The Don Lemon Show

MARK ROBINSON: "I'M A BLACK N*ZI" - September 19th, 2024

Hey there Lemon Heads! Join Don this evening to dive into all the biggest news stories of the day. Tonight, Don is joined by Host of the Empire City Podcast Chenjerai Kumanyika. They'll dive into the current state of the NYPD and discuss the potential for police reform after the upcoming election. Tune in for a critical conversation you don't want to miss!

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20 Sep 2024
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Hey there Lemon Heads! Join Don this evening to dive into all the biggest news stories of the day. Tonight, Don is joined by Host of the Empire City Podcast Chenjerai Kumanyika. They'll dive into the current state of the NYPD and discuss the potential for police reform after the upcoming election. Tune in for a critical conversation you don't want to miss!

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controversial, far-right Republican nominee for governor in North Carolina, as reported just moments ago by CNN, he referred to himself as a "black Nazi express support for reinstating slavery on a pornography website on the website's message board," yeah, you heard that right. He said he's a black Nazi, and he expressed support for reinstating slavery on a pornographic website's message board. And there's more. Despite a recent history of anti-transgender rhetoric, CNN is reporting that Robinson said that he enjoyed watching transgender porn, a review of archived messages found in which he also referred to himself as "perve." We're going to dig into this breaking story that could have some major implications for the presidential race. There's also another story that's very important that we need to cover this hour. Protests are currently sweeping all across New York City, and it's interesting because this is after an NYPD, after the NYPD fired at a suspected subway fair abater in a busy subway station, hitting a bystander in the head. We have so much to dig into, and I'm really pleased to be joined by a brilliant guest who I've interviewed before. Dr. Chindrai Comineka, thank you so much for joining us. He is a professor at NYU School of Journalism. He's also an executive producer and host of a brand new crooked media podcast called Empire City that examines the history of the NYPD. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. Happy to be here. Excited to be here. Excited to be here. Excited to be big important stories. And it's good to see you again. Yes, absolutely. Yes. Okay. So here's a thing. Right off the bat, I just want to play. This is video. I told you about Mark Robinson. This is Mark Robinson. This is what he posted on Twitter. He did it about an hour ago. Okay. Just about 30 minutes or so before this CNN investigative report was released, I'm going to tell you about what the report says. You're going to hear much more from him and from President Trump. What he has to do with this are the former President Trump. But here's Mark Robinson addressing the report before it was even released. Watch this. Hey, guys, Lieutenant Governor Robinson and your Republican nominee for Governor as well, of course. Well, guys, the news media has added again. My opponent is added again. You all have seen to have truths and outright lies of Josh style on these ads over and over again. And now a story, a story leaked by him to CNN is appearing now. Let me reassure you the things that you will see in that story. Those are not the words of Mark Robinson. You know my words, you know my character and you know that I have been completely transparent in this race and before. Folks, this race right now, our opponents are desperate to shift the focus here from the substantive issues and focus on what you are concerned with to solutions, travel, tabloid trash. We cannot allow that to happen. And folks, we've seen this type of stuff in the past as well. Clarence Thomas famously once said he was the victim of high tech lynching. Well, it looks like Mark Robinson is too by a man who refuses to stand on stage and debate me about the real issues that face you. Instead, they want to focus on solutions, tabloid lies. We're not going to let them do that. We are staying in this race. We are in to win it. And we know that with your help, we will. God bless you and we will see you wear on the campaign trail. I mean, there's so much more to read, right? I don't think that that is going to do it. But before I get to the CNN reporting, because there's so much, there's so many more salacious details that I want to give to you. But I want to just get Dr. Komenica. What's your initial reaction? It looks like a hostage video to me. Right. I mean, it's absurd. I mean, what he's talking about, he tries to invoke this Clarence Thomas language where suddenly we're going to see him as a victim. But I mean, what's clearly the case is that this is actually in the tradition of what Mark Robinson has done for a long time in North Carolina. There's all kinds of history of him making outrageous claims about abortion, anti-queer, transphobic comments. And so, but yeah, I got to say nothing about this is funny, but when I first saw it, it's just so wild. I don't know what to think. Let me give some context, all right. The comments which Robinson denies making predates his entry into politics and current stint as the North Carolina's and the governor, they were made under a user name that CNN was able to identify as Robinson by matching a litany of biographical details and a shared email address between the two. Many of Robinson's comments were gratuitously sexual and lewd in nature. They were made between 2008 and 2012 on nude Africa. That is a pornographic website that includes a message board. Robinson listed his full name on his profile for nude Africa, as well as an email address he used in numerous websites across the internet for decades. This reporting is just a small portion of Robinson's comments on the website given their graphic nature. CNN first reached out to Robinson, the Robinson campaign on Tuesday for comment. Took his campaign two days to respond and to issue a denial on this. During an interview with CNN today, Robinson repeatedly said that the issues that faced North Carolinians were more important than what he called tabloid trash and he steered the conversation toward attacking his opponent in the race. Democrat Josh Stein, the state's attorney general, one more quote, "We're not getting out of this race. There are people who are counting on us to win this race," Robinson said. So much to talk about here. Okay, I just want to play, this is a mashup of all the times that Donald Trump has praised Mark Robinson. Check it out. It's been an unbelievable lieutenant governor, Mark Robinson. This is Martin Luther King on steroids. Okay, now. I told that, I told that, I told that to Mark. I said, I think you're better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two. He's doing, he's got his own race job. He's fantastic. Thanks also to one of the great stars of the party, one of the great stars in politics, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson. One of the strongest and bravest new voices in the Republican party has been a great supporter of mine and I'm a great supporter of his. You're incredible lieutenant governor Mark Robinson. Good job. Thank you. Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson of North Carolina and his wife, Mrs. Robinson. What a job you're doing. He's the hottest guy in politics. You're a very popular guy, Mark. And somebody that really took this country by storm, not just the state, but took the country by storm. Mark Robinson, he's out there. He's fighting. He's fighting. He's a great one. Thanks, Mark. Good luck, Mark. He'll win. He's got a win. He's got a win. He's a good man. Let me just say this. I had to read one thing before I bring you in. He said, we're not getting out of this race. There are people who are counting on us to win the race. His insistence comes as many Republicans in the state have called on him to drop out. Now, reportedly, the Trump campaign has said Robinson is banned from appearing alongside former President Trump and North Carolina campaign events. Okay, so here's my question to you. Let me just tell you that. What's his name, the fame statistician or the pollster, just moved North Carolina from, I think it was D to Larry Sabato just announced moments ago that he is moving North Carolina, the governor's race from leaning D to very likely D. Do you think this could cause Donald Trump to lose North Carolina? If he loses North Carolina, he's in trouble. I mean, North Carolina is clearly one of the key three swing states that's going to, or states that's going to decide this election. And I wish I could say that we're in a time when something as outrageous as this would be a decider, but I don't know. This is, we're in this era where all kinds of things have come out about the presidential candidate, Donald Trump. And we still see that conservatives seem to be willing to attach themselves to this, even though in the state they're calling for him to resign. Yeah, it's interesting. And he says he's not going to step down. You heard Donald Trump in that video saying he's Dr. King, as a matter of fact, I think he's better than Dr. King or he's Dr. King on steroids. He would have become North Carolina's first black governor he collected. Also, he repeatedly maligned civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., attacking him in such intense terms that a user accused him of being a white supremacist. How is that going to go over in North Carolina? Well, I mean, according to these comments on, what is it, nude Africa? He calls himself a black Nazi. He said, "Get the effing commie bastard off the national mall." Robinson who wrote about the dedication of the memorial to King in Washington, D.C., but by then President Barack Obama, "Get the effing commie bastard off the national mall." And then he went on to say, "I am not in the KKK. They don't let blacks join. If I was in the KKK, I would have called him Martin Lucifer Coon," Robinson said. In the pornographic forums, Robinson revealed his unvarnished thoughts on issues such as race, gender, and abortion. Writing in a forum discussing black Republicans in October of 2010, Robinson stated, "Unprovoked, I am a black Nazi." That same month, Robinson wrote in another post that he supported the return of slavery. And now I'm quoting here, okay? Pay attention. Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it slavery back. I would certainly buy a few," he wrote. This is a man that Donald Trump is praising. I mean, we just saw, he, Donald Trump has firmly connected himself to this person. He's endorsed him. And, you know, Robinson might try to distance himself from these comments, but the problem is that we can see in his public record things that align with this way of thinking. There's more. In March of 2012, Robinson wrote that he preferred the former leader of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, over the leadership in Washington during the administration of Barack Obama. I'd take Hitler over any of the shit that's in Washington right now, he wrote. Robinson's comments on "Nude Africa" often frequently contained derogatory and racial slurs, directed at black, Jewish, and Muslim people. This guy's something else. In a series of seven posts in October of 2011, Robinson disparaged Martin Luther King in such intense terms calling him a "comme bastard" who worse than a "maggot," a whole "ephing phony," and a "hookster" that a user in the thread accused him of being in the KKK. Robinson responded by directing a slur at King. In October of 2010, Robinson used the anti-Semitic slur "heeb" when discussing how he liked the show "Good Times" developed by Norman Lear, saying the show itself was a bunch of "heeb written liberal bullshit." While discussing the Taliban, he referred to Muslims as "little rag-headed bastards" and said that if Muslims took over liberals, took over liberals would be the first ones to be beheaded. Robinson also used homophobic slurs frequently, calling other users "fags." Now, let me just say this. We have heard Dr. Comoneka, Donald Trump in the last couple of days, saying the Democrats are the ones who are causing these people to want to assassinate me. Now, I'm not condoning any sort of violence against the former president or against Donald Trump. And he said that the Democrats should stop saying that he was a threat to democracy because they're putting him in the metaphorical bullseye, right? That's right. Yet he supports a man like this whose history is very public and he's complaining that Democrats rhetoric is making him unsafe. How can Republicans claim to be standing against political violence when I believe it was Mark Robinson who said some people need to be killed. Some people need killing. It was a comment I believe he made in the church one time. Later, his party tried to clarify this and say that he was referring to Nazis, but then you have