More than Conquerors (Fabian Martin)

Welcome to the weekly message from HopeDXB. This week we have Fabian Martin sharing the word with us.

We are a local church with a big heart for people... and that includes you! 

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Broadcast on:
18 Sep 2024
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Welcome to the weekly message from HopeDXB. This week we have Fabian Martin sharing the word with us.

We are a local church with a big heart for people... and that includes you! 

For more info go to and follow us on Instagram @hopedxbchurch

(upbeat music) - Hey everyone, I'm Clinton and this is my wife LeBlanc and we are the lead pastors of "Hold the SB." We wanna thank you for joining us on our "Hold the SB" YouTube channel. We pray that as you listen to this message today, it will normally lift you up and encourage you, but it will be a blessing to you and your family. Enjoy the message, God bless you. (upbeat music) - Now, if you've read the book of Romans, you've heard this word before, right? So I'll just read it so that we can get into the words. So it's Romans 8, 35, 36, 37. So it says, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? "Shall trouble or hardship or persecution "of famine or nakedness or danger or sword? "I just written, for your sake, we face death all day long. "We are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. So what does it mean to be more than a conqueror? You know, for me, when I was a new Christian, I thought more than a conqueror, and more than a conqueror, you were like stronger, you were louder, you were better, you know. So I really thought that if I'm more than a conqueror, my press should be like, "Oh yeah, come on, Satan, get out!" I thought that's what my press should be, but actually, being more than a conqueror is exactly the opposite of that. So I'm gonna break it down for you in a way that I think we will all understand it. So we're gonna look at, hopefully in the next 30 minutes, we'll cover what is it to be more than a conqueror, what is more than a conqueror, who is more than a conqueror? Are you more than a conqueror? Are you the more than a conqueror? Am I more than a conqueror? You know, do we need to do something to be more than a conqueror? So let's get into it. So what is it to be more than a conqueror? So let me give you a very common, a very normal example that I think we can all get. So let's look, does anyone know who this guy is? Anyone? Manny Pacquiao, the Pac-Man. So Manny Pacquiao is one of, I think, one of the greatest boxes of our time, you know? So Manny probably, you know, I'm sure a lot of us look at it and think, man, that guy has a lot of money. I wish I had a life like Manny. But if you think of the discipline he has to do, I wonder what time he wakes up, what kind of training he does every day, what kind of discipline he has, what time he sleeps. You know, he probably can't watch the late night TV, probably has to sleep early, get up and do it all over again. So he gets up, he does the whole routine, and then when he goes for a fight, whether he wins or loses, he probably ends up, actually you can't see, but there's a lot of blood on it. Yes, I'm glad it's not, oh yeah, you can see it down there. So Manny Pacquiao is a conqueror. So he gets up, he practices every day, he goes out, he thrashes his opponent, and yes, he gets a lot of money for it. So who is more than a conqueror? Let's have the next picture. You know who that is? That's Manny Pacquiao's wife. She is more than a conqueror. She doesn't have to practice. She doesn't have to go and get her face punched in. You know, I'm sure when Manny gets up in the morning to go for his jog or whatever it is, she just says, bye, honey, he goes just all the hard work. When she comes in, she says, oh, honey, there's some, what if Filipinos have a breakfast? There's some tub sill, okay. In the fridge, she can warm it up and she probably turns and goes back to bed, right? I'm sure she's watching late night TV while Manny has to sleep. At the fight, Manny's getting ready, he's tensing himself, you know, boxing himself. She's picking out what dress she's gonna wear, right? Because the whole world is gonna be focusing on what Manny Pacquiao's wife is wearing. You know, they always zoom and say, ah, you know, she's wearing, I don't know, Wang or Gucci or, you know, whoever's some world famous Filipino designer. And when Manny goes and fights the opponent, comes back looking like, you know, bleeding and everything, she goes up and says, honey, can you just go and clean up your face a bit? He goes, washes, comes back and then she kisses him, takes the $20 million check and says, I love you, honey. She is more than a conqueror. You get it? The conqueror goes out and does all the work. The person who's more than a conqueror actually just sits down, takes the check and enjoys the money. Jesus was a conqueror. You know, we have a song that says he's the conquering king. Jesus went and won the battle, you know? Everything that he did on the