look ahead to the Falcons next week on Monday Night Football with Rich Hofmann & Jamie Lynch.

the show. I'm not sure if you're a little bit of a different taste on the Ph. L. Y. Eagles show Jamie Lynch Rich Hoffman in with you and Julia of course producing the show as always Rich Zack and Bo just worked too damn hard and we wanted to bring the die hards and the good people seven days a week of Eagles content so me and you get the honor of filling in for the Fellows on Wednesday now Fran Duffy is going to be cranking out some great weekend content we got pre and post game now with Vinny Curry so we're humming on all cylinders it's bird season and this is our first official Wednesday show together and yes this will be the Wednesday 2 o'clock show going forward honored to be doing it with you it's going to be great man I think we have a nice mix too right because Fran is there's nobody better nobody breaking down film you were talking about watching the game with him oh my god his notes Julia did you see his notepad it is insane in post game show I was like hey offhand do you happen to know how Hertz did against the blitz and sure enough like there's a whole column there and he's like my calculations are six eight against the blitz and I was like damn dude like his note taking was immaculate yeah and then we have Zack we got the stone cold news man we have Bo filling in and only the way Bo can only the way I can't even describe that but make it making me laugh primarily yeah also by the way Bo is also like friend too I wonder if you're like this even though you do the post game show with us the Eagles are the one team where like you mentioned Fran just rattling off blitz stats I'll watch a game and I'm just so invested play to play the first time through that I basically black out yeah I'm very much more in your school of watching a game Vinny got to experience he was like man I'm excited to watch a game with you guys which is really cool and you know Bo is taking his notes and fairly serious but you know has fun in between Fran is like dialed the F in you know note taking immaculate replays this and that Vinny was Vinny and then I'm over in the corner like I know that AJ Brown touchdown I just like erupted and I think Vinny's kind of looking at me like who the hell is this guy and I was like oh yeah I'm the guy that drinks beers and I'm kind of the panelist here so much more on the same way so we got you all covered here at PHLY to everybody in the chat welcome in we appreciate you Zach Berman is going to be joining us momentarily as Uncle Vic Fangio probably high off of last night's Phillies win spoke to the press today and Kellen Moore also spoke so we'll get the latest on that from Zach but Rich I know you kind of had a unique viewing experience last Friday night I was down at the tradesmen in center city for our watch party and pre game show came back here for post game show but you found yourself at a wedding watching the birds game last week maybe we'll dive into that a little bit more but how is that with the the wedding birds viewing experience mixed together very unique and the groom one of my best friends is a diehard Eagles fan watches every game he's like he's the type of guy like you said you're the guy yelling drinking beers he's the guy like I'm in a crowded pack bar with him and he's yelling so loud at the television when something is going wrong that the bar completely stop so it was very ironic that it was on his wedding day of course I mean look Roger Goodell trying to you know hurry this whole Brazil game along and and it kind of it was a yeah it was funny that that happened yeah it's funny though obviously in a lot of wedding venues there's not many TVs not kind of the point yeah that's the point you should be focused on talking to people this huge life moment that's happening for these people not a sports event but it's certainly an interesting way to crowd react to it because I would imagine most of the people in attendance were birds fans yeah and the thing is now everybody can watch the game on their phones sure so technology is a good thing there was one moment I did I did remember I don't really remember a lot from the wedding it was a fun time but I do remember Jalen Hertz rolling right throws that terrible pics across his body and it was funny I went off the dance floor for a few minutes just I'm like man the Eagles are driving they could take a ten point lead here or whatever so I'm watching it with my friend off the dance floor and he throws that interception one of the worst pics I've seen it was bad and and we just quietly he put his phone away and we both went back to the wedding so of course I got to let you know that we are presented by our friends over at bet 365 find out why it's never ordinary at bet 365 and make sure you're keeping your eyes peeled this year we're doing something really cool with PHLY I myself get to create these these parlay boosts so look for those on the home page each weekend their parlay boosts are tremendous rich I made one last week it was Saequan to score it was AJ Brown 75 plus yards and the Eagles to win the game the good people at bet 365 boosted that baby up to plus 550 and we're wanting to start the year so we had a winner there if you followed along with us make sure you're keeping your eyes peeled all season long for our custom PHLY boosts you had a good year last year or two I did Jamie winners over here as long as I don't bet it myself and I just like can look at it like for show purposes and give out some pics it's it's pretty good when I bet it myself I start thinking too much and over complicate things but that was a good way to start the year Saequan Barkley fresh off his NFC Player of the Week award unbelievable let's bring in our friend Zach Berman who was down at the Nova care earlier today because Uncle Vic Fangio and Kellen Moore spoke after an actual meaningful football game Zach let's start with Uncle Vic Fangio because you know I think back on the game and I have to like pinch myself a little bit like was Zach Bonne real did we really see that performance out of him he was spectacular and he was kind of one of the guys that Vic Fangio believed in brought in was a big reason why he's here what did Vic Fangio have to say today yeah he was real when he was spectacular with Zach Bonne right now Vic Fangio said that and it's something he he mentioned back during the summer that he thought Zach Bonne could play inside linebacker based on some of the things he saw on the Saints film he wasn't used quite a bit there but he was used it there were times based on the way the Saints played defense where he had the role inside and so it was a projection and that's why there was skepticism on the outside Vic Fangio said he wouldn't have put his life savings on it but he thought he could do it and he has been able to do it so certainly Zach Bonne's been is Zach Bonne was the standout in that game defensively for sure I think today though the big story is the person next to Zach Bonne and that's or I should say one of the big stories and that's Nicole Bideen because Nicole Bideen was obviously the starter with Devin White down but he would have been the starter even if Devin White was up if Devin White were healthy for that game Nicole Bideen still would have been