him here saying anti-Semitic comments. So the whole thing really, I think, is something their voters have to pay attention to. And I also wonder, are these people who are saying that they're Christian? I mean, far be it from me to weigh too deep into people's religion, but for people who are saying that Christianity is important to them, I don't know, this just seems striking. Wait, wait, there's more. I've been reading some of the crazy stuff that he has said over time, right? I just want to play now him in his own words of some of the crazy lunatic stuff that he has said. Here it is. "But two genders ain't that but men and women." He says God called on mentally, not women. Called to be led by men when it was time to face down the life. And David, not DeVita, David. There's no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any talk about transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that film. And yes, I called it film. With the past, Bill said you can't have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason. He says the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s was, quote, "crap." And that Martin Luther King was a communist. Robinson posted the movie Black Panther was, quote, "created by an agnostic Jew to pull the shekels out of your sports to pockets using the Yiddish words for money and black." He referred to the victims of the Parkland School shooting as "spoiled little bastards." He says the moon landing in 1969 may have been fake. He also says there is a secret ruling cabal that is part reptile. And said that Beyonce is satanic. This is a brother. But I mean he's black. Let's put it that way. He's black. There you go. Yeah. Not the same thing. Okay. Look, maybe, you know, it's not mutually exclusive. Is he... I hate to just call people crazy. Is he crazy? Or does he believe that this is going to garner him some political capital in order to gain power? I would probably lean toward the latter. I think that there's a, you know, I think that there's a very cynical way that, you know, conservatives have learned to appeal to some of people's worst instincts, to appeal to disinformation. But, you know, as a black man, what struck me is the rights that you and I enjoy, the rights that he enjoys were all earned by the civil rights movement, you know. And for him to be talking that way, it's like, it's just, I mean, I think that this is important because, listen, the conservative party has been reaching out to black voters, trying to appeal to black voters. And I think it's important that you bring in these receipts so folks can see what's really going on. Thank you for your contribution to independent media of Rosetta Jenkins. Rosetta says that Mark Robinson is a certified crazy self-loathing narcissistic, hateful, and anti-Christ sociopath. All skin folks ain't kinfolk. Where's the lie? I don't see it. She got it. Yeah. He won 64% of the vote. Ooh, he won 64% of the vote according to Helen Peay. He is insane for real, says Brandy Wilson. What do you guys think? Is he definitely crazy? He's down in the polling though, 49 to 38. He is still getting support or has still gotten support from the Trump folks. Now, from Donald Trump. I have not seen Donald Trump denouncing him. I want to see if there's going to be a denunciation from Donald Trump and the Trump people. I wonder if that's going to happen. Thank you, Beth Bear for supporting independent media. After all that breathless praise. After all that breathless praise and bringing down the temperature and the Democrats are provoking people to try to assassinate me. Is he going to apologize and say this is the kind of thing that we don't want in this country, that we don't want in the Republican Party? Is he going to say that he's dangerous, that he should not be in charge of any government or anything in North Carolina? Or is he worried that he's going to lose North Carolina and he's going to do what's politically expedient and just ignore it? What do you think? Donald Trump has a history of doubling down and also trying to find something to distract from what's actually going on. So, you know, that's kind of what I think it might go. But, you know, the fact that other Republican leaders are calling for Robinson to step down now, that's telling. It might be a bottom-up thing. Yeah. Damon A says, "Every single day it's something new and it's always bad. Make him go away for good." Look, I'm just telling you, it's true, Trump is never going to apologize for anything, says Aurora 42. People are so ignorant. I can't, it went away. Thank you, Quintini J. I can't say four life for the donation. So, here's the thing. Even if he dropped out tonight, he says he's not. His name will be on the ballot. Is it too late, you think? I mean, I don't know. The feeling I'm getting is that people have had enough and maybe they're starting to see through, especially when you have, you know, folks bringing the real facts about what's going on, creating the context. I think, I don't know, I think folks, you might be on the ballot, but it might just be a lonely, empty box without a check on there. There is, we have a survey up in the comments and it says, "Will Trump denounce Mark Robinson as self-proclaimed Black Nazi?" Yes, no, or I'm not sure. So, please vote on that. A lot of you have voted, but come on, come on Lemonhead family, tell me how you feel about this because I can't believe this. And I cannot believe that no one from, after all this has happened, this report is out. No one from the Trump campaign has had anything to say about this because imagine if it was the Vice President Kamala Harris or imagine if it was the President Joe Biden. Imagine what people, Republicans at Fox News and all the OAN is, I don't know if that's still on the air, or the Newsmaxes of the world, they would be losing their minds. Is the President Biden going to denounce? This is what the Democratic party is like. Like, is Vice President Kamala Harris going to denounce this guy? See what the Democrats are like? I wonder what they're saying about this one. I wonder if, over on the five, and maybe they are, because I'm not watching it, if they're going to be talking crap about this guy, are they going to say, "He's in North Carolina," and it's, I don't know, or making excuses for him. But what we've seen is they make stories go viral that, according to JD Vents, they had to create, right? They had to create these false stories, for example, the stories about Haitians in Springfield to create the focus. Here's a story that's based in