Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Baba Basra 87


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19 Sep 2024
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If I'm a bastard, daaf, paizang. So we're talking about 10 lines down here from the two dots where we're analyzing the last part of the Mishramhaibumbalakaka, let's say the produce that he's selling to the buyer. Sellers giving to the buyer is still attached to the ground. So we're talking about kinyana. But Talish Koshu, as soon as he does a Talish Koshu, he does even the smallest amount of its Alisha, then Kana. So then the buyer is going to acquire. So the more I try so I understand what exactly is the kinyan of uprooting just a little bit of the produce. So Talish Koshu, Kana, you have flax. That's where the context here was, flax, remember in the Mishram. So that flax we said normally is in small bottles, typically you do alcohol. That's the kinyan typically. Here, since it was attached to the ground, and now I have brewed a small amount from the ground. Now I'm calling all of it, what's this far? What exactly is the kinyan? Let's say just for example, let's say we have a bunch of different items, and I was much a kongan of them. And just because everything's included in the deal, then I'm calling it everything? No, it doesn't work. If you are distinct items that I can have seen most of each of them. So here, when I go ahead and I approve it, let's say it's some sort of machine or whatever it is. Let's say, if it's not going to acquire all of it, I'm going to have Shashi's alkamais kina, what do we deal with? Amra leh, the seller said, leh, yape, lukha kar koshu, go bimiyape, go improve a small amount of land. In Kunela, Masha land, you acquire everything that's on it. In other words, what's happening? He's actually giving him the land on some level. And what he's doing is that he's making a kinyan of kai zakkaw, he's improving the land, which is a kinyan for the land. All the remaining flaxes attached to the ground, and that's affected through the kinyan, which is on the ground. So it actually seems to be, people look at tesus, tesus definitely addresses it, speaks just out a little bit clearer. Tesus seems to learn, it's almost like a kinyan of the kazir, therefore, it was taking place on the flax. Tesus, it says kalaymar, tazus haus leh kakkaw, dei boi davikay, no lo lo koshu. Well, again, you're making a small kinyan on the land with a kinyan kazakkaw, but dei shululah luk, leo's kizak kizakkaw, leo's, they actually think about that. Now, by doing that, you're kind of like borrowing the land that therefore it's yours to use, in one sense, that you could use it to acquire the things that are upon it. So it's actually kind of like a two-step process when it's taking place here. You're going ahead and making a kinyan of land, kinyan kazakkaw the land, and that locks in, like some sort of borrowing that you have on the land, and thereby, a kinyan kazir on whatever left is sitting on top of the land. That's the way it works. When he said to him, here, you acquire the flax, the flax was acquired on, was it attached to the ground? He was saying to him, given the kaka, and then use it to become a kinyan kazir, what's on top of it? Like, continuing on here, says the Mishnah. We're talking about when is a sale finalized, right, when you close it, where kinyan, so I'm up for you, I'm a shovel cutter, someone selling wine or oil to his friend. Look who it is, look, they fix the price, and then suddenly the price goes up, the price goes down. So it's all going to depend, and when, if it went up or went down, before they came here, after the kinyan, what's the law? Imachlo and Spalamida, if the price changed before the measure was filled, you know, there's a measuring cup was filled up, le mochar. And then it changed for the seller, in other words, the seller is pouring it out into the measure and giving it to the buyer, so until it's filled, all the merchandise belongs to the seller, and then we can go back. So the seller profits from anything that would go up, he would say, we got to do this for a higher price here, and he would also lose anything that would go down, right, the buyer will say, no, I'm going to hold out for a lower price. So therefore, in this case, there's going to be a show to the mochar, it's not sold. Mission is small, that's what we mean for the mochar, in the sense that we're trying to say, it's not yet sold, and both parties can back out if they like, if you're finding obviously, it's to the advantage of the seller if it goes up, and it's an advantage to the buyer if it went down. But when the mission is saying, le mochar, the point is, it's still by the seller, it has not yet been sold. Mission is small, Amida, once the measuring cup was filled up, low cap, now it changes for the buyer, meaning once it's filled, the buyer automatically has the kinyan, it's over, it's finalized, no one can retract at that point. So any change is for the buyer, what does that mean, it's for the buyer, meaning you cannot back out. So if it went up, it went up in his possession, if it went down, it went down in his possession, that's the point that we're saying. So basically, it all depends if the cup was full. Now, obviously, the Comar is