the starter Nicole Bideen's the starter going forward Nicole Bideen won that job during training camp during the summer according to Fangio and so I don't want to say it's a change in linebacker because it was a competition but it is different than we anticipated let's say two weeks ago. I would say there were a lot of positives from that game but one of the things people were disappointed about I was too was the pass rush and you know obviously there are the circumstances right that field it felt like the sod father was back and I think we need to at least point that out did Vic talk about the the front today he did he talked about the front quite a bit and in a few different ways their pass rush wasn't good enough which which he made clear about right but in addition to that the Bryce Huff of this all is one of the more triggering angles one of the more intriguing storylines to come from week one and so he of course for for those who haven't seen this the playing time or who who who did not hear Bo and we talked the past two days Bryce Huff was fourth on the team among that drushers and snaps this is your $17 million a year at drushers you're really the prize of their off season say quants the biggest name Bryce Huff was the prize of their off season for him to be fourth behind Brandon Graham behind Nolan Smith obviously behind Josh what that stands out so you kind of get into this so Nick Siriani said the other day that it's really negligible the difference and I don't really think that's a great answer because he should be playing more than Brandon Graham it's not that like Brandon Graham only took one or two more he should be playing more than Brandon Graham well Vic Faggios said today that this is kind of the way it's shaking out right now I asked Vic what is Bryce Huff need to do to play more he says he needs to separate himself from the other guys so that shows you that he hasn't separated himself from the other guys this this wasn't one of those that's kind of the way the snaps worked out no this is this is where Bryce Huff is on the pecking order right now and then when you when you kind of parse the numbers even more what jumps out to me is that Bryce Huff played on eight first downs Brandon Graham played on 15 first downs so they don't trust Bryce Huff yet on her early downs and of course Bryce Huff is not here to stop the run he's here to rush the quarterback we we know that but but that that that stands out as far as him being more than a situational pass rusher for the Eagles and he's coming along there but this is something that's been I mean Vic Faggio was honest about this going back to the summer that he's not where the Eagles want him to be yet as a runstopper Zach did Uncle Vic talk about the big boys in the middle because Jordan Davis I feel like didn't really necessarily pop off the screen live when I was watching it but maybe had a better week then you know live eyes thought he did and of course Jalen Carter did he talk about the big boys in the middle at all yeah he talked about you know how Jalen Carter is going to be commanding double teams and that he's got to keep at it because you never know when one's going to kind of break right I mean I mean that's that's what came up with Jordan Davis I don't have specifically in my notes I'll listen back but Vic Faggio talked about some of the big running plays and said you know their their run fits were an issue they're tackling with certainly an issue so that's not necessarily guys up front that's that's across the board but with Jalen Carter he said you that that Jalen's going to get those those those doubles and that that's where you never know like which which play you're going to be the one to break through one. Zach I know Vic talked about this a little bit today but I'm kind of curious on your opinion on just you know where where he views this the Eagles gave up and I took this from an E.J. Smith article so I want to credit E.J. because I know that's important here. Yes very important that happened the defense gave up nine plays of 18 yards or longer and I think you know Vic Faggio this defense has been you know one of the most popular defense in the NFL and the big reason is stopping explosive so I guess you know you mentioned the poor tackling you know C.J. Gardner Johnson on the the long jade and read touchdown that was that was one of those where do you think he kind of views those explosive plays and where they they messed up there yeah you're absolutely right in bringing this up and you know this is something that you know I wrote about on all PHL or earlier this week because Vic Faggio the defense is designed around stopping explosives or like and you know that's a big part of this that's that's why you have some of that shell coverage right. I think it was really in talking in the locker room afterwards it was tackling Darius Lays said tackling was the issue there C.J. Gardner Johnson kind of poo poo the he said it's the first game he he's not worried about it but Vic Faggio said some of it was you know kind of on the you know other things he could call better some of it's where I'm where the fits but but really it's just tackling and you're getting guys an open field and you have to make those tackles and you're you're right to bring up those those numbers and and and based on here I'm I'm pulling up my notes here based on the way that Sirionny defines it they allowed 10 explosive plays in the game including four plays greater than 30 yards and I think that's that's the that to me that was the biggest blemish on the defense in the season over because explosives the the reason Xirionny feels so strongly about it the reason why this is a big part of Vic Faggio's defense and I know there might be a drinking game from for me like breaking up Jonathan Ganon but like the reason why John again structure the defense the way he did is because games change with explosives like that's 70 yard play that Jaden Reid had that was the longest play against an Xirionny defense or against a team against defense six an assistant Xirionny game at the head coach so that that needs to be fixed and I I think that they'll work on tackling technique this week there I don't think they'll be tackling to the ground in practice but they return to the practice field tomorrow I imagine the pads will be on and and there will be a focus on tackling real quick exact do you think that's preseason and kind of the the way they go about trying to avoid injuries do you think there's any relation there or is it just kind of the first week in the field and it's a good question because the defense a lot of those guys did you know now Slay said to me a lot of them didn't play and he's kind of talking about himself slay but a lot of these other guys did play in the preseason in order at least some but yeah if you ask the fangeo you know the way to improve tackling is the tackle right and the Eagles are that's that's not something the Eagles do during training game Zach on the other side of the ball obviously the Eagles won the game because they got some of those big explosive plays themselves what was the takeaway from Kellen more today obviously Saequan gets named the NFC player of the week I'm sure he came up in his press conference what was kind of the gist of Kellen today yeah so this is