actual evidence, right, that's been verified, and there's no comment. There's no comment. One more thing, and there's more, and there's more. This is Andrew Kaczynski over at the Cape Isle, speaking with Mr. Robinson. How do you explain all of the matching details on this profile? The profile on Newt Africa lists your full name. As Mark Robinson, the email listed on the account, is an email that you have used elsewhere on the internet, including with your photo. You have used that name mini-soldier on multiple social media accounts, including Twitter, Pinterest, Black Planet, and YouTube. How can you deny with all of these matching details that this is you? Look, I'm not going to get into the minutiae of how somebody manufactured this these salacious tabloid lies, but I can tell you this. There's been over $1 million spent on me through AI by a billionaire son who's bound and determined to destroy me. The things that people can do with the internet now is incredible, but what I can tell you is this. Again, these are not my words. This is simply tabloid trash being used as a distraction from the substantive issues that the people of this state are facing. We have addressed it, we have said it's not true, and we wish we could move on and get busy with the business of the people of the state. So that was the folks over at CNN, the Cape Island. Let me tell you a couple of things, okay? When I said what would happen, what would they be saying for Democrats? It said, Susanna Tuppern, I think, makes a very good point. The difference is that Democrats wouldn't have to be prodded to denounce something like this. The GOP will just say, "I haven't followed the story and never comment about it again." And MSN, mainstream media, lets them. So Susanna, you ain't never lied is what my mom would say. You ain't never lied. That's exactly what would happen. I don't want comment. I don't really know that much about the story. I don't, they would disown him. I don't know him that much. I don't know him that well. And then they would just shut up and hope that it got out of the news cycle. So here's the thing that I would like to know. Do you remember Herschel Walker? Trump supported him, never denounced him after all of these things. Oh, someone that is talking about Herschel Walker in the comments. Remember our Herschel Walker lost in Georgia. Both Trump and Robinson will lose, says, "Brunny Jacob." Is this another Herschel Walker situation that's happening? Or are they going to say this is all created by the Democrats at the last minute and the 11th hour to not our personnel? And then it will be another Herschel Walker situation that will cause them to lose North Carolina, like Herschel Walker and Trump did Georgia. Well, you would think when you see comments like this, that this is stuff that folks would want to distance themselves from. And clearly some folks do. But there's also another thing going on right now in politics where some people like some of this. Maybe they see it as evidence of somebody who's spicy and willing to be not politically correct. I mean, so I think some of these people read these things in different ways that you can't always predict. So I'm like, you know, I would like to think that folks with distance themselves. But I think we've seen folks actually lean in to some of the most disgusting, hateful, and, you know, yeah, just wild stuff. There are Robinson sound bites all over the internet. If you guys can find some, I would love to play them. I got one more question. He said, now again, a convenient excuse, doctor, he says that this AI, so he's going to pretend it's not him. And that this was all made up. Right. That is computer generated. Right. Don't believe you're lying eyes. Right. I mean, that's ridiculous. But this is the world we got to get ready from with deep fakes with all these other things. People are going to use this to try to deny things, even when we have done the fact checking, even when we've done the sort of, you know, forensics on it to say like, no, this is you. This is you. You did this. Yeah. Okay. So let me tell you something. Just in case you guys don't know, there was once upon a time, this anchor named Don Lemon, who used to work over at the CNN and used to work along with the folks over at the K file and used to work along the folks over at the CNN standards and practices and triads, who actually did the video for the standards and practices triad. When people would come and employees wanted to know what they would do to get their stories on the air to make sure that it passed muster, the person that they would see given them the video would be the Don Lemon. In order for CNN to put something on like this, it means they have done, or as we say in the vernacular, they had did, but they had done is the proper grammar. They had done their homework. And they are not going to put the reputation of a CNN on the line by putting something on the air that is not true. As you can see, they went through all of the measures and they checked and they ran across reference this to that. And they're saying that this is him. He's been using this email for over a decade on these pornographic websites. What is it called, nude Kenya, nude Africa, nude Africa. And there was also there's also a report. This is a different report. Let me get this one. There is also a report. Let me get my reports up here. From, let's see. Okay. There's also a report that says, I think this is the same thing, email address belongs to registered to Ashley Madison. Oh, this is according to Politico. Now over at the Politico, which is also a very, very reputable news agency. Folks over at Politico, Natalie Allison writes an email address belonging to North Carolina lieutenant governor, Mark Robinson was registered on Ashley Madison, a website designed for married people seeking affairs. Republican Party, MAGA, judgmental, so many issues. You shouldn't be doing this. You shouldn't be doing that. Evangelicals, the moral majority, family values. An advisor to Robinson, granted anonymity to speak freely, confirmed to Politico that the email address in question belongs to Robinson. The discovery of Robinson's personal email address on Ashley Madison came as Republicans in North Carolina on Thursday cringed after CNN uncovered old posts, purportedly made by Robinson online, on online pornographic forums. And as his chances of winning the governor's race appear increasingly grim, Robinson recorded an interview with CNN set to air on Thursday evening denying various allegations against him of