cross, he did for us. So that we don't have to now go and fight the enemy. We don't need to go and say it and get out. We don't need to do that. The conqueror already did that. We're gonna watch a video now. Maybe we're gonna keep the volume down a bit. So I just wanna explain the video before that. So we know what happened, you know, on Calvary. We know what happened before Calvary, the passion of the Christ. I think we all saw the movie. We know all of that that happened. We know that Christ rose on the third day, you know? But what we're gonna see now is the perspective from the angels. You see, the angels had no clue what was happening because this was, who knew it was God, the Father, God, the Son, God, the Holy Spirit. Only they knew the plan. The angels had no clue. So in this video that we're gonna watch, I wanna tell you first, it's a little bit cringey because it's really old. It's from, I think from '95. So the people you see in white are the angels. And you can see that as Jesus is getting beaten, they're like, come on, they're ready to take out their swords and go and fight the enemy. And they're looking at God and they're telling God, send us, send us, let us go. What are they doing to your son? Save him, send us. And only at the end, they realize God's divine plan. Let's watch the video. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Amen. Jesus went through all of that for us. You know, he did not need to be whipped. He did not need to be nailed to the cross. He did it for us. Amen. There was a divine plan that, you know, God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, you know, to die for us, to pay the price. So he fulfilled the law. You know, Jesus was a conqueror. He did everything. When he said it is finished on the cross, he meant it is finished, meaning the work is done. The work, everything that needs to be done for our salvation, for our healing, for our victory, for our breakthrough, everything was done on the cross. Do you see the last scene where he's carrying the key? The key is a symbol, right? It's a symbol that the key is for us. Whatever we need to unlock in our life, he's given us that key. And it's his name. So the first point is living in the spirit. Before we get into that, you see, Jesus died and rose again, right? And on the 40th day is when the Holy Spirit fell on the people. That's when people were actually filled with the Holy Spirit. Before that, the Holy Spirit just came upon people. You would read in the Old Testament where they started prophesying. But the infilling of the Holy Spirit happened only on the 40th day after Jesus rose from the dead. So we are living in the spirit. We are not living in the flesh. So we are not just, you know, yes, right now standing here, you know, flesh, blood, bones, muscle, tendons, veins. But we are living in the spirit now because we are born again. So Romans 8, 11 says, "And if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his spirit who lives in you." Do you understand the power that you have inside of you? You know, when you get up every morning, it's not just Fabian getting up. It's the spirit of God that's living in Fabian that's also waking up with him. You know, if you only knew that the power of God that you have in you, you would walk, you know, with your head held high. You would walk with your shoulder squared. You would walk like you're on the place. You know, you need to get a revelation of that, you know. But when you walk out, just imagine the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead. That is the most powerful force in existence. There's nothing more powerful than the spirit of God. The spirit of God that raised, can you imagine that? This picture is, or just let it speak to you, the spirit, the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you. So what can come against you? What challenge, what can the enemy bring against you that can cause you to be defeated? Nothing, nothing. But you know how it works, right? You believe in your heart, and you confess with the amount. Just because it says it in the Bible, and just because you come to church, it doesn't mean that it works for you. You need to apply it in your life. You see, Jesus bore everything on his body, you know. I remember hearing it some time back on Christian TV where a Christian doctor, a couple of Christian doctors were saying, "But actually if you take every medical condition in the world, I've got to be careful because nof is down here going to medical school." The doctors were saying that if you take every medical condition in the world and you try to classify it, it falls into 39 categories. And that's why Jesus had 39 stripes. So he paid the price for any, you name the sickness, you know. He's already paid the price for it, you know. The Bible says he became poor so that we may become rich, right? When I am weak, then he is strong. So in no situation are you under the circumstances. I know it's a common expression under the circumstances, but in Christ, in the Holy Spirit, we are never under the