kind of like I guess when you know the the viewers and the fan and the audience and the fans say you know the beat writers are no are negative yada yada yada it's because we have these these coordinators you're you're not often like tell me how great it was a score 34 it's like why did you on hurts throw the interceptions what was wrong with the snaps right like a large percentage of the press conference was spent on like all right this is what went wrong how do you fix it right not as much like so I don't think you know the big plate AJ Brown that wasn't the leading question yeah no Saequan you know obviously Saequan's game stood out and he likes the way Saequan I'll say one functions in this office this is going to be a big part of this but you know the Mackay Becht and Cam Jurgen's combination that's it's what they expected and you know they were they were eager to see it and it's it's what they expected the font they Smith in the slot he played his highest percentage of snaps in the slot and you know I'm sorry tell him more really complemented like a spatial awareness because when you're in the slot obviously you have a nickel corner there you have a safety over top you have a linebacker to your right or do you order your left so there's like knowing space is so important there but most of the time was spent on like why did you on her throw those interceptions and what was wrong Cam Jurgen's snaps and so on so what will be positive in the next segment Zach but I am going to ask you then and why did Jalen Hertz throw those interceptions and yeah he thought about that yeah Kellen Moore said that they were outliers basically and you know third downs when you know Kellen said he looks first at the plate call and said they were aggressive calls in in those spots that's that's Kellen taking a little bit of I thought there were bad passes from Jalen honestly but I don't think it now you could say hey all right well the second down pass that was almost a pick six that Jalen threw that was probably worse than the interception you know but yeah he said that they were outliers and they were aggressive calls Zach the tush push obviously knew a little bit of a new rule this year new look to it got to be a yard behind the ball or whatever doesn't look like it's leaving the Eagles offense anytime soon some issues on the snap there did Kellen have any insight to the tush push and what went wrong in week one yeah I think the footing was part of the issue there and I think that that that did affect them kind of reading between the lines the the fumbles overall so it sounds like operational stuff there things that they need to clean up and I wouldn't be too concerned about it but yes far as those brotherly shops I I do think the the footing on the field was a factor and then I I think that the key there was Saquon Barkley recovering it and he kind of pointed that out because Saquon's job there is to push right so Saquon's going up there to push and for him the I had the awareness see the ball on the ground jumping on it that was critical yeah yeah so did the guys get much into Falcons week two and what they're maybe focusing on this week how much was there in look ahead conversation yeah a question from both of them really and you know the the Falcons I I watched that game back I watched it in real time and then I watched it back and that Falcons defense played well against Pittsburgh now Pittsburgh's offense wasn't much to write home about there but that that defense played played well and he said that you know Jimmy Lake's unit part of that there it was it was it was their first time like there it's like similar to the Eagles offense that there was that Elman surprise or the Elman surprise with the Falcons so there's going to be an adjustment but the Falcons of course you know that they they get jude on they sign Simmons they have Jesse Bates you know they engage Rowan on the outside they have some players on that side I mean they have some players across the board it's it's a good roster so I think that yeah that it was it was it was kind of your perfunctory you know your your preliminary remarks nothing too deep on the Falcons so far sure so what's in the pipelines act article wise what are you working on for the remainder of this week that everybody can read on all PHL Y calm yeah I'm going to get something up today on what was said from the coordinators because I do think it was newsworthy and worth being up there I'm going to have Friday notes each each each week yeah I think getting kind of you know I'm still going to mix in these features that I that I I'd like to write probably one every two weeks but what you can expect them to see at least as a staple is Friday notes like stuff from around the locker room from the week some of it very newsworthy type thing some of it kind of behind the scenes type things but the give fans a flavor of what's going on so that will appear every Friday morning and I already have a few of those notes in the can I'm back in the locker room tomorrow and Thursday and so well tomorrow is Thursday you see I'm I started covering these exact days don't matter any real myself it's okay yeah yeah I started covering the NFL 15 years ago the first coach I covered was Tom Coughlin and whenever they played a Monday game or a Thursday game Coughlin was like so confused because and it wasn't even a bit it was like it would be Thursday and you'd say and you say no this is Wednesday like no this is Thursday he's like no it's Wednesday right and so now here I am 15 years later and like I literally live on the NFL calendar so I say I say tomorrow as like I think Friday's Thursday this week and tomorrow's Wednesday this week this coordinators typically talk Tuesday because it's a Monday night game so I got to tell my son why I won't be at a soccer game Saturday because I'll be watching random Friday practice a Saturday practice this week but anyways I will have something up on Friday which is notes from the week three read playing soccer and flag football yeah flag football Friday night so that's my Thursday the Eagles his Friday my Thursday yeah he plays flag football on Friday night he plays soccer on Saturday soccer practice on Tuesday love it that's awesome Zach it's September footballs in the air if I I don't know wanted to get my hands on I don't know some new literature let's say an Eagles new book or an encyclopedia of sorts for about the Eagles where where could I get one do you have any idea off him I appreciate that here you go look at that I'm not calling this I'm not calling this encyclopedia out of deference to no that's the Ray Dinger but yes this guy right here Ray Dinger he wrote the encyclopedia he's the best so this is this has some updating we had to fill it in the gaps Zach this is the curated history of the birds this is 25 years of Eagles history and it's more essays and a lot of them are reported essays that what some new stuff some stuff that I've had over the years so you'll hear Jeffrey look you know you'll have new insight from Jeffrey Lori but I'll also take you to Yasu City Mississippi where Fletcher Cox grew up and I'll take you to North Dakota for the Carson Wentz era you'll get I mean I'm very fortunate very grateful that Malcolm Jenkins wrote the forward so there's a chapter here on Malcolm Jenkins