going to talk about whose cup is being used, by his size of a name, let's say there was a middleman that was between them, meaning the middleman, he kind of like brokers a deal, so he gets some merchandise from the seller, you can kind of call him in that aspect, he's like buying it from the seller, and then he's reselling it to the buyer. So then, what happens if there was a size of Anish Brakhov is in the barrel brace as well as Sasser breaks for the middleman, so basically what we're saying is that he's not an agent of the buyer, he's not an agent of the seller, it's not what's going on, he's his own entity, he's just looking at him as someone who's buying and as someone who's selling, so imagine he bought something and then it got broken, okay, tough luck, I knew, the fact that you were a middleman trying to resell it, that doesn't affect anything. So therefore, all the breakings, anything that went down would be for the middleman, okay. Now the mission continues, (speaks in foreign language) to let the three drops drip out for the buyer, so what are we talking about? So when you're selling it from whatever it is, you're barrel, and then you're pouring it into the container, so he has to leave the cup tilted over the clea of the buyer after the flow is over, to the extent that three drops will now drip in, that's like the last you got to empty it all, and we're saying that all that's expected in the normal business is three drips after it is the main flow is over, Aquino maintains if after that happened, now he tilts the measure and there's some residue that collects here on the bottom, in other words, the measuring cup was left at an angle, so there was some residue that had been dripped out and it's now on the bottom of the cup, so who is this, that goes to the mocha, like I'm always going to explain, what's the reason, like why is that, am I so at the end of the day I'm selling you all of it, so if there is a little bit more that's left then what's the hack up shot that belongs to the seller, the more we'll address that, and how about the social keeper, all this is for a regular person, it comes to a store keeper, he's not obligated to let the three drops come out, why, he's very busy, right, you think to me, think about it, think about it, some of the times you go to these very efficient stores, and the way they're doling out coffees in the morning or during the boom, boom, boom, this is a fast, we don't have time, every single customer starts letting it drip, drip, drip slowly until it, you gotta just go, so therefore the expectation is that if you're buying, you're not going to get every last drop, and that's called goofa, it's not stealing, it's understanding that you're doing business on such a level, so when it's a private person, you're doing a private deal, okay, so they're even more insistent on getting every one, but when it's in the store, in the context of a store, so then you're more understanding that there's an efficiency here in the way the store operates, and you're not going to get all that everything, and therefore you don't have to, you don't have to let the three drops come out, if you don't review this as a shop, it's going to cost you a couple of dollars, and our shop is right before, right before shop, it's going to start, then you are exempt, so that when you're going to find it, figure out in the garage, is he talking about a storekeeper or a regular person, we'll talk about that, obviously we're more lenient, I'm Friday, because everyone's in a rush, right, to sit there and let things prepare out, as annoying on Friday, this is a storekeeper, you're talking about a regular person, that we'll see in the garage, so first we start with the first meal on the mission, the first meal on the mission is someone selling the wine or oil to his friend, and then the price goes up or down, so we say that it depends if the measuring cup was filled, or not, once it's filled, it's automatically the buyers, until it was filled, it's still by the sellers, it says the Gomara, this measure that we're talking about, who's is it, so if it's the, immediately, immediately, the buyer's measure, actually it's going to be the smoker, is it true that before it's filled up, it's for the seller, immediately okay, let's measure the buyers, you should automatically acquire each unit of produce as it's coming in, so remember, what did we learn about before, we had this pricing background, that if the clea is the buyers, he's calling it, as every unit, as every unit comes in, now, you know, we mentioned before, yesterday, that that's only where you broke it into units, right, let's say I said, like I'm selling you a core, you know, once, one seller per saw, that's where it's broken into units, if I'm making it one big deal, it's not necessarily the case, so the response trying to figure out like, why are we assuming that we're talking about a case where there's multiple units in the cell, he says, because the mission didn't state one way or the other, so we assume that we're talking about even in a scenario where you're selling something and with different units, so I'm not just selling you a core for 30, but I'm selling you like a core for 30, one seller per saw, that's going in, so then, it's very difficult, that it's the