circumstances. We're always above the circumstances. And there's something I want to say, I don't know. There's maybe someone here who needs to hear it. You know, you may think, okay, you know, I'm not sick. You know, I'm doing okay with money. I'm not having any issues, but I'm having a problem with shame. You know, that Jesus hung on the cross. You know, he had a nice red thing covering him, but you know, Jesus actually hung naked on the cross. You know, it's not very comfortable to picture that, but when Jesus hung on the cross, he hung completely naked. You know, and he bore a shame. But you may say, but yes, Jesus hung naked and he took my shame. But how do I apply that to my circumstance, you know, the shame that I'm going through? You know, in my last job, I was in the company for about eight years. And for six years, I was like the top performer, the gym of the company, you know, he used to introduce me as the second most important person in the office. And the first person was his driver because he had a problem with one leg and he needed a driver. And so for six years, whenever anyone came in from the corporate office, he would say, Fabian, he's the second most important guy in the office. And then in my sixth year, something happened, something changed. And there was a manager who came in and, you know, doubled the targets and was just constantly making me look bad to the group's CFO. And he came to a point where on calls with, you know, the entire regional finance team and my subordinates, you know, he would say, "Fibini, you're not doing a good job at all." And I think this is the guy who told me, you know, he had told me one saying, like, "Do not leave this company." It was a multinational company. And he said, "Whatever, whichever part of the world you want to go to, we'll fix you up in the office over there." And the same guy tells me in front of my juniors, you know, you're doing a terrible job. You better pick up the pace, you know. And at that time, I knew it was an attack. I knew it was an attack. And I was thinking, "Look, I'm going through shame. What do I -- like, what do I do for it?" You know, for someone who's going through shame, you know, it could be a circumstance that I was in, or maybe different parts of your life that you feel, you know, you're being shamed. The enemy is trying to put you to shame. Psalms 3 says, you know, and this is what really spoke to me. Oh, Lord, it writes, "How my foes have increased. How many rise up against me. Many say of me, "God will not deliver him. But you, O Lord, are a shield around me. My glory and the one who lifts my head up." You know, if those who are going through a -- or battling with that, you know, this is a key that you can use, you know, no matter what the circumstances are. It may look -- you may think it's your fault, you know. But if you're going through shame, no matter if it's physical, spiritual devotees, use this key and just declare it over yourself, you know, whenever you feel that attack, saying, you know, you, O Lord, are a shield to me. You are the glory and the lifter of my head. Because shame wants to keep your head down. Shame wants to keep you walking, you know, like this, you know. But God wants us to walk with a head held high, you know, and He paid the price for it. What is the kind of power that we have inside of us, you know? You know, the story about Lazarus, you know, some of you may have heard this part. When Jesus went to the tomb, He had to say, "Lazarus comfort." Because if He said comfort, all the dead bodies in the tomb would have come on. So Jesus had to specify, "Lazarus comfort." All you other guys stayed there, "I'm here for Lazarus." So that's the kind of power that we have inside of us. You know, there's a verse that is not part of my message, but Jesus said, "These things that I do, you will do even greater." You know, I don't know which movie it was. It says with great power comes great responsibility. Spider-Man? Okay, so to quote from Spider-Man, because we have the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwelling inside of us. So we are called to do those things, you know. And many things that Jesus said, you know, He was preparing us for it, because, you know, it would only come to pass after Jesus was dead and risen. So many times when we read it, we think, "Ah, you know, yeah, later, later." No, we are living in that later. Because when Jesus rose from the dead and filled us with the Holy Spirit, everything, and these are He's with, everything that He said He did, we can do even greater. So that is the kind of power that we have inside of us, you know. And Matthew 16, 19 says, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." And that was the key that you saw Jesus carrying. So that was just a symbol. So He gave us the keys, you know, so we don't need to go crying to God, you know. He's already given us the key. You know, if I give you the keys to my car and I tell you, drive it anytime, if you come and ask me, "Hey, can I drive the car?" I would think, "Did the guy not