that I think is it's a cool chapter there's a real cool chapter on Brian Westbrook I enjoy talking to Brian for this book and then you can relive the 2017 Super Bowl anyways it comes out two weeks from yesterday so September 24 so you would say it's a great time to pre-order it right great time to pre-order now and we are gonna have an event for all the die hard so if you're a die hard member love it or if you're die hard to come to our studios meet us be signing books there but then also I have a a book signing next Friday at the Barnes and Noble and Center City with Ray Dinger oh yeah yeah that is awesome stuff make sure you support Zach in all the hard work the book looks tremendous what a great cover by the way thank you thank you shout out the triumph publishing for that that is awesome everywhere books are sold you can probably get it support Zach and get a great gift for the holidays Zach you guys back tomorrow 2 p.m. Rich and I will keep the seats warm for you today but enjoy the rest of the day appreciate it good talking to you guys all right there he is Zach Berman chiming in after the coordinators talk down at the Nova care today let's take care of some business real quick and then we'll continue on with the program I got to tell you about one of the absolute monsters and advertising because everybody knows the name in the jingle and that's because Empire today has stood the test of time Empire today just go to Empire today dot com slash p h l y for $350 off new floors and here's the beautiful thing about Empire today you get shop at home convenience it's 2024 who the hell likes going to big box stores where you can't find people you can't find answers everybody wants that shop at home convenience and now Empire today will come right to your house and they have a virtual floor designer that will show you what their new floors look like in your home right there with your walls your roof your furniture you'll get a look at what it's going to do for you and their philosophy in Empire today is simple they're not going to beat you over the head with hundreds of samples of things that you know you might just feel overwhelmed and you can't 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Rite Aid pharmacist right now they will help you maybe shift in some over-the-counter medications maybe they'll tell you just to simply check the pollen counts in the morning maybe they might recommend something as simple as showering twice a day so that local pollens and allergens are you know all over you get washed off go talk to them they're going to help you find the best solution for your allergy suffering whether it's eyes your throat your nose it's all a pain in the ass when the fall allergies come barking so head over to Rite Aid dot com or just stop into your neighborhood pharmacy and talk to your local pharmacist about it maybe it's a nasal rinse they'll recommend when symptoms are flaring up maybe they'll just tell you to frankly stay inside that day if the pollen count is that high and if it's still not enough relief just have a conversation with the pharmacist and they will help you find a different type of medication and you can always ask them for ways to get relief during allergy season rich do you suffer from the fall allergies like everybody else I know right now suffering from right now okay what do you get the eyes the throat all of them all the above yeah on my eyes oh my god sometimes I want to rip my eyeballs out of my face so there it is nothing too crazy from the coordinators today you know it is week one I do like the idea of Vic Vangio you think he proposes like doing the Oklahoma drill during training and like like how he roseman's like are you crazy he was like howie did you see cj gardener johnson try to tackle in the open field these boys need the hit the tackling was bad but like kind of as you and Zach and even Vic said I do it's every year it is but part of me goes like that field was so bad now it wasn't the sole reason why the tackling was so bad but I can almost go all right that was just one week and it looked like the Super Bowl you know kind of do over there what a joke like Roger Goodell such a bet he has this product that we are all addicted to everybody in the chat we're all absolutely addicted to and he can do whatever he wants with it and we're still gonna watch it I'm still gonna gladly wait for every sunday and just be super excited to put down some bets watch a million games throw on red zone play fantasy do all of those things man that was such a crappy product it really was so bad yeah it's just like you can't have this multi-billion dollar industry where you have a in suffice playing surface and look soccer stadiums are different they're built for speed and like a little guys yeah little guys that aren't 350 pounds with messy kind of exactly like that field was just not up to to par there so so let me ask you because I know you were on the post game show with no friend and and Vinny our new co-worker Vinny Curry yeah Super Bowl champion Victor so where do you stand right now after that game because I'll tell you where I'm at and then I'll let you go sure I gotta say outside of the pass rush I'm feeling pretty hopeful Jamie and I think you know Bowen's act touched on this I believe it was two days ago where they talked about you know the the big takeaways from the game and I throughout the collapse all of last year there were so many things that were wrong with this team I thought they were one of the worst coach teams in the league I think they might have been the worst coach team in the league and I understand that the CEO coach and and that whole setup is not ideal that sure certainly go wrong but it looked like they were much more organized on both sides of the ball like Zach was talking about Kellen Moore's not really going to give you a lot about Saequan Barkley Kellen Moore drew up some pretty good shit man yeah like he yeah I think that's one of the you know definite you know feel good things is like you do feel as though the coaching staff top to bottom is legit I don't know if you saw the the route tree you know the next gen graphic route tree of Duvante Smith and it was like the first four weeks of last year and the dude was just on the right side of the field constantly he wasn't used in motion and you saw game one week one of Kellen Moore and Duvante Smith hit him on the right side the left side you know going deep going short underneath stuff he you just saw Duvante Smith might have the best footwork of any wide receiver in the league he's enjoyed a lot run routes and Chris Long you want to talk about things you're feeling good about Chris Long had a clip on his podcast after the game and he like got me real jacked up about Duvante Smith and he was basically saying Duvante Smith is nails like that dude is a warrior and a champion and he's 108 pounds and with the game on the line they fed that man the rock and he was taking hits he was falling forward he was doing everything Chris Long really fired me up about Duvante Smith so when he won the Heisman that year I didn't watch a ton of SEC football because it was the COVID year it was just you know it was messy they were starting late in the year I did watch I think they played Notre Dame in the college football semi-final and I