meter of the, if it's the meter of the locale, so then each saw that goes in, that goes in, should be calling it for him, why are we saying that it's only when it's filled up, at the meter of the smoker, you have to say that who's composite, it's the seller's measure, but then the problem is, if it's his car, be sure to swallow the locale, why are we saying that it seems to get filled up, now the changes are for the buyer, the meter of the smoker, but it's the measure of the seller's, meaning there's no Kenyan, there's no Kenyan just because the seller's cleat gets filled, the only Kenyan that would be here is the cleat, but the cleat doesn't belong to the buyer, so either way, we have difficulty understanding, the mission is when it gets filled up or not, we don't understand if it's a meter of the motor, so then it should never be called, even after it's filled up, it shouldn't be called for the buyer, but it's the meter of the, okay, it should be called a unit by unit that comes in, not only when it's filled, I'm ever loving me that side, so we're talking about that the measure belong to a middleman, in other words, he loaned the seller and the buyer, his cleat, to transact the deal, so therefore, the understanding of the loan is until it's filled, it's by the seller, it's given to him, and once it's filled, it's for the buyer, so that's why we now can understand, it's an interesting nakuta, if you lend me something, then I can use it to make Kenyan, that's the truth, it's like my cleat, gligabe that, so therefore, once it's filled up, understanding is that the third party, the middleman, lent it to the buyer, but until it's filled up, it's still in the usage, the lending to the seller, says the Gomara, but wait a second, I thought the end of the mission had talked about a middleman, when we're done, he saved foot, then the end of the mission had moved down to the middleman, it's the end of my size of her name, if there was a middleman there, Nishbrok, how about the Nishbrok's eyes are, and the middleman presumably buys it off the seller and then resells it to the buyer, so then the loss goes to the seller, so when the clouds are racial, happens, I was like, you know, in the ratio we're not talking about a seller, in the ratio we're talking about a buyer and a seller, we're doing it all together, and the end of the mission I talked about, if there was a middleman, what are you saying that the ratio and the ratio of the clea that the buyer and the seller are using belongs to the middleman, so the buyer says, no, no, no, no, it's not such a difficult question, there was only a middleman who was involved in the case in the Safa, but there could be a middleman's clea in the ratio, a ratio of Meda below Sasser, his clea was there, he wasn't there, in other words he wasn't, you know, usually, I don't know, usually, but there could be a way that a Sasser is involved where he'll actually go ahead personally and buy it from the seller, and then resell to the buyer, that's kind of his business, that's what he does, and then there are times where he was too busy, he couldn't do it, so he just lent them a clea, whatever, and lent them a clea, and he lent them a clea, when he lent them a clea, that's what the ratio is talking about, that he's lending it to the seller until it's full, and then it automatically comes along to the buyer after it is full, the Safa is talking about where it was actually the Sasser who was dealing with the case, all right, Vitil, and you know it meets his original mocha, so we say he lets the three drips out, right, and then afterwards the seller is tilting the measure, and there is some residue on the bottom, so that mocha is that it belongs to the seller, we have to understand why, the myser is more there, why doesn't it all go to the buyer, so the mocha starts with discussion, he saw the driver, the lover of the lover went up, the character of the Sasser who he met, he said to Mika and Tan, or the Ase, to rob me, is there a time here enough to tell that rob taught the vision of about measures, in other words, the arm of the rest of the world measures, is anyone, anyone study this by the great rob, so Ase, where he showed him, where he showed him, where he showed him, where he showed him, that he had done it, so I'm going to say, "I'm going to say, my character, what's your issue over here?" or a blizzard, what do you want to know, so a blizzard, not a response, "Nah, and I have a proc, the misha said her kino mises, I reassured my character, that after three drops, now whatever residue can collect belongs to the seller at the top of the database, but to now we've learned it in another mission, here we're talking about someone who's a barrel of oil that is truma, now truma is very different sanctity than other coolant, right, for example, truma can only go to the coin, other stuff cannot, so if there would be a mixture between some residue of truma with coolant, it might cause some big issues, so if I'm pouring from one barrel, and other, I'm transferring the contents of truma, so now the Shilah is, how crazy do I have to be to get all the truma out from the first barrel before I want to use it for hula, so as dal lachazez, arveno amisar, arveno amisar, arveno amisar, I let the drops out, I tilt the barrel