other online activities according to a person with knowledge of the situation. Now all of these people who are talking about, you know, it's going against God for, you know, to be gay and homosexuality and cheating on your wife and you're doing these, I always say, now Doc protests too much, the person, the people, the main people are so holy roller and holier than now are the ones with the secrets. Well, we've seen it again and again in the Republican Party, you know, I'm just scandals where these things come out. And again, you know, people have, you know, human flaws or they have whatever their habits or however they get down. But the problem is you the main ones out here trying to, you know, judge other people get down the way you want to get down. Right, but don't judge other people as long as it's two consenting adults. That's it. That's your business. Right. So why are you in other folks business? Exactly. You're doing freaky stuff on the side. I'm just saying. Okay, we're going to get back to facts, Don, says Demetrius Cepas. Thank you very much. Yeah, one, the one with the secrets is Brenda Young. You're right about that. Allison Williams says 100%. Exactly, Don says, Melissa, the people who are the holier than that, thou and always judging other people. And especially those that are the most homophobic. I'm just saying there's a reason that Grindr is always busy and is knocked offline because it's so busy during the Republican National Convention and other Republican gatherings. Trust. Okay, here we go. Breaking news. This is just in. Fox News responding to the story. Here it is. It's a really interesting state in there, North Carolina, which is a big target for the Democrats. And we just found out an hour ago that the Lieutenant Governor there, Mark Robinson, who's running for governor who Donald Trump called Martin Luther King on steroids, posted on a porn forum called nude Africa that he's a black Nazi, expressed support for reinstating slavery, and detailed his sexual arousal from memories of keeping on women in public gyms. And he still fantasizes about it. He also has an Ashley Madison account. How dare you kink shame. Sure. That's a great reaction. So Josh Stein was likely to win that race anyway. If they get Mark Robinson to drop out, his name is still on the ballot. But this makes North Carolina even more in play for Democrats. And this, again, is evidence of the type of candidate that Donald Trump thinks are good for the country. Martin Luther King on steroids, someone who says he's a black Nazi, but he would obviously say the obvious here. Do you think Trump actually knew this guy was on porn sites? My point is that Donald Trump likes anyone who likes him, and he doesn't bother to do the work. No, it's not. I, a lot of people like me who I don't like in return. Like who? Like I don't like Donald Trump. Go ahead. Let's start with Fox and Prince. The first thing he said was what? Never heard of him. Did you hear that? Never heard of him. That's what we said. Never heard of him. Then they make a joke out of it. And then they're like, Oh, dare you kink shame. And do you think he knew that he was on pornographic websites? Okay, that's not the thing. I mean, that is part of the thing. But what about all the other statements that he made publicly? Right. Donald Trump didn't know about that as he was calling him all of this. Come on, man, come on. We told y'all I'm telling y'all we know, we know, we know, we know. Okay, listen, I want to pivot right now and talk about our other. This is another big story. It's a top story here. As I said, at the top of the hour, there are thousands of protesters in New York City. They have taken to the streets to demand accountability after police fired at a suspected fair avader in a busy subway station hitting a bystander in the head. The bystander's name is Gregory DePelch. Yes. Is that right? That's correct. Remains in the hospital in critical condition and has undergone cranial surgery. That's according to US media. Police said two officers shot at the suspected fair avader on Sunday after he refused to comply with orders, muttered threats, and drew a knife. A second bystander, another officer and the suspect were also injured here. New York authorities have made reducing crime on the subway and buses a top priority following a series of violent attacks, robberies, and murders. A crackdown on fair evasion is part of that push. Okay. So, but critics have questioned how the pursuit of a minor offender escalated into the use of lethal force in a crowded space. So, my question to you, doctor, is can you provide additional details about this horrific episode? And I know that you attended some of those protests. What's going on here? That's right. I mean, I think that first of all, I just want to say that this example, this particular case encapsulates so many of the things that people have been complaining about with respect to the NYPD. First of all, we're talking about the pursuit of someone who did not pay a $2.90 fair. And that's important to point out because the NYPD is going to go through all kinds. They're going to call this guy knife wielding. They're going to do all kinds of things to distract you from the fact that the reason this all took place was because they were pursuing him about this fair. And then in the course of pursuing someone about a less than $3 fair, the NYPD shot four people, including a police officer. Right? I mean, and one of the people that they shot is probably going to have brain damage for the rest of his life. So, and additionally, the mayor after this incident went to the hospital to express his concern about the police officer, which of course it's a tragedy when anyone is shot, including a police officer. But what about the innocent bystanders that were shot by your NYPD? Then there's this whole thing that's unfolded around the knife and the evidence. So basically, they claimed that the reason they had to shoot was because the man was wielding a knife. But then they showed pictures of the knife in the immediate hours after to say this was the weapon. But then a few hours later, they said someone stole the weapon. And then now the story is, it was the wrong weapon, which what does it mean to say you had the wrong weapon? You mean they have the wrong weapon from the evidence? They have lost this knife. That's what's going to say. The guy, someone in the Sunday side in the comments said, the guy pulled a knife. As if like, come on, what were they supposed to do? He pulled a knife on them. Right. I