was alerted that this guy had won the Heisman I was like this is the best football player I've ever seen like he's just he's wide open so it was jarring to me a few months later that the Eagles were able to draft him with I think it was the 10th or the 11th and 10th I believe it because the Giants were going to take him at either 11 or 12 they were right and then the Eagles jumped up right didn't they jump the Giants to get him so and Giants fans lost their minds it was great and one of the big knocks on him at that point was just he's so excited like how much can he hold up in the NFL and it just feels like obviously he's played a ton of games in his career so far really hasn't missed a ton of time he doesn't miss anything yeah but it goes with not only does he make those contested catches where he you know he looks like he's like 6-4 Megatron jumping over somebody which is an amazing skill set not only does he run those great routes which I think we knew I think everybody even his critics would have given him credit for that coming into the league absolutely but it's like you said nails is the perfect word I wrote about it in the new side of the other day nails is the exact word I would use some of the catches he made on that four-minute offense drive at the end of and they needed that I mean that was the game like like he was willing to get popped on those plays and he he's been doing that for a lot of his career so Davante was awesome I mean it's funny that we're talking about Davante because AJ again a monster made I mean may Jared Alexander look like he was like this big and slow it was I mean it was such an impressive couple of plays from him but just the critical moments they went to Davante and it's just it's like you said like this is where I feel hopeful right yes that is that they have those two guys and they have Saquan Barkley who looked like he had all of the juice he had it was a juice overload yeah I mean I caught like having to remind myself that Zach Bon and Saquan Barkley's games were real like I almost couldn't believe that Zach Bon was doing what he's doing but Saquan I mean Zach talked about it too jumping on that fumble there on the botch tush push snap that saved the game too you want to talk on the inverse of feeling good and AJ AJ is just ridiculous and Davante is ridiculous and Saquan like Jalen Hertz has toys upon toys the negative you know some I was with my friend Bob Cooney at the Phillies game last night and he goes he was with his son Kyle who I know and he said what was your uh overwhelming takeaway week one and I I kind of said frankly they were in a way lucky to win the game not to be like a pessimistic guy but that turnover by Jalen Hertz was one of the worst decisions I've seen from a quarterback because they feel gold they're essentially ice the game like there's one thing you can't do there and that was throw that pick just throw the ball away I don't know what he was looking at so like if you're talking about concern that was a major decision that like kind of haunted me for a couple days that's why me and my buddy sadly walked onto the on of the dance floor and you know I forget what song was but but yeah it was it was a brutal throw in that spot and of course like everybody saw the score right just go up eight right yeah that's easy thing those were terrible throws now I will say um that's part of the reason I feel hopeful because I think those are uncharacteristic mistakes for Hertz I think it's it's almost karma for how much was made of the didn't throw a interception for what three weeks during training camp doesn't matter training camp just just does not matter um but he doesn't usually make those type of no typically not right and I think for that game it's fair to ding him and say like you know he did a lot of great things but those mistakes are such killers that in that specific game I think you can dock him a lot of points like say like man that just that was not just you can't you can't you can't do that but I am hopeful moving forward because of the stuff he did against the blitz he looked good like like Kellan Moore uh he mentioned it in his press conference today I loved now uh Jeff Haffley the the new Packers coordinator not giving him one zero blitz the entire game come on man like you don't want to just like test it out I know that the Eagles were probably ready for it but you know there's a lot of five man pressures uh and on one of those though he did a great job getting the ball to uh jail and hurts I know his fans we always get mad for uh for Sam Bradford short of the sticks how dare you throw it that was short of the sticks but it was in a great spot because AJ Brown one-on-one against Jair Alexander with like legit separation and and Kellan Moore said like that's that's a coaching point right if we can get AJ in that spot it's good to throw short of the sticks he's gonna make that guy miss sure and a lot of times that'll be a huge play because because he's there so I really liked what Jalen did on the um on the four-minute drive at the end of the game absolutely I thought um I thought Bo made an awesome point earlier this week too the Jalen is his arm strength is such a weird thing because it is so it feels like it's so lower body driven where when he can get his feet set you know we talk about uh you know how much he squats on those those touch pushes but really I think it shows up when his feet are set and he just has so much power from that lower body the touch on his deep throws are beautiful they're beautiful when his feet are set I mean like the throw to AJ on the what was that 70 yard touchdown whatever that big play and then the throw to SACWAN on the wheel route I thought that was the best ball of the game those were really nice throws right and I got it like those are the type of throws that high level NFL quarterbacks need to make right those are the ones where if you miss them the announcer's like man Jalen Hertz is gonna want those back but he makes those throws a lot so I was really encouraged by that but as Bo said man like when he when he starts scrambling to his right and he does not have that lower body kind of base you can tell like he's a little more erratic he's not the the Josh Allen or Mahomes type where he can just he can just fling it with his right arm and and generate the power anyway though I like the fact that it seemed like he he was very good with the motion that there were easy throws for him um and as you said the numbers against the blitz might be the most encouraging thing going forward because they struggled last year against the blitz I you know I don't think it's fair to say it was all Brian Johnson but clearly the offense was lame last year was on original non-creative I think I'm struggled with the aspects and one of those was against the blitz so that was really encouraging to see one other thing about the offense I was really encouraged with Ken Jurgens and Mackay Bechtin were awesome in that game there's been a lot of you know the film grinders putting out the film like there were a couple of those combo blocks where you know Jurgens getting to the second level and some of those plays are that Seguan makes a great jump cut in the hole and makes a linebacker miss but some of those he had legitimately huge holes to run through