understand what I said?" I'm not going to think, "Oh, let me give the example of Milton." Because in front of me, if I give my car keys to Milton and Milton, and I said, "Milton, it's yours, take it, drive it anytime." And He came up to me and He said, "Let's say it was two in the night when I was fast asleep and He calls me, "Hey, bro, can I drive your car?" I'm going to think, "Did he not understand me? Do I need to send him an email?" You know, I'm not going to think, "What a humble guy Milton is." What are you going to think? Maybe that I didn't understand what I said, right? So many times, you know, when we go to God, we try to be humble, but He's already given us everything that we need. In fact, we're not being humble. We're kind of being, I'm trying to think of a nice word to say, we're not exercising wisdom. Yeah, I found it. So we have the keys. Whatever we need to unlock in our life, we can do it. In the name of Jesus, of course. So that's living in the Spirit. So now that translates into praying in the Spirit. So now that we have the Spirit of God living inside of us, how do we pray? You know, I'm not sure it was my last message of the one before that. You know, I told you how sometimes we go to God informing God of the problem. I'm going to use Jude as an example. Jude goes to God. God, you know, I don't think of a nice example here. Sorry, I'm going to be brutal, but it's just for example, bro. Bro, he's not bro. God, they want to fire me. You think God doesn't know that? You think God was having a correct child and he didn't know what was happening in the office? You know, "Lord, they're coming to take my car away." You think God didn't know that? God knows everything that's happening. So when you come to him, you don't have to tell him what's happening really. I mean, you can say it if you want to, but I literally feel he's just waiting to say, "Hey, get to the point. Get to the point." So how do we pray in the Spirit? Romans 8, 26, 27. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we are to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans, and He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the well of God. And that is praying in tongues, basically. You know, so when you don't know what you need to pray for, when you're in the situation, you know, like when I was in the post office, what do I pray for? You speak in tongues, basically. That is the tool that the Lord has given us. So we have two powerful means to pray. One is praying in the Spirit, and second is praying in the Word. The Word is when you take the Word of God and you speak it over your circumstances. So what is speaking in tongues, you know? Can I see the hands of those who speak in tongues? Okay, so we've got quite a number down here. I would really encourage every one of you, you know, to speak in tongues. It's not a state of symbol, it's not that you're better than the person who doesn't speak in tongues, but it's very hard to explain to someone who doesn't speak in tongues what is the benefit of speaking in tongues, what is the advantage of speaking in tongues, you know? And trust me, if the Lord could give it to me, He could give it to anyone, you know. You need to desire to speak in tongues because it's a tool that the Lord has given us, you know? Especially in those times where you're stuck, not part of a message, but I'm going to say it, you know, the time where I was in, you know, financial trouble. I didn't register, I could not register, I didn't want, I could not register my car for two years. Driving, I mean, I knew what I was doing was wrong, I don't have the money to register the car, you know? And I got pulled over by a cop because my car was dirty, so rule keep your cars clean. My car was so dirty that a cop pulled me over, he's like, why is your car so dirty? I said, no, I'm just going to wash it. He's like, okay, give me the registration, and he found that my car's not been registered for two years, you know? And I remember, this happened, I think, 18? No, this happened way back, this must have been 15 or 16, yeah. So, 2016, he pulled me over, and at that time I remember the papers where they were cracking down on people who are not registering their cars, and they were seizing the car, basically. And I was thinking, if they seize my car, what am I going to do, you know? And again, I was bringing tons, I was like, Lord, you know, I'm not doing anything wrong. As soon as I get the money, I'm going to register the car. And the policeman is really, I mean, you know the bi-cops, you've encountered them, the coolest guys, I think, ever, you know? And he was doing his job, he was like, give me, and realized I'd actually lost my license. I was like, I said, I don't, he's like, your car's not registered, you don't have your license. This was before we had the E license, you know, where you had to carry your hard copy. I don't have anything, and we're just looking at each other, and I'm like, you know, as soon as I get the money, I'll do it. And he's talking to his colleague, you know, speaking