mean, well, if you're prioritizing his life, there's no reason that four people have to be shot because one guy pulled a knife. I mean, I don't, you know, but the other thing is they don't seem to have found the knife. I don't, they, at this point, they can't produce the knife. And so the, but the real question is, how are four people shot by, because what you were pursuing one person over fair, who is safer as a result of this? Well, you can play, you can put, if you can put the sound up and just pot it down a little bit. These are some of the protests that have been happening. Because what is the subway fair now? $2, $2, $93, $2, $93. What do they do? Because they change the subway, the turnstiles in many places so that you have the shield where you can't jump, right? You can't bear jump. Then what are, what are, what should police do? They just allow fair jumpers? Like, what would you, what would you have them do? Well, prioritize. I mean, clearly, we want our subways, our subways are important for everybody to pursue. But I mean, one thing that people have pointed out is that, um, Maryac, Eric Adams has given the police so much overtime to work in those subways, where a lot of times officers are standing around playing candy crush and things like this in those subways that the additional overtime, cutting that back would actually, you could, you could cut into that budget and add more than you're losing from ferry vision. So, you know, but where people are really basically saying is really in the end of the day, we should be finding ways to support low, you know, low income people who are trying to travel to work, trying to travel with their families. And you know, this, this, um, subway stop was in Brownsville, New York and Sutter Ave station. And people out there, they have a long history of racial discrimination in that neighborhood. And people weren't sensed because they were saying, you come into our neighborhood. They were saying, you wouldn't do this in Chelsea. You wouldn't do this in some of these other neighborhoods. But yet you want to come in our neighborhood, shoot four people. And then I think the mother of the person who was the so-called farivator, the alleged farivator, he was shot and they went to his mother's and just left a, a, a car but did not tell her. She, she had to find out that her son has been shot by the NYPD on the news. This is a very difficult story. Obviously, you know, especially when someone's shot in the head randomly. It's going to live back for the rest of their lives for a fair jumper. Now, if, you know, they've been getting hammered. Even though crime is down, they've been getting hammered for the homeless problem. That's right. And, you know, I do see a lot of police officers of just standing around on their phones. And let me tell you, I respect what police officers do, I tell you. And, and I, as someone who likes to take the subway, I love the subway. You know why? It's fast. You know, you can sit in a car for an hour for something that would normally take you 10 to 15 minutes to get to on the subway. So I like it. I was talking to someone today who said, I can't believe you take the subway. Don't you get mobbed? I'm like, no, I don't carry myself like that. Carry myself like I'm a New Yorker. No different than you. Take the subway into spine. I feel safe on the subway when I see those police officers. Do you think they need better training? Do you think they need to prioritize it? Like, a fair jumper does not mean you run after them and fire your gun? Like, what are you saying should happen to me? What do you think should happen to me? I think we have to get out of this idea that somehow police are the thing that deters things from happening. I mean, I don't, I would like to really see the evidence on that. Everything I've seen says that crime is down in the city. The subways are not dangerous. Like you said, you take the subways, all kinds of people. I want the subways all the time. It's packed. So New Yorkers take the subway all the time, but the police have a history and, you know, it's interesting in my show and in my city, which we'll talk about, I spoke with Lieutenant Edwin, former Lieutenant Edwin Raymond. He gives away the game. He says, listen, police target the subways, not because it makes anybody safer, but because it's an easy way for them to arrest vulnerable people and get their numbers and their quotas up. Has it always been this way? Because I've lived in New York since the 90s, right? I went through, I arrived in New York City as a full citizen. I used to come and visit and house it for my aunt in high school in the 80s and whatever. That was a whole different story. But in the 90s, I moved here and it was under Mayor Dinkins, right? And then after Mayor Dinkins, Rudy Giuliani, who really cracked down, right? Remember, he had the broken windows sort of thing. And this appears to be what they're sort of going back to. Like you have to deal with the small things in order to, you know, they believe it. It happens from the bottom up instead of the top down. Do you think that they're going back to those years? Has it always been that way with the New York City Police Department? Well, you have to look at the data. I mean, broken windows policing has been debunked. It's been debunked as a way, you know, as a method. What it results in is people being stopped in frisk, particular neighborhoods being targeted, but it is not responsible for crime going down. And I just want to also say this, right? Like when you talk critically about police officers, it can sound like you're saying, oh, I think each individual officer is evil. I don't think that I think policing is a job that working class people can get. And I know a lot of folks put on that uniform because they want to help. But here's the problem. When you can't speak out about something that's wrong, because you're upholding that blue wall of silence. And then the incident that happened is that here's the facts. These officers went into that subway stop and shot four people. That's the facts. If you can't speak out and speak on those facts, if you can't express outrage to those families who who who who had people hurt, then I don't you have to own that now. So listen, I'm not just saying that just because you got the uniform on, you have a there's a problem. The problem is that that uniform wraps you in a culture where you can't even acknowledge wrong doing and problems. Andy Moore says make better turn styles. Those have been there since the early 2000s. Ben says