and if Seguan Barkley has huge holes to run through against the light box he's going to do a ton of damage like there was on the one touchdown they had a combo block where Bechtin is kind of holding Kenny Clark up they're kind of battling. Cam Jurgens stunning amount of power shoves him to the side and pancakes them I don't know if you're two weak like we know that the other three guys are on the line are awesome players purple all pro caliber players if you're two supposed weak links look that good right away I get it they they probably got the same benefit as the Packers did with the field but for them to look that good and Jurgens issue to be the snaps which I think he will correct he's correctable yeah I feel pretty good about this yeah you had to think that internally they felt great about Bechtin not playing him in the preseason at all you know Bo and I were doing the games and it was like oh no Bechtin huh like yeah interesting you would think the new guy at a new position would at least get a chance to knock some rust off so for him to go out there and look as incredible as he did uh is really really encouraging and especially it's great uh stock for Stoutland University uh there because if they can turn in this guy into like you know one of uh because he's a mammoth human being like that guy can move boulders the strength on on him is remarkable. Him and Lane Johnson like together I mean say Quan Barkley might be in heaven like he's coming from a Giants offensive line that has been doodoo butter for years and now he's coming to an offensive line that has Lane Johnson Jordan Myalata one of the best guards in the game and an up and coming center and guard like say Quan Barkley's got to be licking his chops. Those guys decidedly not doodoo butter. No the opposite of doodoo butter yes uh and as we move forward you know to look ahead to the Falcons I think the game was won by the defense in the first quarter frankly um you know I say they're lucky in a way to win that game because how many times do you fumble it or turn over the ball you know three times essentially in your inside your own 35 yard line and stand to win the game. Uh so I think the defense in the first quarter really stepped up there uh you know I think they got gassed a little bit in the third quarter when the team and when um the Packers started going on their offensive run but I think the game was won essentially by the defense in the first quarter. I thought they showed up in a huge and awesome way. They they felt like the in like the two sides of the ball felt like the inverse of each other. Yeah the offense made a ton of critical mistakes but the structure looked great. Like if you if you eliminate those critical mistakes like like you're going to be good moving forward whereas the defense is Zach was talking about they gave up all those explosives but in the critical situations in the red zone at the beginning of the game they stepped up huge. Yeah they were awesome and I got to say Quignon Mitchell I know Fran was like even more wild when he went back and watched the tape on this kid. I had in my gut before I even you know I didn't get down in training camp. I watched the preseason but Quignon you know played like 12 snaps. I just had this feeling rich in my gut that like Quignon was going to give Devontay a real test here for like the best Eagles draft pick of the last 20 years. Uh he kind of backed it up and I got to be honest I love the attitude and the attitude about Danny Watkins. His heart was never in it. He was he was thinking about putting out fires. But Quignon Mitchell like what a great start to a career. I'm really super encouraged and excited about this kid. Speaking of Danny Watkins I will never forget his first year they were doing the Sunday night football intros and obviously some of the guys say instead of their college they'll say they're high school they're elementary school they're town which I think is going to say Vancouver BC fire department. Yeah it was like latter 10 and like my cousin who was who would basically had it with Danny Watkins. We get it. You're a fireman. You're getting paid to be a football player now. Yeah that was not one of their better picks but Quignon Mitchell. Yeah he looked great. That was he really did look great. Uh and let's say you're down in Atlanta next Monday night and you're just sitting there and you get the sudden itch of like man I should go to this game tonight. Well it happened to me when I was out in Riggly this year. I was originally only supposed to go to one game but I was sitting at a Riggly bar and I realized the stadium was two blocks away and I said why am I not going to see the Phillies play at Riggly Field right now. Let me hop on the game time app and let me just see and if ticket prices dropped low enough it would be stupid of me not to go and that's what we did. We waited. We waited. We waited for first pitch halfway. You know in middle in the middle of the inning first inning the price dropped some and we pounced on tickets and boom what an easy process it was emailed right to you. Two taps it's in the old apple wallet and we're walking in Riggly Field for the bottom of the first inning. It's that quick game time is awesome and being that it's Riggly Field those old baseball stadiums sometimes there's obstructed views. You can get seat images of your view right there in the app which was awesome. We were able to avoid a support beam on the left field line using the seat view. The other great thing that game time does which I absolutely love is the all-in pricing. Nothing worse than using one of these apps. Seeing a great price and then you go to check out and all of a sudden it's like thirty five dollars more than your original price. Well game time won't do that to you. They'll just give you the all-in price right off the bat so you know what you're spending as soon as it happens. 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We are going to take a look at the line ahead of next week but rich early gut on the Atlanta Falcons and the upcoming game. It's Kirk Cousins in prime time on Monday night football. What could go wrong? Third straight year in a row. Yeah for the Eagles. That's very weird. It's coming to Philadelphia and playing a prime time game. I believe one of those was a Thursday night game but still extremely weird that the home opener is is the same quarterback coming in at night so hopefully it goes like the last two because I believe the Eagles won those games. I would say like look it's going to be a major culture shock for Atlanta coming off the Pittsburgh game where they just lost to a team that was willing to kick fifty three yard field goals and just beat them you know and they did yeah and I think a lot of that and look I think for for longtime listeners of this show the whole world is waiting for the next five days for one of the greatest rivalries of all time and that's Bo Wolf versus the Melvin himself Kirk Cousins and Kirk Cousins Jamie was bad in that game against Pittsburgh. Now we can say hey look it'll be a culture shock for them in that Pittsburgh's defense looks all sorts of legit. The fact that TJ Watt might be better than his brother. He might have been the best player across the NFL week one. He was dominant. Like he's just in the backfield on