Arabic, and then in front of me, I'm just bringing tons, I'm like, Lord, whatever, it's going to happen. I'm cool, you've got my back, you know? And in front of me, an accident happens. Too bad, okay, it wasn't a serious accident, I'm sorry if my love sounded bad. It wasn't just, you know, some, what they call it, bumper, you know, bumper to bumper something. And he looks at me, he has this receipt book out ready to write the fine. You know, cop guys, when they have the book, once they start, you're done. Thank God he didn't put a dot, he just said, okay, he just said, go and register your car. That's it, you know? And I realized, so at the time I thought, what do you pray for? You know, Lord, give me the money to register the car, or you don't know, right? So when you have, you know, the gift of tongues, it does incredible things for you, you know? Okay, so let me give you kind of a metaphor of what speaking in tongues is. Maybe, I don't know if there's an existence anymore, but back then we used to have the filter that you put on a tap. You wanted to filter all of the dirt and the sand and all of that out of the water. So tongues works in a similar way. You see, when you're praying in the flesh, right, for one, you don't know what to pray for. You say, Lord, I want that job, or Lord, I want a better job, you know, or Lord, I want to go back home. You know, every day, if you notice that sometimes when you wake up, you think differently about the situation, like really you may think, no, I want the promotion. Tomorrow you wake up and think, you know, actually I hit the company, maybe I need to move out and find another job. Or the next day you may think, you know what, let me just go back home and study and come back. Because there's so many solutions to your problem, right? But when you're speaking in tongues, it's literally like putting that filter on the tap. And the Holy Spirit is helping you pray. The Holy Spirit is praying through you, right? So it's that perfect prayer. So when you're praying in tongues, you're praying that perfect prayer. So when praying in tongues, Fabian is not praying, basically. Because if I'm praying, I don't know, I may, you know, like in the previous job that I had, you know, oops. In the previous job that I had where they wanted to, they wanted to get me out. And I was praying like, no, you know, Lord, you give, because the Lord gave me the job miraculously. And I said, no, Lord, you gave me this job, so I'm going to stay in this job. They need to leave, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah. And as I kept praying in tongues, you know, I didn't even look for a job. Because I was saying, every day I went and it was like a war zone, you know. And I was thinking, why am I not looking for another job? It was terrible. But it's all happened that the Lord was using that. He used that situation to push me into starting my own company. And now when I look back, I was like, Lord, why didn't you do it earlier? Why didn't you get me out earlier, you know? So, efficient success, you know. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand. So that's why when we are praying, we don't need to sweat. We don't need to. Lord, have you seen people pray like that? Lord, I need it now, Lord. The enemy is coming against me. Have you seen that? Because I have seen that. I know it looks funny because you don't see yourself, but you know, you see it when other people, you know, we sweat, we toil. We think, I'm going to fast and pray. You see, I'm not making fun of doing that thing. But I'm just saying, the conqueror has already done all of that. We are more than conquerors. Jesus did all that He paid the price for everything because in His name, we have victory. All we need to do is stand on the Word. As I said, we have two powerful means to pray. One is praying in the Spirit, the other is using the Word of God. So whatever you're going through today, if you're not speaking in tongues, take the Word of God and speak it. You know, like about two weeks back, it had quite a bad back pain. It was really aching coming all the way down to my tricep area. It was pretty bad, you know. And I thought I let it wear off, but it was getting worse every day. Like we went for, I don't know, how many massages in the last two weeks. Nothing was happening. It felt good for five minutes. And then felt the Holy Spirit saying, "Why aren't you praying about it?" You know? So I kept speaking the Word over my back. And then the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and He just said, you know, "When this Holy Spirit speaks to us, sometimes we think it's going to be something like go and build an ark." Actually, not really. It can be very simple. You know, the Holy Spirit told me, "Go and put a hot patch on your back." We did that for two days. I'm perfectly fine, you know. So when you pray in the Word of God, when you pray in the Holy Spirit, trust me, the solutions are easy. It's very easy. You know, because with our flesh, we think the worst, you know. Now, again, sorry enough, but I'm