crime is down everywhere. You can jump in wherever you want to jump in danger. Taxpayers will once again pick up the tab for this. Carter says they can't find a knife. Tim K says cops have a tough job, but don't lie. Let's see. They could have used discretion says dayman a and just let it go. I learned about that working in a prison. Another person says I'm so glad this is Stephanie Haring. I'm so glad that my husband has retired from the NYPD. Winston Salas says the cop feared for his life. That is I mean that's but that's a you know as somebody who's working in the study but studying the history of the police you know that that's sort of reasoning that the cop feared for his life as a justification for taking other people's lives goes all the way back over a hundred years you know and you know it's this is like a problem you know I'm saying that I think we have to look at. Contribution said Don Lemon I didn't know that you are a legal immigrant. I'm finna google. No I said I moved to New York City. Nate Bull's citizen I'm not an immigrant. I moved to New York City from Louisiana in the early 90s. That's a not an immigrant. Is this the Upper East Side? Winston Salas says that being sarcastic because they don't believe that that would happen on the Upper East Side. Let's see you know there there are tons of comments for people who want to says come on Mayor Adams again. Winston. Yes I live in New York. I just got to jump in. Go ahead. When this happened right one of the first tweets I saw was from the former vice president of the F. I mean a vice president of the F.O.P. I think current vice president of the F.O.P. and he said anybody who doesn't think a war on cops is real and he's you know he and he decided this incident as evidence of a war on cops but the problem is in this case the officer was shot by another police officer and where's the acknowledgement of that so you're it's really deceptive it's almost like did he not know that the cop who got shot in this case got shot by another officer who also shot innocent people and yet you're still trying to set up the NYPD as the victims instead of doing the right thing which is you know if they made a mistake here own it we shouldn't have done this we made a mistake we're sorry we're sorry to the families we're sorry to New Yorkers instead they're doubling down as though they are the victim in this situation. Can you please talk to me about your personal relationship with the NYPD and that of your family? Well you know one thing I found it's funny I my father passed away in back in the 90s and I had never really seen a moving video because you know I didn't live in the age of Instagram you know he wasn't alive in his Instagram where we all have moving images of my father and I wanted one but I saw recently as I was starting this project an image of my father moving video of him he was alive it was back in 1964 and you know how it is when you see a video of a family member I wanted to reach through the TV and hug it turns out it was surveillance footage shot by the NYPD my father was the leader of the Bronx chapter of Congress of racial equality and there was he and other core activists entered a police station and handcuffed themselves peacefully peacefully inside that the station and the NYPD was surveilling him and that's the first moving video I saw was surveillance footage by the NYPD. I want you to weigh in on this this is from jujube's 7-11 says yeah when Giuliani was saying he was one of the best mayors like Bloomberg not sure what happened to Giuliani he went crazy what do you think of that statement? I think that Giuliani sort of became more what he was but I think that there is that story that somehow Giuliani made New York safer but you know what is funny one time I really I was actually talking to someone about this for for my show and I asked him what what did Giuliani do that was do so great you know what he said he cracked that on the squeegee guys that was that was the big you know success that Giuliani had to make the city safer the squeegee guys who tried to come and wipe wipe your windshield for a dollar and I think that that that goes to show you that you know um it's this is not really about making people safer. I lived here when Giuliani was mayor and there was some issues when it comes to policing and issues the way African Americans were treated and hold on one second. Okay the way the way some people in minority communities were treated there was a lot of police brutality going on and then from that um this was later Bloomberg came now quite honestly I think Bloomberg was a good mayor and no mayor is perfect but I think Bloomberg was a good mayor also someone who took us away as mayor Bloomberg right who is a billionaire a number of times over he takes a subway and then you know what was the guy after him what's his name I always forget his name the tall guy came between Eric Adams and DiBlasio DiBlasio. Bill DiBlasio came and uh there were some issues I think it was DiBlasio that's when stopping Frisk was right yeah well Bloomberg too yeah and Bloomberg was stopping Frisk so I thought he was a good mayor stop and Frisk is what I'm talking about now I gotta tell you when I lived in Harlem and I know that there's there's research that shows that stopping Frisk doesn't work right that right right and because of the discrimination part of it I've talked to some of the ladies who had lived there for years and they're like I don't care I don't mind stopping Frisk because they're stopping them young boys or whatever were they did they know what they were talking about with the ignorant of the actual facts because they believed that that stopping Frisk made them safe because they would get the drugs and the guns out of those backpacks and off the off of people's persons look at the data stopping Frisk has been debunked it was not successful what it resulted in was the targeting and surveillance of black and brown people and by the way the unconstitutional says buried bits in the thing that's right and by the way stopping Frisk's of black and Latino folks are up under mayor Eric Adams since 2022 you know I learned the story of a young man named Naime Sophos he's a this this is like a you don't have to be perfect to not be stopping Frisk but this young man was an athlete on the honor roll got stopping Frisk by his friends cop pulls up on him you know shook him down didn't find anything and it would and that happened under mayor Eric Adams and it's an example and you know that's traumatizing right you know here's