Catholic Sleep Meditations

The Lost Son

"...bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found."- Luke 15:11-31

Broadcast on:
17 Sep 2024
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"...bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found."- Luke 15:11-31


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Thank you for joining us on this Catholic Sleep Meditation. This podcast was created through the support of the Mission Circle, a community that helps Catholics understand, live, and share their faith. To become a member, click on the link in the description below. Welcome to this Amen Bedtime Story. Our story is taken from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 through 31. Jesus told this story to a group of notorious sinners and tax collectors. This story is about a younger son who did not want to remain in his father's house. It's also a story about an older son who dutifully served, impatiently waiting for the day he would finally inherit his father's wealth. Lie down under the covers. Stretch your legs and rest your palms on your stomach or by your head. Take three deep breaths. Slowly breathe in from the abdomen. Put your attention on these breaths. Inhale and exhale. Allow your breathing to guide you into a calm, deeply relaxed state. With your eyes closed, turn to the Lord in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for your peace that goes beyond my understanding. Guard my heart as I sleep that I may be ever mindful of your love. Thank you for loving me, even when I fail to appreciate your love. Help me trust in your forgiveness and steadfast love so that I never hesitate to turn back to you when I sin. Help me to trust in the abundant mercy you offer me in the sacrament of reconciliation. I ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. Now let go of all your cares and hand them to your heavenly Father. Feel your head sink into your pillow. Take another deep breath and let your shoulders relax. Exhale and feel your arms and legs relax. Get comfortable as you think about how much God loves you. He has forgiven your sins and wants to take away your guilt and shame. You're out in the pasture of your Father's estate, tending his sheep, surrounded by green grass. You smell the sweet scent of wildflowers blooming in the meadow. You hear birds chirping in the distance in the soothing noise of a bubbling brook, water splashing from rocks to rocks in the stream bed. While your Father's sheep feed on the lush green grass, your older brother comes up from behind and tells you to move the sheep. They've been grazing too long in this part of the pasture. He's such a know-it-all, you sigh. When your Father dies, your brother will inherit the majority of the estate as dictated by law. Already, you're making plans to get out from under your brother's heavy-handed influence. But you can't wait that long. Within hours, you confront your Father. "Give me my share of the estate," you tell him. He agrees, but he looks sad. You leave the next day. Good riddance. You set out for a far away country. You're not sure where, just not here. You make new friends and have a party, night after night. What a relief to be away from the watchful eyes at home. You know you're supposed to get a job and earn some money, but you can think about doing that tomorrow. You know the way your living is wrong, but it's fun. It feels freeing after living under your Father's authority. Your conscience nags you for a while, but pretty soon, it's quiet. Before long, your money runs out and the famine sets in. You can't find any food you can afford to buy. You quickly find a job. A local farmer hires you to feed his pigs. Where you grew up, pigs are considered an unclean animal, but you take the job anyway. You need to eat. You don't earn enough to eat every day, so you go to bed hungry and you wake up hungry. The pee pods you feed, the pigs look better to you than the meager amounts of food you're eating. After an extended period of time in a land far, far away, you finally come to your senses. Your Father's servants eat better than you do. You can't return home as your Father's son, but maybe, just maybe, he'll hire you back as a servant. Reluctantly, you head back to your Father's estate, disgraced and discredited, embarrassed and sorrowful. Wiser, after your wanderings. While you are still a long way off, you see a figure running toward you. It's an older man. You look familiar. No, you tell yourself. It couldn't be. But it is. Your Father, one of the town leaders, holds up his robes and runs toward you as fast as he can. Your heart swells with love for him. You regret ever leaving him. You know all the wrong you've done. So you give your speech. I don't deserve to be your son. Treat me like one of your hired hands. You plead with him. He waves your words away with a sweeping motion of his hand as he embraces you in a warm hug. He tells you how glad he is to have you home again. He repeats himself for emphasis just in case you didn't hear him the first time. He takes his ring off his finger and puts it on your hand. He wraps you in a beautiful new robe. He announces to anyone who will listen that his son, who was lost, has now come home. He orders the servants to kill the fat and calf, the one they had been saving for a special occasion. Like this one. All of the neighbors come. Music plays. Your father is thrilled to have you home. The food is served. You are thankful to be with your family again. You realize that your father has slipped away. He's no longer in the room with you and his guests. You hear your brother's voice through an open window. I did everything you asked me to do. You hear him shout at your father. You wince. "You never gave me a party," he said. Your father, ever the voice of reason, says, "Look, dear son. You have always stayed by me and everything I have is yours." You wonder what your brother is thinking. "We must celebrate on this happy day," your father says. Your brother was dead, and now he has come back to life. He was lost, but now he is found. A fresh sense of relief washes over you as you think about your father's words. It's good to be home. You long for your brother to come inside. Join the party and feel the same sense of relief. Will he do it? You pause while he makes up his mind. You hope he will come inside and join you. Even if, like the younger brother, you have wandered far from your faith. Experience God's forgiveness. Rest in his love for you. Maybe like the older brother, you have kept all the rules, but still feel empty. Tonight, experience the love of your Heavenly Father. In what ways have you run away from the Lord? In what ways have you preferred the empty attractions of the world, only to realize there is nothing but emptiness and sadness? Ask the Lord for mercy. Resolve to return to him both in your heart now, but also make a resolution to hear the comforting words of the Father in the sacrament of confession. I absolve you. How your heart will soar when you hear those words, knowing you are free from the burdens of those sins. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for your love. Bless me with a restful and deep sleep. Allow me to contemplate the depth of your love as I drift off to sleep. Help me to put aside my worries of the day and rest comfortably in the knowledge of your tender love. Help me to seek your abundant mercy. I ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, amen. Our story is taken from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 through 31. Jesus told this story to a group of notorious sinners and tax collectors. This story is about a younger son who did not want to remain in his father's house. It's also a story about an older son who dutifully served, impatiently waiting for the day he would finally inherit his father's wealth. Lie down under the covers. Stretch your legs and rest your palms on your stomach or by your head. Take three deep breaths. Slowly breathe in from the abdomen. Put your attention on these breaths. Inhale and exhale. Allow your breathing to guide you into a calm, deeply relaxed state. With your eyes closed, turn to the Lord in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for your peace that goes beyond my understanding. Guard my heart as I sleep that I may be ever mindful of your love. Thank you for loving me, even when I fail to appreciate your love. Help me trust in your forgiveness and steadfast love so that I never hesitate to turn back to you when I sin. Help me to trust in the abundant mercy you offer me in the sacrament of reconciliation. I ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. Now, let go of all your cares and hand them to your heavenly Father. Feel your head sink into your pillow. Take another deep breath and let your shoulders relax. Exhale and feel your arms and legs relax. Get comfortable as you think about how much God loves you. He has forgiven your sins and wants to take away your guilt and shame. You're out in the pasture of your Father's estate, tending his sheep, surrounded by green grass. You smell the sweet scent of wildflowers blooming in the meadow. You hear birds chirping in the distance in the soothing noise of a bubbling brook, water splashing from rocks to rocks in the stream bed. While your Father's sheep feed on the lush green grass, your older brother comes up from behind and tells you to move the sheep. They've been grazing too long in this part of the pasture. He's such a know-it-all, you sigh. When your Father dies, your brother will inherit the majority of the estate as dictated by law. Already, you're making plans to get out from under your brother's heavy-handed influence. But you can't wait that long. Within hours, you confront your Father. Give me my share of the estate, you tell him. He agrees, but he looks sad. You leave the next day. Good riddance. You set out for a far away country. You're not sure where, just not here. You make new friends and have a party, night after night. What a relief to be away from the watchful eyes at home. You know you're supposed to get a job and earn some money, but you can think about doing that tomorrow. You know the way your living is wrong, but it's fun. It feels freeing after living under your Father's authority. Your conscience nags you for a while, but pretty soon, it's quiet. Before long, your money runs out and the famine sets in. You can't find any food you can afford to buy. You quickly find a job. A local farmer hires you to feed his pigs. Where you grew up, pigs are considered an unclean animal, but you take the job anyway. You need to eat. You don't earn enough to eat every day, so you go to bed hungry and you wake up hungry. The pea pods you feed the pigs look better to you than the meager amounts of food you're eating. After an extended period of time in a land far, far away, you finally come to your senses. Your Father's servants eat better than you do. You can't return home as your Father's son, but maybe, just maybe, he'll hire you back as a servant. Reluctantly, you head back to your Father's estate, disgraced and discredited, embarrassed and sorrowful. Wiser, after your wanderings. While you are still a long way off, you see a figure running toward you. It's an older man. You look familiar. No, you tell yourself. It couldn't be. But it is. Your Father, one of the town leaders, holds up his robes and runs toward you as fast as he can. Your heart swells with love for him. You regret ever leaving him. You know all the wrong you've done, so you give your speech. I don't deserve to be your son. Treat me like one of your hired hands. You plead with him. He waves your words away with a sweeping motion of his hand as he embraces you in a warm hug. He tells you how glad he is to have you home again. He repeats himself for emphasis just in case you didn't hear him the first time. He takes his ring off his finger and puts it on your hand. He wraps you in a beautiful new robe. He announces to anyone who will listen that his son, who was lost, has now come home. He orders the servants to kill the fat and calf, the one they had been saving for a special occasion, like this one. All of the neighbors come. Music plays. Your Father is thrilled to have you home. The food is served. You are thankful to be with your family again. You realize that your Father has slipped away. He is no longer in the room with you and his guests. You hear your brother's voice through an open window. I did everything you asked me to do. You hear him shout at your Father. You wince. "You never gave me a party," he said. Your Father, ever the voice of reason, says, "Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours." You wonder what your brother is thinking. "We must celebrate on this happy day," your Father says. Your brother was dead, and now he has come back to life. He was lost, but now he is found. A fresh sense of relief washes over you as you think about your Father's words. It's good to be home. You long for your brother to come inside. Join the party and feel the same sense of relief. Will he do it? You pause while he makes up his mind. You hope he will come inside and join you. Even if, like the younger brother, you have wandered far from your faith, experience God's forgiveness. Rest in his love for you. Maybe, like the older brother, you have kept all the rules, but still feel empty. Tonight, experience the love of your heavenly Father. In what ways have you run away from the Lord? In what ways have you preferred the empty attractions of the world, only to realize there is nothing but emptiness and sadness? Ask the Lord for mercy. Resolve to return to him both in your heart now, but also make a resolution to hear the comforting words of the Father in the sacrament of confession. I absolve you. How your heart will soar when you hear those words, knowing you are free from the burdens of those sins. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for your love. Bless me with a restful and deep sleep. Allow me to contemplate the depth of your love as I drift off to sleep. Help me to put aside my worries of the day, and rest comfortably in the knowledge of your tender love. Help me to seek your abundant mercy. I ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Our story is taken from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 through 31. Jesus told this story to a group of notorious sinners and tax collectors. This story is about a younger son who did not want to remain in his Father's house. It's also a story about an older son who dutifully served, impatiently waiting for the day he would finally inherit his Father's wealth. Lie down under the covers. Stretch your legs and rest your palms on your stomach or by your head. Take three deep breaths. Slowly breathe in from the abdomen. Put your attention on these breaths. Inhale and exhale. Allow your breathing to guide you into a calm, deeply relaxed state. With your eyes closed, turn to the Lord in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for your peace that goes beyond my understanding. Guard my heart as I sleep that I may be ever mindful of your love. Thank you for loving me, even when I fail to appreciate your love. Help me trust in your forgiveness and steadfast love so that I never hesitate to turn back to you when I sin. Help me to trust in the abundant mercy you offer me in the sacrament of reconciliation. I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen. Now let go of all your cares and hand them to your heavenly Father. Feel your head sink into your pillow. Take another deep breath and let your shoulders relax. Exhale and feel your arms and legs relax. Get comfortable as you think about how much God loves you. He has forgiven your sins and wants to take away your guilt and shame. You're out in the pasture of your Father's estate, tending His sheep, surrounded by green grass. You smell the sweet scent of wildflowers blooming in the meadow. You hear birds chirping in the distance in the soothing noise of a bubbling brook, water splashing from rocks to rocks in the stream bed. While your Father's sheep feed on the lush green grass, your older brother comes up from behind and tells you to move the sheep. They've been grazing too long in this part of the pasture. He's such a know-it-all, you sigh. When your Father dies, your brother will inherit the majority of the estate, as dictated by law. Already, you're making plans to get out from under your brother's heavy-handed influence. But you can't wait that long. Within hours, you confront your Father. "Give me my share of the estate," you tell him. He agrees, but he looks sad. "You leave the next day," good riddance. You set out for a far away country. You're not sure where, just not here. You make new friends and have a party night after night. What a relief to be away from the watchful eyes at home. You know you're supposed to get a job and earn some money, but you can think about doing that tomorrow. You know the way your living is wrong, but it's fun. It feels freeing after living under your Father's authority. Your conscience nags you for a while, but pretty soon, it's quiet. Before long, your money runs out and the famine sets in. You can't find any food you can afford to buy. You quickly find a job. A local farmer hires you to feed his pigs. Where you grew up, pigs are considered an unclean animal, but you take the job anyway. You need to eat. You don't earn enough to eat every day, so you go to bed hungry and you wake up hungry. The pee pods you feed, the pigs look better to you than the meager amounts of food you're eating. After an extended period of time in a land far, far away, you finally come to your senses. Your Father's servants eat better than you do. You can't return home as your Father's son, but maybe, just maybe, he'll hire you back as a servant. Reluctantly, you head back to your Father's estate, disgraced and discredited, embarrassed and sorrowful. Wiser, after your wanderings. While you are still a long way off, you see a figure running toward you. It's an older man. You look familiar. No, you tell yourself. It couldn't be. But it is. Your Father, one of the town leaders, holds up his robes and runs toward you as fast as he can. Your heart swells with love for him. You regret ever leaving him. You know all the wrong you've done, so you give your speech. I don't deserve to be your son. Treat me like one of your hired hands. You plead with him. He waves your words away with a sweeping motion of his hand as he embraces you in a warm hug. He tells you how glad he is to have you home again. He repeats himself for emphasis just in case you didn't hear him the first time. He takes his ring off his finger and puts it on your hand. He wraps you in a beautiful new robe. He announces to anyone who will listen that his son, who was lost, has now come home. He orders the servants to kill the fat and calf, the one they had been saving for a special occasion, like this one. All of the neighbors come. Music plays. Your Father is thrilled to have you home. The food is served. You are thankful to be with your family again. You realize that your Father has slipped away. He's no longer in the room with you and his guests. You hear your brother's voice through an open window. I did everything you asked me to do. You hear him shout at your Father. You wince. "You never gave me a party," he said. Your Father, ever the voice of reason, says, "Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours." You wonder what your brother is thinking. "We must celebrate on this happy day," your Father says. Your brother was dead, and now he has come back to life. He was lost, but now he is found. A fresh sense of relief washes over you as you think about your Father's words. It's good to be home. You long for your brother to come inside. Join the party and feel the same sense of relief. Will he do it? You pause while he makes up his mind. You hope he will come inside and join you. Even if, like the younger brother, you have wandered far from your faith, experience God's forgiveness. Rest in his love for you. Maybe, like the older brother, you have kept all the rules, but still feel empty. Tonight, experience the love of your heavenly Father. In what ways have you run away from the Lord? In what ways have you preferred the empty attractions of the world, only to realize there is nothing but emptiness and sadness? Ask the Lord for mercy. Resolve to return to him both in your heart now, but also make a resolution to hear the comforting words of the Father in the sacrament of confession. I absolve you. How your heart will soar when you hear those words, knowing you are free from the burdens of those sins. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for your love. Bless me with a restful and deep sleep. Allow me to contemplate the depth of your love as I drift off to sleep. Help me to put aside my worries of the day, and rest comfortably in the knowledge of your tender love. Help me to seek your abundant mercy. I ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Our story is taken from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 through 31. Jesus told this story to a group of notorious sinners and tax collectors. This story is about a younger son who did not want to remain in his Father's house. It's also a story about an older son who dutifully served, impatiently waiting for the day he would finally inherit his Father's wealth. Lie down under the covers. Stretch your legs and rest your palms on your stomach or by your head. Take three deep breaths. Slowly breathe in from the abdomen. Put your attention on these breaths. Inhale and exhale. Allow your breathing to guide you into a calm, deeply relaxed state. With your eyes closed, turn to the Lord in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for your peace that goes beyond my understanding. Guard my heart as I sleep that I may be ever mindful of your love. Thank you for loving me even when I fail to appreciate your love. Help me trust in your forgiveness and steadfast love so that I never hesitate to turn back to you when I sin. Help me to trust in the abundant mercy you offer me in the sacrament of reconciliation. I ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. Now, let go of all your cares and hand them to your heavenly Father. Feel your head sink into your pillow. Take another deep breath and let your shoulders relax. Exhale and feel your arms and legs relax. Get comfortable as you think about how much God loves you. He has forgiven your sins and wants to take away your guilt and shame. You're out in the pasture of your Father's estate, tending his sheep, surrounded by green grass. You smell the sweet scent of wildflowers blooming in the meadow. You hear birds chirping in the distance in the soothing noise of a bubbling brook, water splashing from rocks to rocks in the stream bed. While your Father's sheep feed on the lush green grass, your older brother comes up from behind and tells you to move the sheep. They've been grazing too long in this part of the pasture. He's such a know-it-all, you sigh. When your Father dies, your brother will inherit the majority of the estate as dictated by law. Already, you're making plans to get out from under your brother's heavy-handed influence, but you can't wait that long. Within hours, you confront your Father. Give me my share of the estate, you tell him. He agrees, but he looks sad. You leave the next day. Good riddance. You set out for a far away country. You're not sure where, just not here. You make new friends and have a party night after night. What a relief to be away from the watchful eyes at home. You know you're supposed to get a job and earn some money, but you can think about doing that tomorrow. You know the way your living is wrong, but it's fun. It feels freeing after living under your Father's authority. Your conscience nags you for a while, but pretty soon it's quiet. Before long, your money runs out and the famine sets in. You can't find any food you can afford to buy. You quickly find a job. A local farmer hires you to feed his pigs. Where you grew up, pigs are considered an unclean animal, but you take the job anyway. You need to eat. You don't earn enough to eat every day, so you go to bed hungry and you wake up hungry. The pee pods you feed the pigs look better to you than the meager amounts of food you're eating. After an extended period of time in a land far far away, you finally come to your senses. Your Father's servants eat better than you do. You can't return home as your Father's son, but maybe, just maybe, he'll hire you back as a servant. Reluctantly, you head back to your Father's estate, disgraced and discredited, embarrassed and sorrowful. Wiser, after your wanderings. While you are still a long way off, you see a figure running toward you. It's an older man. You look familiar. No. You tell yourself. It couldn't be. But it is. Your Father, one of the town leaders, holds up his robes and runs toward you as fast as he can. Your heart swells with love for him. You regret ever leaving him. You know all the wrong you've done, so you give your speech. I don't deserve to be your son. Treat me like one of your hired hands. You plead with him. He waves your words away with a sweeping motion of his hand as he embraces you in a warm hug. He tells you how glad he is to have you home again. He repeats himself for emphasis just in case you didn't hear him the first time. He takes his ring off his finger and puts it on your hand. He wraps you in a beautiful new robe. He announces to anyone who will listen that his son, who was lost, has now come home. He orders the servants to kill the fat and calf, the one they had been saving for a special occasion, like this one. All of the neighbors come. Music plays. Your Father is thrilled to have you home. The food is served. You are thankful to be with your family again. You realize that your Father has slipped away. He's no longer in the room with you and his guests. You hear your brother's voice through an open window. "I did everything you asked me to do." You hear him shout at your Father. You wince. "You never gave me a party," he said. Your Father, ever the voice of reason says, "Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me and everything I have is yours." You wonder what your brother is thinking. "We must celebrate on this happy day," your Father says. Your brother was dead and now he has come back to life. He was lost, but now he is found. A fresh sense of relief washes over you as you think about your Father's words. It's good to be home. You long for your brother to come inside, join the party and feel the same sense of relief. Will he do it? You pause while he makes up his mind. You hope he will come inside and join you. Even if, like the younger brother, you have wandered far from your faith, experience God's forgiveness. Rest in his love for you. Maybe, like the older brother, you have kept all the rules, but still feel empty. Tonight, experience the love of your heavenly Father. In what ways have you run away from the Lord? In what ways have you preferred the empty attractions of the world, only to realize there is nothing but emptiness and sadness? Ask the Lord for mercy. Resolve to return to him both in your heart now, but also make a resolution to hear the comforting words of the Father in the sacrament of confession. I absolve you. How your heart will soar when you hear those words, knowing you are free from the burdens of those sins. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for your love. Bless me with a restful and deep sleep. Allow me to contemplate the depth of your love as I drift off to sleep. Help me to put aside my worries of the day and rest comfortably in the knowledge of your tender love. Help me to seek your abundant mercy. I ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Our story is taken from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 through 31. Jesus told this story to a group of notorious sinners and tax collectors. This story is about a younger son who did not want to remain in his father's house. It's also a story about an older son who dutifully served, impatiently waiting for the day he would finally inherit his father's wealth. Lie down under the covers. Stretch your legs and rest your palms on your stomach or by your head. Take three deep breaths. Slowly breathe in from the abdomen. Put your attention on these breaths. Inhale and exhale. Allow your breathing to guide you into a calm, deeply relaxed state. With your eyes closed, turn to the Lord in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for your peace that goes beyond my understanding. Guard my heart as I sleep that I may be ever mindful of your love. Thank you for loving me, even when I fail to appreciate your love. Help me trust in your forgiveness and steadfast love so that I never hesitate to turn back to you when I sin. Help me to trust in the abundant mercy you offer me in the sacrament of reconciliation. I ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. Now let go of all your cares and hand them to your heavenly Father. Feel your head sink into your pillow. Take another deep breath and let your shoulders relax. Exhale and feel your arms and legs relax. Get comfortable as you think about how much God loves you. He has forgiven your sins and wants to take away your guilt and shame. You're out in the pasture of your Father's estate, tending his sheep, surrounded by green grass. You smell the sweet scent of wildflowers blooming in the meadow. You hear birds chirping in the distance in the soothing noise of a bubbling brook, water splashing from rocks to rocks in the stream bed. While your Father's sheep feed on the lush green grass, your older brother comes up from behind and tells you to move the sheep. They've been grazing too long in this part of the pasture. He's such a know-it-all, you sigh. When your Father dies, your brother will inherit the majority of the estate as dictated by law. Already, you're making plans to get out from under your brother's heavy-handed influence. But you can't wait that long. Within hours, you confront your Father. "Give me my share of the estate," you tell him. He agrees, but he looks sad. You leave the next day. Good riddance. You set out for a far away country. You're not sure where, just not here. You make new friends and have a party, night after night. What a relief to be away from the watchful eyes at home. You know you're supposed to get a job and earn some money, but you can think about doing that tomorrow. You know the way your living is wrong, but it's fun. It feels freeing after living under your Father's authority. Your conscience nags you for a while, but pretty soon it's quiet. Before long, your money runs out and the famine sets in. You can't find any food you can afford to buy. You quickly find a job. A local farmer hires you to feed his pigs. Where you grew up, pigs are considered an unclean animal, but you take the job anyway. You need to eat. You don't earn enough to eat every day, so you go to bed hungry and you wake up hungry. The peepods you feed the pigs look better to you than the meager amounts of food you're eating. After an extended period of time in a land far far away, you finally come to your senses. Your Father's servants eat better than you do. You can't return home as your Father's son, but maybe, just maybe, he'll hire you back as a servant. Reluctantly, you head back to your Father's estate, disgraced and discredited, embarrassed and sorrowful. Wiser, after your wanderings. While you are still a long way off, you see a figure running toward you. It's an older man. You look familiar. No, you tell yourself. It couldn't be. But it is. Your Father, one of the town leaders, holds up his robes and runs toward you as fast as he can. Your heart swells with love for him. You regret ever leaving him. You know all the wrong you've done, so you give your speech. I don't deserve to be your son. Treat me like one of your hired hands. You plead with him. He waves your words away with a sweeping motion of his hand as he embraces you in a warm hug. He tells you how glad he is to have you home again. He repeats himself for emphasis just in case you didn't hear him the first time. He takes his ring off his finger and puts it on your hand. He wraps you in a beautiful new robe. He announces to anyone who will listen that his son, who was lost, has now come home. He orders the servants to kill the fat and calf, the one they had been saving for a special occasion, like this one. All of the neighbors come. Music plays. Your Father is thrilled to have you home. The food is served. You are thankful to be with your family again. You realize that your Father has slipped away. He's no longer in the room with you and his guests. You hear your brother's voice through an open window. I did everything you asked me to do. You hear him shout at your Father. You wince. "You never gave me a party," he said. Your Father, ever the voice of reason says, "Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me and everything I have is yours." You wonder what your brother is thinking. "We must celebrate on this happy day," your Father says. "Your brother was dead, and now he has come back to life. He was lost, but now he is found." A fresh sense of relief washes over you as you think about your Father's words. It's good to be home. You long for your brother to come inside. Join the party and feel the same sense of relief. Will he do it? You pause while he makes up his mind. You hope he will come inside and join you. Even if, like the younger brother, you have wandered far from your faith, experience God's forgiveness. Rest in his love for you. Maybe like the older brother, you have kept all the rules, but still feel empty. Tonight, experience the love of your Heavenly Father. In what ways have you run away from the Lord? In what ways have you preferred the empty attractions of the world, only to realize there is nothing but emptiness and sadness? Ask the Lord for mercy. Resolve to return to him, both in your heart now, but also make a resolution to hear the comforting words of the Father in the sacrament of confession. I absolve you. How your heart will soar when you hear those words, knowing you are free from the burdens of those sins. Let's pray. Help