not a big fan of doctors. I mean, I believe God uses doctors. So we do need doctors for people. You know, we do need doctors. But for me, I always believe that, you know, God will heal me. But I've seen recently in a couple of years, God has used certain situations, you know, like things with my back and stuff. Well, He's given me a solution saying, "Let's go and do that." You know? So we do not wrestle. We do not wrestle with flesh and blood. So that neighbor, that boss, that colleague, that person in school, they are not your enemy. The enemy is the evil one, right? Because He's here. His job is to kill, to steal and to destroy. So when we go to pray, we are not going to battle. We're just going to use the name of Jesus. You know, I've explained this once before, but the enemy always wants us to wrestle. You know, but if you see in Ephesians 6, 13 it says, you know, take up the whole armor of God that He may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand. God just wants us to stand and say, "Let's say it's a healing." You're standing and you're saying, "By His stripes, I am healed." Let's say you're having a financial shortage. You're going to say, "My God has supplied." I always like to take the Bible and make it present, you know. I say, "My God has supplied all my needs." You know, according to His riches and glory back, right, Jesus. So the enemy wants us to wrestle. The enemy wants us to wrestle. Because, you know, He just wants you to lose your energy. He wants you to be frustrated. But hidden right in the middle of the word "wrestle" is the word "wrest." God has called us to rest. God has called us. You know, I want to say this, you know, the sincerity of my heart. You know, whatever problem you're going through, it's not that bad. Whatever challenge you're going through, it's not that big. There is no problem that God cannot fix, right? There's nothing that He can't do. So when we get a revelation of that, we can rest. We can rest. There may be a storm coming tomorrow. There may be a threat of something really becoming tomorrow, either to you or to someone who you know, but rest in God. Rest in His promises, you know, because when we rest, we will be restored. Do not get up and do not sweat, because that's not how you win victories. Just trust in God, speak His word over your life. The last point is sonship in the spirit. You know, Romans 8, again, it says 14, 15, and 16. For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you receive does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again. Rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by Him we cry out, "Arba, Father," the Spirit Himself testifies with our Spirit that we are children of God. You know, the many times, like I've prayed this before, you know, and said, "You are my master, you are my owner, Lord, I am nothing, Lord, I am worthless." You know, the story of the prodigal son, you know, the son who took all the money and went away, and when all the money was gone, he said, "I'll go back to my father and at least be his servant," you know, because even the servants in my father's house are taken care. And he went back to be a servant, but the father didn't even listen when he was making his whole speech. He wasn't even listening. He said, "You know, my son was dead, and now he is alive." So when, you know, when you're praying, or basically in everyday life, you know, when you wake up in the morning, just remember that you are a child of the Most High God. You are a son of the Most High God, you are a daughter of the Most High God. You are not a slave, you are not a servant, you know. See, Jesus came, if you read in the book of John, you can do that in, you know, during the week. In the book of John, Jesus says that he came to show us the father. You see, in the Old Testament, right, nobody knew God as father, they knew him as God, as Jehovah, you know, Yahweh, all of those names. And even in Jesus' time, you know, they wanted to crucify him, you know, they were against him many times because he said that God is my father. Because they were comfortable saying that we are Abraham's children, but Jesus came to show us the father, you know. And that's one thing that the enemy tries to steal from us. When we are in trouble, he doesn't want us to remember that we are sons and daughters, you know. I want to show you some text from my three children on how they communicate with me. I don't know if you can read that. I don't know if you can read that. Can you read that? Yeah. So that's how he messages me. I don't have the picture down here. Yeah, so he believes that he needs to ask me like many times only then. I've always told him, dude, just, if I don't answer you, I'm busy. But he must be broke. Okay, here he's actually kind. This is a nice, I put the nice text from Judah. Yeah. And let's see the next one. Okay, that is Petra. Now, that's the name that she put in my phone. So that's the name that's a really cool daughter. Hey, bro, can the purchase. I think she was reading the King James version that day. And