every single play. It's it's wild. I know he's been banged up a little bit over the past couple years but man that guy is. I actually took one of the bet three six five odd boost last week on the home page. There was Najee Harris over 25 yards and TJ Watt to get one sack and I'm sitting there and it was just boosted to plus 125 and I was like this is kind of free money because TJ Watts just like all over the place. Sure enough he gets the one sack taken away from him for and off sides that wasn't in fact off sides. He timed it perfectly. And then I'm sitting there and I go oh this one's a loser. Last play of the game five seconds ago TJ Watt comes up with the sack that ends the game the bet hits and we all rejoice. But TJ was a monster last week. But Kirk Cousins you talk about him primetime games kind of is Achilles heel. His record now for his career in primetime games is 12 and 20. He's eight made at home in primetime games. I don't like his odds coming into Philadelphia. I'm I'm feeling pretty good about the birds in week two here at home. Lincoln Financial Field is going to be nuts. So he again Pittsburgh's defense is really good but he did not look good physically. Like he was not driving the ball. You think father time came up with him. I can't call it up with him. I think that's a little bit but he's also coming off in Achilles injury. So so basically this was a crazy stat. I took it from from Benny Souls at ESPN. He said per NFL next gen stats. Cousins moved an average of 3.1 yards per drop back in this game which is the least drop back movement he's had in his career in any game by a full yard. And it's like he basically was like a Brad Johnson level statue for whatever reason I always think of Brad Johnson. I know he's your statue quarterback. You always think in part because yeah the Eagles are pretty bad loss but for some reason because again Jamie there aren't that's the biggest difference to me about football from the last 20 years. There are no statue quarterbacks anymore. Even the yeah. Passers can manipulate around the pocket and and at least make a free rush or miss like more consistently around the league whereas and a lot of guys actually the better players even though they're great pocket pastors could do a lot more than that. I think Mahomes is probably the greatest example. I mean he's such a weapon with his legs too. Kirk Cousins that was like Brad Johnson out there and like he was just taking his three-step drop and he was getting rid of the ball and he was not really driving it. So you know I wonder a little bit like I think anybody who listened to the live draft show when they drafted Michael Pennix. I made quite a sound. I was absolutely stunned. Can you recreate that sound for us? No it needs to be organic. It was an organic guttural sound. Yeah I need to be wearing my razor. We were wearing the first couple nights of it too. But I kind of wondered like this is my conspiracy theorist on this. I was thinking like maybe they they signed Cousins in free agency and maybe like a week later just saw like oh man this guy. This was a mistake. This was a mistake even though they handed him the most money in free agency by a mile. I mean Kirk Cousins is the NFL's ultimate baggetter right? Like that that guy has secured more money for Brad for now. I think he's got to be. I mean in terms of like like Kirk Cousins is the definition of mid. You know like he is just like fine. He can win you some games. He can put up some numbers. He can look the part of times. And then other times you look at him and you're just like dude this guy sucks. So like it just balances out to him being like the definition of a mid quarterback. So right now on bet three six five rich the Eagles are a six and a half point favorite at home over undercomes in at forty seven. That's a big line for a team in Atlanta that was getting some pub you know of course Drake London and Kyle Pitts and be John Robinson and people thought like all right Kirk Cousins is going to like push them into the next tier of offensive capabilities. He loves pets. I mean he's a local kid. How do you not love the Archbishop Wood product? Oh he's not good. Well people up here and Pitts was a guy this year like fantasy wise. People were projecting him to be like tight end five or six. Like he was going to finally take that next step. How does that line make you feel? Is it telling you anything about this game? To me it kind of says the Eagles are going to roll and score a lot of points too. Yeah. That's what it would say. You know the Falcons defense is weird right? They're past. Safety. Yeah. Well they have they have some nice players in the secondary. They are a little bit older with with Justin Simmons but they have what do they have Jesse Bates Justin Simmons and then Adrian Thrall is a nice corner too. Yeah. As well but their pass rush was weak man and you know it's funny they take Michael Panics in the first round like you needed help elsewhere. You know you could have taken lots who are Dallas Turner right? You probably could have traded back and gotten one of those guys as well instead. You took you took Michael Panics who I mean it was just a bizarre pick. So they acquired Matthew Judon from from the Patriots. That was like a training camp move. It felt it felt like some of their moves Judon and Simmons felt like a little dream teamish to me. Yes. You know these veterans it's hard to fit them into a defense. I know Rahi Morris defensive guy did a nice job with the with the Rams over the past couple years. I think a nice job in that they were competent. They didn't have a ton of talent. So like look I think if the Eagles even though those guys they have some names in the secondary like the Eagles offensive line against the Falcons defense point that should be a huge mismatch on paper and that you know if they do kind of stack the box to try and take that away then you got AJ and Devontay on the outside. So I think the Eagles not only with the advantage there but also with the rest advantage too. I know that long 10 hour flight but but it's 10 days off. I mean that's that goes a long way in the NFL. So it's going to be initially one right now on Wednesday kind of the way too early read on the line. You know the six and a half the number that's always a hook below a football number always gives puts off my kind of trap you know spidey sense of like you know the public sees it all the Eagles only have to win by a touchdown six and a half. So like I'm always a little bit like on edge about the football number hook but I think the Eagles cover that. Well I feel like Kirk Cousins in my gambling career when he has that six and a half number like he's down 13 he's throwing that touchdown with five seconds right he is Kirk Cousins if he's down six I would not I would I would rather play against him than pretty much any of the top 20 25 quarterbacks in the league when he's down 13 it doesn't matter. Oh man he's gonna let you up. Yeah so one thing I want to do on Wednesdays because it ultimately means nothing but I do like looking in at the power rankings rich and we got post week one power rankings the three I check and I just do this for my own self enjoyment. We'll talk about them ESPN CBS and I check those out and doesn't mean anything no it's the same as checking out a PFF