me to put aside my worries of the day and rest comfortably in the knowledge of your tender love. Help me to seek your abundant mercy. I ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Our story is taken from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 through 31. Jesus told this story to a group of notorious sinners and tax collectors. This story is about a younger son who did not want to remain in his father's house. It's also a story about an older son who dutifully served, impatiently waiting for the day he would finally inherit his father's wealth. Lie down under the covers. Stretch your legs and rest your palms on your stomach or by your head. Take three deep breaths. Slowly breathe in from the abdomen. Put your attention on these breaths. Inhale and exhale. Allow your breathing to guide you into a calm, deeply relaxed state. With your eyes closed, turn to the Lord in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for your peace that goes beyond my understanding. Guard my heart as I sleep that I may be ever mindful of your love. Thank you for loving me, even when I fail to appreciate your love. Help me trust in your forgiveness and steadfast love so that I never hesitate to turn back to you when I sin. Help me to trust in the abundant mercy you offer me in the sacrament of reconciliation. I ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. Now let go of all your cares and hand them to your heavenly Father. Feel your head sink into your pillow. Take another deep breath and let your shoulders relax. Exhale and feel your arms and legs relax. Get comfortable as you think about how much God loves you. He has forgiven your sins and wants to take away your guilt and shame. You're out in the pasture of your Father's estate, tending his sheep, surrounded by green grass. You smell the sweet scent of wildflowers blooming in the meadow. You hear birds chirping in the distance in the soothing noise of a bubbling brook, water splashing from rocks to rocks in the stream bed. While your Father's sheep feed on the lush green grass, your older brother comes up from behind and tells you to move the sheep. They've been grazing too long in this part of the pasture. He's such a know-it-all, you sigh. When your Father dies, your brother will inherit the majority of the estate as dictated by law. Already, you're making plans to get out from under your brother's heavy-handed influence. But you can't wait that long. Within hours, you confront your Father. Give me my share of the estate, you tell him. He agrees, but he looks sad. You leave the next day. Good riddance. You set out for a far away country. You're not sure where, just not here. You make new friends and have a party night after night. What a relief to be away from the watchful eyes at home. You know you're supposed to get a job and earn some money, but you can think about doing that tomorrow. You know the way your living is wrong, but it's fun. It feels freeing after living under your Father's authority. Your conscience nags you for a while, but pretty soon, it's quiet. Before long, your money runs out and the famine sets in. You can't find any food you can afford to buy. You quickly find a job. A local farmer hires you to feed his pigs. Where you grew up, pigs are considered an unclean animal, but you take the job anyway. You need to eat. You don't earn enough to eat every day, so you go to bed hungry and you wake up hungry. The pee pods you feed, the pigs look better to you than the meager amounts of food you're eating. After an extended period of time in a land far, far away, you finally come to your senses. Your Father's servants eat better than you do. You can't return home as your Father's son, but maybe, just maybe, he'll hire you back as a servant. Reluctantly, you head back to your Father's estate, disgraced and discredited, embarrassed and sorrowful. Wiser, after your wanderings. While you are still a long way off, you see a figure running toward you. It's an older man. You look familiar. No, you tell yourself. It couldn't be. But it is. Your Father, one of the town leaders, holds up his robes and runs toward you as fast as he can. Your heart swells with love for him. You regret ever leaving him. You know all the wrong you've done, so you give your speech. I don't deserve to be your son. Treat me like one of your hired hands. You plead with him. He waves your words away with a sweeping motion of his hand as he embraces you in a warm hug. He tells you how glad he is to have you home again. He repeats himself for emphasis just in case you didn't hear him the first time. He takes his ring off his finger and puts it on your hand. He wraps you in a beautiful new robe. He announces to anyone who will listen that his son, who was lost, has now come home. He orders the servants to kill the fat and calf, the one they had been saving for a special occasion, like this one. All of the neighbors come. Music plays. Your Father is thrilled to have you home. The food is served. You are thankful to be with your family again. You realize that your Father has slipped away. He's no longer in the room with you and his guests. You hear your brother's voice through an open window. I did everything you asked me to do. You hear him shout at your Father. You wince. "You never gave me a party," he said. Your Father, ever the voice of reason says, "Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours." You wonder what your brother is thinking. "We must celebrate on this happy day," your Father says. Your brother was dead, and now he has come back to life. He was lost, but now he is found. A fresh sense of relief washes over you as you think about your Father's words. It's good to be home. You long for your brother to come inside, join the party, and feel the same sense of relief. Will he do it? You pause while he makes up his mind. You hope he will come inside and join you. Even if, like the younger brother, you have wandered far from your faith, experience God's forgiveness. Rest in his love for you. Maybe, like the older brother, you have kept all the rules, but still feel empty. Tonight, experience the love of your Heavenly Father. In what ways have you run away from the Lord? In what ways have you preferred the empty attractions of the world, only to realize there is nothing but emptiness and sadness? Ask the Lord for mercy. Resolve to return to him both in your heart now, but also make a resolution to hear the comforting words of the Father in the sacrament of confession. I absolve you. How your heart will soar when you hear those words, knowing you are free from the burdens of those sins. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for your love. Bless me with a restful and deep sleep. Allow me to contemplate the depth of your love as I drift off to sleep. Help me to put aside my worries of the day, and rest comfortably in the knowledge of your tender love. Help me to seek your abundant mercy. I ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Our story is taken from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 through 31. Jesus told this story to a group of notorious sinners and tax collectors. This story is about a younger son who did not want to remain in his father's house. It's also a story about an older son who dutifully served, impatiently waiting for the day he would finally inherit his father's wealth. Lie down under the covers. Stretch your legs and rest your palms on your stomach or by your head. Take three deep breaths. Slowly breathe in from the abdomen. Put your attention on these breaths, inhale and exhale. Allow your breathing to guide you into a calm, deeply relaxed state. With your eyes closed, turn to the Lord in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for your peace that goes beyond my understanding. Guard my heart as I sleep that I may be ever mindful of your love. Thank you for loving me, even when I fail to appreciate your love. Help me trust in your forgiveness and steadfast love so that I never hesitate to turn back to you when I sin. Help me to trust in the abundant mercy you offer me in the sacrament of reconciliation. I ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. Now let go of all your cares and hand them to your heavenly Father. Feel your head sink into your pillow. Take another deep breath and let your shoulders relax. Exhale and feel your arms and legs relax. Get comfortable as you think about how much God loves you. He has forgiven your sins and wants to take away your guilt and shame. You're out in the pasture of your Father's estate, tending His sheep, surrounded by green grass. You smell the sweet scent of wildflowers blooming in the meadow. You hear birds chirping in the distance in the soothing noise of a bubbling brook, water splashing from rocks to rocks in the stream bed. While your Father's sheep feed on the lush green grass, your older brother comes up from behind and tells you to move the sheep. They've been grazing too long in this part of the pasture. He's such a know-it-all, you sigh. When your Father dies, your brother will inherit the majority of the estate, as dictated by law. Already, you're making plans to get out from under your brother's heavy-handed influence. But you can't wait that long. Within hours, you confront your Father. "Give me my share of the estate," you tell him. He agrees, but he looks sad. "You leave the next day," good riddance. You set out for a far away country. You're not sure where, just not here. You make new friends and have a party, night after night. What a relief to be away from the watchful eyes at home. You know you're supposed to get a job and earn some money, but you can think about doing that tomorrow. You know the way your living is wrong, but it's fun. It feels freeing after living under your Father's authority. Your conscience nags you for a while, but pretty soon, it's quiet. Before long, your money runs out and the famine sets in. You can't find any food you can afford to buy. You quickly find a job. A local farmer hires you to feed his pigs. Where you grew up, pigs are considered an unclean animal, but you take the job anyway. You need to eat. You don't earn enough to eat every day, so you go to bed hungry and you wake up hungry. The pee pods you feed the pigs look better to you than the meager amounts of food you're eating. After an extended period of time in a land far, far away, you finally come to your senses. Your Father's servants eat better than you do. You can't return home as your Father's son, but maybe, just maybe, he'll hire you back as a servant. Reluctantly, you head back to your Father's estate, disgraced and discredited, embarrassed and sorrowful. Wiser, after your wanderings. While you are still a long way off, you see a figure running toward you. It's an older man. You look familiar. No, you tell yourself. It couldn't be. But it is. Your Father, one of the town leaders, holds up his robes and runs toward you as fast as he can. Your heart swells with love for him. You regret ever leaving him. You know all the wrong you've done, so you give your speech. I don't deserve to be your son. Treat me like one of your hired hands. You plead with him. He waves your words away with a sweeping motion of his hand as he embraces you in a warm hug. He tells you how glad he is to have you home again. He repeats himself for emphasis just in case you didn't hear him the first time. He takes his ring off his finger and puts it on your hand. He wraps you in a beautiful new robe. He announces to anyone who will listen that his son, who was lost, has now come home. He orders the servants to kill the fat and calf, the one they had been saving for a special occasion, like this one. All of the neighbors come. Music plays. Your Father is thrilled to have you home. The food is served. You are thankful to be with your family again. You realize that your Father has slipped away. He's no longer in the room with you and his guests. You hear your brother's voice through an open window. I did everything you asked me to do. You hear him shout at your Father. You wince. "You never gave me a party," he said. Your Father, ever the voice of reason, says, "Look, dear Son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours." You wonder what your brother is thinking. "We must celebrate on this happy day," your Father says. Your brother was dead, and now he has come back to life. He was lost, but now he is found. A fresh sense of relief washes over you as you think about your Father's words. It's good to be home. You long for your brother to come inside. Join the party and feel the same sense of relief. Will he do it? You pause while he makes up his mind. You hope he will come inside and join you. Even if, like the younger brother, you have wandered far from your faith, experience God's forgiveness. Rest in his love for you. Maybe, like the older brother, you have kept all the rules, but still feel empty. Tonight, experience the love of your Heavenly Father. In what ways have you run away from the Lord? In what ways have you preferred the empty attractions of the world, only to realize there is nothing but emptiness and sadness? Ask the Lord for mercy. Resolve to return to him both in your heart now, but also make a resolution to hear the comforting words of the Father in the sacrament of confession. I absolve you. How your heart will soar when you hear those words, knowing you are free from the burdens of those sins. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for your love. Bless me with a restful and deep sleep. Allow me to contemplate the depth of your love as I drift off to sleep. Help me to put aside my worries of the day, and rest comfortably in the knowledge of your tender love. Help me to seek your abundant mercy. I ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ, amen. Our story is taken from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 through 31. Jesus told this story to a group of notorious sinners and tax collectors. This story is about a younger son who did not want to remain in his Father's house. It's also a story about an older son who dutifully served, impatiently waiting for the day he would finally inherit his Father's wealth. Lie down under the covers. Stretch your legs and rest your palms on your stomach or by your head. Take three deep breaths. Slowly breathe in from the abdomen. Put your attention on these breaths. Inhale and exhale. Allow your breathing to guide you into a calm, deeply relaxed state. With your eyes closed, turn to the Lord in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for your peace that goes beyond my understanding. Guard my heart as I sleep that I may be ever mindful of your love. Thank you for loving me, even when I fail to appreciate your love. Help me trust in your forgiveness and steadfast love so that I never hesitate to turn back to you when I sin. Help me to trust in the abundant mercy you offer me in the sacrament of reconciliation. I ask this through Christ our Lord, amen. Now let go of all your cares and hand them to your heavenly Father. Feel your head sink into your pillow. Take another deep breath and let your shoulders relax. Exhale and feel your arms and legs relax. Get comfortable as you think about how much God loves you. He has forgiven your sins and wants to take away your guilt and shame. You're out in the pasture of your Father's estate, tending His sheep, surrounded by green grass. You smell the sweet scent of wildflowers blooming in the meadow. You hear birds chirping in the distance in the soothing noise of a bubbling brook, water splashing from rocks to rocks in the stream bed. While your Father's sheep feed on the lush green grass, your older brother comes up from behind and tells you to move the sheep. They've been grazing too long in this part of the pasture. He's such a know-it-all, you sigh. When your Father dies, your brother will inherit the majority of the estate as dictated by law. Already, you're making plans to get out from under your brother's heavy-handed influence, but you can't wait that long. Within hours, you confront your Father. Give me my share of the estate, you tell Him. He agrees, but He looks sad. You leave the next day. Good riddance. You set out for a far away country. You're not sure where, just not here. You make new friends and have a party night after night. What a relief to be away from the watchful eyes at home. You know you're supposed to get a job and earn some money, but you can think about doing that tomorrow. You know the way your living is wrong, but it's fun. It feels freeing after living under your Father's authority. Your conscience nags you for a while, but pretty soon, it's quiet. Before long, your money runs out and the famine sets in. You can't find any food you can afford to buy. You quickly find a job. A local farmer hires you to feed his pigs. Where you grew up, pigs are considered an unclean animal, but you take the job anyway. You need to eat. You don't earn enough to eat every day, so you go to bed hungry and you wake up hungry. The pee pods you feed, the pigs look better to you than the meager amounts of food you're eating. After an extended period of time in a land far, far away, you finally come to your senses. Your Father's servants eat better than you do. You can't return home as your Father's son, but maybe, just maybe, he'll hire you back as a servant. Reluctantly, you head back to your Father's estate, disgraced and discredited, embarrassed and sorrowful. Wiser, after your wanderings. While you are still a long way off, you see a figure running toward you. It's an older man. You look familiar. No. You tell yourself. It couldn't be. But it is. Your Father, one of the town leaders, holds up his robes and runs toward you as fast as he can. Your heart swells with love for him. You regret ever leaving him. You know all the wrong you've done, so you give your speech. I don't deserve to be your son. Treat me like one of your hired hands. You plead with him. He waves your words away with a sweeping motion of his hand as he embraces you in a warm hug. He tells you how glad he is to have you home again. He repeats himself for emphasis just in case you didn't hear him the first time. He takes his ring off his finger and puts it on your hand. He wraps you in a beautiful new robe. He announces to anyone who will listen that his son who was lost has now come home. He orders the servants to kill the fat and calf, the one they had been saving for a special occasion. Like this one, all of the neighbors come. Music plays. Your Father is thrilled to have you home. The food is served. You are thankful to be with your family again. You realize that your Father has slipped away. He's no longer in the room with you and his guests. You hear your brother's voice through an open window. I did everything you asked me to do. You hear him shout at your Father. You wince. "You never gave me a party," he said. Your Father, ever the voice of reason, says, "Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me and everything I have is yours. You wonder what your brother is thinking. We must celebrate on this happy day," your Father says. Your brother was dead and now he has come back to life. He was lost, but now he is found. A fresh sense of relief washes over you as you think about your Father's words. It's good to be home. You long for your brother to come inside. Join the party and feel the same sense of relief. Will he do it? You pause while he makes up his mind. You hope he will come inside and join you. Even if, like the younger brother, you have wandered far from your faith. Experience God's forgiveness. Rest in his love for you. Maybe like the older brother, you have kept all the rules, but still feel empty. Tonight, experience the love of your Heavenly Father. In what ways have you run away from the Lord? In what ways have you preferred the empty attractions of the world, only to realize there is nothing but emptiness and sadness? Ask the Lord for mercy. Resolve to return to him both in your heart now, but also make a resolution to hear the comforting words of the Father in the sacrament of confession. I absolve you. How your heart will soar when you hear those words, knowing you are free from the burdens of those sins. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for your love. Bless me with a restful and deep sleep. Allow me to contemplate the depth of your love as I drift off to sleep. Help me to put aside my worries of the day, and rest comfortably in the knowledge of your tender love. Help me to seek your abundant mercy. I ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.