then let's see the next one. That would be Zeyo. Okay, so just a disclaimer. Why is she my most expensive child? Because about two years ago, she said I'm not your most expensive child. Petra was the most expensive child. But over the years, she's bought so many things. So I decided to change her name in my phone and she's my most expensive child. So this is how children communicate with their father, right? So this is the same way how. So that's how, you know, we can communicate because God is our father. We don't have to go to him with King James. Okay, are they embarrassed enough? Or if not, if not, you can put the next text. I'm kidding. So God is our father. You know, you can go up to him, you know, in a very restful manner, you know. There was one time where Zeyo, I think it was over three years ago, she needed, so Zeyo is, if you want to buy her a gift, buy her something from K-pop, she's a huge K-pop her. So she wanted to buy, I think, a couple of albums. So she messaged me and I told I said, yeah, just get it, you know. You have my car just buy it. But she had prepared a whole presentation for me. I think it was on PowerPoint on why she needs those albums. So I run back home, she just started the presentation, I was like, buy it. She said, no, I prepared the presentation, I'm going to give you the presentation. So I was okay. So she went through the whole presentation, how those albums are so important that she must own them, how if she takes the birthday money that I forgot to give her last year, and you know that other thing where she paid for pizza, and then the next three months allowance, so now, you know, basically you're not buying it for me, I'm buying it for myself, you know. She made this presentation. So we don't have to actually convince God about that. You know, he has given us the keys. He said, you know, as an example of Milton, here's my car case, you know, do whatever you want with it. He's given us his name. And now again, you see, I think it's only Petra and Judah, or maybe you say it too. They have my credit card in their Apple Pay, I guess, yeah. Now, they are my children, so I trust that they're not going to go and buy a gun if it's possible in UAE, they're not going to use my car to go and buy a gun. They're not going to use it to go and do anything crazy. In the same way, when we are, you know, God's children, you know, we behave a certain way, right? So God trusts us with the name of Jesus. So in the name of Jesus, he's given us the name. He's given us that key and said, you can use my name in any situation. You don't need to come to me. Yes, God wants us to talk to him to fellowship with him, but we don't need to go to him wrestling, convincing him, trying to get, you know, trying to get our prayer answered. So in conclusion, in Romans 8, 31, it says, what then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all. How will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? And that is what is meant to be more than a conqueror. We are more than conquerors. So if Jesus, if you declare that Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life, if you believe in your heart and you've confessed it, you are more than a conqueror. It doesn't matter what you did on the way to church. Did you cut off someone? Did you yell at them? You know, what's a TV program you should not have been watching? None of that matters, you know. You are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves us. Let me just read that again. It says, no, so Romans 8, 37, no. In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. Amen. Let's just close our eyes and just going to close with prayer. Really, Father, we thank you for your word, O Lord. We thank you for sending your word, Lord. Your only son, Jesus Christ, is to die for us to take our place on the cross, O Lord. We thank you for your divine plan, O Lord. We thank you for giving us the keys, O Lord. We thank you for making it so easy for us, O Lord. That in the name of Jesus Christ, O Lord, we have victory, O Lord. And we thank you, Lord. We thank you for the word that you gave us today, O Lord. And, Father, as we leave this place, O Lord, may your word grow inside of us, O Father. Yes, O Lord, may this word resonate inside of us, O Lord. May it change the way we live, change the way we pray, change the way we see ourselves as sons and daughters, O Father. And I just declare, O Lord, over everyone, O Lord, who needs a breakthrough, I just declare breakthrough in the name of Jesus Christ. Yes, Father, and we just give you back, O Lord, all glory, all honor and praise. The mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Amen. Thank you for joining us and listening with message. We encourage you to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel, which is Hope DXB Church. You can also find us on Instagram and followers on Instagram. Our Instagram handle is Hope DXB Church. We are also on Spotify. All you need to do is key and hope DXB and you will find us there. (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]