grade it doesn't mean anything it's just more fun than that though. Yeah it is more fun than that. So let's go through the power rankings real quick after week one ESPN has the Eagles coming in at number five CBS has the Eagles coming in at number eight and has the Eagles coming in as the number four team in the NFL after one week feel feel about right to you. Yeah I mean especially because like they're playing these three NFC South games you know coming up and I will say like Tampa looked good but again it was against Washington Baker was one of the best quarterbacks week one Bizarro world. Derek Carr had a good game although he might have been playing against like an actual AAA football team. Very happy to announce this is the first year in three years that I have survived my survivor league past week one I took the Saints well I had lost it three years in a row in week one and a lot of people took the Bengals I think right. Yes 44% of Yahoo leagues took the Bengals last last week so I dodged that bullet luckily. I think with a much more manageable schedule than last year like we I know we said this in the offseason a little bit I think in terms of trying to to hammer the Eagles because they did screw up a lot of things their schedule was BS last year man like they played it was a lot all those Monday night games that they had two Monday night games flexed on the road like that doesn't doesn't happen to anybody. Yeah I'm I'm very like I used to work in it with Sunday in football I'm very over flex scheduling like let me just I think you had that in the did you have that in the email this week about like even baseball right with the Phillies getting flexed to a Sunday night game with the Mets flexing to a different day he is uncomfortable like you can't do that yeah you deserve the gulag for that that's come on all right looking ahead to this weekend rich I want to look also around the NFC East and keep tabs on the new highest paid man in football the Dallas Cowboys and of course the Giants the Cowboys are going to be hosting the Saints one o'clock at home on Sunday and Jerry World got I think the Cowboys are going to too and oh there yeah what did you uh did you watch the Dallas game at all I did um the Browns game she listened to Tom Brady I didn't so we were outling and so I meant to ask you about this actually because the game was on mute we had my cousin and friends over and all the kids were around and we were really listening we were outside kind of drinking beers and watching not really listening Brady was that awkward it was terrible really yeah I mean like people give him the benefit of the doubt like oh he's going to work hard and he's going to be good at it man they're paying him 37 and a half million per year and Greg Wilson is awesome he's really good and they just kicked him to the curb they had him call the Falcons game and it's like man what a ridiculous hire in that like you have no idea 500 million blind and he's apparently not very good maybe he'll get better but yeah he was not very good uh what did you think of the Cowboys in that game um hard to tell because the Browns were so bad so bad so bad just Sean Watson like you know like just go to hell dude now he's getting sued again it's just like it's just a supremely talented team uh that's easy to root against so like uh I don't know he just looked bad and I know Kevin Stavansky after the game said you know his shoulders uh get in there I'm not really worried about it I'm like well you should be because for some reason you guys gave the most money in NFL history at the time to him and he looks cooked I feel bad Kevin Smansy I think is a good coach and yes very good coach like he got Joe Flacco to play really good football down the stretch was here Joe Flacco was like eating ice cream on his couch too like like he he had no business leading a team to the playoffs and to Sean Watson not only is he is he terrible not only does he have all that guaranteed money like did you see the dead cap hit is like over a hundred million dollars oh god next year he cost them their last three first round picks man on like that that adds up like the fact that their defense is so good despite the fact that they have not had a first round pick to replenish the talent pool is I mean it's crazy like what what do you think was a worst trade the the Deshawn Watson deal or or the Bryce Young deal and let's let's take out the moral reasons because I think when you add those in Deshawn Watson is certainly a worst trade Watson or who or the Bryce Young trade for the number one pick that Caleb Williams comes back the next year take out the moral reasons because like I think Deshawn Watson is worse when Bryce Young clearly a better person than yeah like like Bryce Young if he was good you wouldn't feel conflicted rooting for him I was uh I was proud of myself on the radio at the time I was like I think you're absolutely nuts if you don't take CJ Stroud over Bryce Young uh I'm a bit of a sizes when it comes to quarterbacks uh there's a reason there's only one drew breeze in NFL history small hands can he pick it yeah I mean when that guy comes in with gloves and his doll hands you you just don't feel good about uh he's like the opposite man I mean he's getting songs written about him by mountain joy um I would say if Kayla part of me wants to like reserve an answer until I see what Caleb Williams is because of Caleb Williams becomes what people think he can become I think the Bryce Young is almost worse right because that if he becomes like the next my homes that's the holy grail that's what every GM and team and organization is fighting and working for so I don't think the Browns had anything that was close to like a top pick given up in there right yeah I mean three first round picks a lot but the first round pick when you knew number one overall and when when you knew it was a great quarterback draft we'll see I mean Caleb Williams didn't have a great game no he didn't but he's got a lot of talent I think there's a chance he's going to be pretty yeah so if you I would say right now the Browns was worse but a year from now if Caleb Williams looks like the real deal holy field yeah then I would say then the Bryce Young move is probably worse and if you're talking morally the Browns one is worse too because we knew oh sure to show them that's a terrible guy yeah and they guaranteed them as you said like in a seen amount of money uh which was just absolutely crazy uh the other NFC East game this weekend is a pretty gross game uh the Giants and commanders week two getting underway Daniel Jones is absolutely terrible really depressing times uh in New York Giants land all right that's going to do it for us here to all the people on Roku viewing we appreciate you to Zach Berman on his technically off day which is not an off day for the hardest working management really is thanks to him for hopping on make sure you check out Zach's book available coming out in two weeks we're all super pumped for him uh to Julia behind the scenes producing thank you uh to everybody that checked out me and Rich's first Wednesday show here during the Eagles season uh every Wednesday two o'clock we'll be right here got you covered thanks for hanging out with us today go birds and we'll see you next week bye! a You You