it here's the kind of person that we want to feel like they can live in New York to be engaged we want that person to vote and feel like there's hope in the system and yet you your people are championing these policies which have been debunked and so I understand that if you live in communities right it's real if you live and look listen you know I've lived in Philadelphia for a long time I was born in Harlem I understand what it means to see the inter-community are but you got to talk to you got to really talk to the whole community and get the full diversity of opinion you know a Sutter ad at these protests I talked to you know the people there were like we don't want the police in our neighborhood because you come here and targeted us I talked to a young man what do they do if a crime happens what do they do well I mean police I mean you can see the reason I encourage you to look at the research to see what portion of crimes police even solve you know I mean police are actually I don't know if this comes as a news flash people police aren't that good at preventing crime as people in Yavaldi were police present there was 400 police officers there police show up after the crime and they don't get and police are also not involved in getting to the root of the policies right so they sort of you know it's interesting because police as a constituency tend to be overwhelming conservative so the policies that would actually address the roots of the problems in our communities they're on the wrong side of that and then they show up after the crimes have happened now I'm not saying again I'm not trying to say that we don't you know there aren't people who want to help but we need to be real let's let's talk about what happened at that Sutter ad train stop yeah who's safe for as a result of that let me ask you though would you say that if somebody mugged you or robbed you what would you do would you call 911 or someone broke into your house what would you do I personally would not but I don't blame someone if you feel unsafe and feel threatened you have to do whatever you want to do but that doesn't mean that we can't dream of something better but we don't have to have and work toward not just dream there are people working towards things that are better you know I mean the real question that I will pose back to you is what can the family of that person who got shot by the NYPD on the train while just standing there what can they do the mayor is not really acknowledging them in a serious way the police commissioner Edward Caban who just resigned on his way out made it harder to hold police accountable after burying cases the previous commissioner Kishan Sule throughout more cases than any previous police commissioner right I mean who can hold the institution accountable if you're a New Yorker who says listen I've been mistreated by the police where can you go hmm surly Francis says a françois in the meantime trump is advocating for officers to receive full immunity and for more officers to be deployed on the streets that's right and I think that's one reason why people need to get to uh you know the voting booth and really try to have a real conversation about what safety mean I mean we all know trump wants to use police to defeat his political opponents anyone who disagrees with him right trump is not out here trying to keep our community safe yeah so I think people got to get to the polls on this doctor thank you I appreciate you this is I mean look this story is unfolding here in New York City it is a very complicated story our hearts go out to the innocent person and you make some very good points about we can't saying that we can't in the meantime we can imagine something better that's right than a situation where someone is is presented with this is in a it is in the situation where he or she can't afford a two dollar ninety cent subway fare exactly and I'm yeah and then also that for doing that that someone has to lose their life for it or someone has to be injured for it um it's crazy and I appreciate you bringing up these points about safety because these are real conversations that we have to have in our community about what do we do but what happened there cannot happen and we need to listen to those ones and by the way to the family of the of the man who was shot in the head they've called for their body cam footage so we're going to be staying tuned to see what comes out rosetta Jenkins thank you for the generous contribution to independent media community policing rosetta says is the only way when it is used the officers and community are safer as they are working together so thank you for that thank you everyone make sure look we talk I talk about policing I'm just telling you everything in this book I talk about policing as it relates to what's happening so here's the book here's the book it's called I once was lost my search for God in America make sure you get it now you can buy it at your local bookstore if you if you have one or you can order it online and again I talk about policing I talk about George Floyd I talk about all kinds of things in here the the John Lewis justice and police that's the the voter rights act that's right justice and policing act that's also that they want to get passed and we know you were there I mean you know I'm saying I would not when I think of all those moments you know what I'm saying I think of you in the mix of it someone said is anybody going to be on the Oprah Kamala call tonight I will be there I got an invitation to be part of the audience so I will see you there tonight in the meantime thank you guys so much for joining thank you lemon heads thank you elimination thanks for helping us build a community the engagement was great today we got a lot of your comments in we're going to see you tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. for our hot topics we're going to discuss what is going on with this Robinson character is he going to step down will Trump denounce him will conservative media denounce him or will they just do what they just did on Fox I don't know who he is make a joke about kink shaming and then wait for it to leave the news cycle are they cuz they're worried about losing North Carolina let's see how they handle this this will be a lesson trust me in political chicanery is that the right thing of tom foolery in politics they're working on it now trust me so let's see how they respond okay thanks for watching everybody I'll see you tomorrow at 10 a.m. by by Empire City Empire City check out Empire City