on the mice, so some residue is collected on the bottom, it is truma, and therefore, I would have to be careful, I must treat it, treat it as truma, so basically, and that makes sense, because it is truma, right, if you are able to tilt it and get a little bit more of that collector, you know what it is, you know it's truma, so in our case, if I'm selling something, after the three drops come out, and if I tilt it and now more is there, we say the seller keeps it, so how come over there, we say it's truma, what's the difference, so the car explains very simple, amolejo, it's marla marva, we should be used by alma nagaba, of course it was part of the original thing, but then I saw the owner abandon, abandon his mindset of getting it, that's the halacha, he abandons the residue, after the three drops, he can be therefore makes it half-care, it's not worth my time for it to wait for it to drain, that's why the seller can keep it, in the case of the truma though, it is different, because there's no one calling who could just say, you know, amolejo, and now, you know, I'm not fair, it's not a truma, it doesn't work like that, you can't have a scenario like that, so I think an interesting scenario, you think about this, sometimes I'm just, as I'm speaking, it's out of the stuff, you know, sometimes like you'll be, you'll be at the game, the vendor is going around with like, you're selling beer, and you know, they open them up and then they pour it in the cup and they give it to you, so I'm sure there's a lot of times where they're in a rush or whatever it is, and they, and you don't get every little last fit, and that, I'm wondering if that may, maybe that's like the chanvani case, maybe that's like the chanvani case where we're saying it's not even expected, even the three trips, right, there's two levels, there's the three trips, which you are entitled to, and then after the three trips there's, what if I would tilt it, there would be some residue, so we're saying that, you know, it seems that the three trips and the standard private people are expected to get, that's, I, even though it takes a little bit of time, I'll wait for it so I can get it, after that I'm the ish, it's still essentially what it is if it would be Truma, it would be Truma, then we're saying a storekeeper is different, a storekeeper you don't even get the three trips, all right, now we're kind of going to give him a hot tip, and we said that, well, he's not required to, then, then, then review the said, on air shop is he is potter, so what does it mean review the statement, on air shop is he's potter, he by the way, review dairatia cai lakula is review going on the first part of the Mishnah, in other words a regular baal baia, it's a private sale, where the tana kamo ulti is required to give him three traps, comes along with you, then he says let me tell you leniency, if it's Arab Shabbos, even if it's a private sale, not a storekeeper, a private sale, if it's Arab Shabbos, he's in a rush, then the understanding is that he's not going to wait for the three drops, he doesn't have to do it, or Dilma, um, in other words, and all the more so, of course, a company never has to do it, my reviews is just adding an extra leniency that a baal baia doesn't have to, or Dilma saifakai lakuma, maybe he's going on the saifah, that the storekeeper is not required to let the three trips out, he says, review the lakuma, this that the storekeeper doesn't have to let the three trips out, that's limited to Arab Shabbis, but on a regular scenario, there's even a storekeeper would have to, so that would be a kumra, says the kumra, touch, smile, it's bringing perciton, he says in the right to review Dilma, if Shabbos is a company potter, Arab Shabbos, right before Shabbos starts, the company is potter, nature company tarot, because the storekeeper is very busy, so there we go, you can see, explicitly, that he's going on the ladder room with tana kamo, and he's saying over a kumra, tana kamo is pottering the storekeeper at all times, understanding, you know, and the shop has to move quickly, don't, don't, don't, don't be a nudge for your three drops, and, and review, those saying, oh, your only potter, Arab Shabbos in Qashek, all right, says the mission al shalaykh, that's why we have kamrani, someone sends little kid, right, you know, and we mean here a minor, someone sends their minor son down to the store, okay, now, he sends him down to the store, and the intent is obviously he's trying to buy, we're talking about contextually, the mission can talk about oil, so what is he sending, we put in the other, he sends him a put in, now a put in is worth two issir, so it's like you're selling him, you're giving him a dollar, but the product only costs 50 cents, so he, you want the product to come back, you also want the change, right, that's what you want both, so he's giving him a put in, a mug, a little bit issir shamansa, the storekeeper measures out for the kid in issir's worth of oil, which is half the put in, but also issir, he gives the child the issir, that was the change from the put in, so now the child is going home, and he has a flask of oil, and he has the change, and what happens, shavar is that sloshis, he breaks the flask of oil on his way back, but he made issir, and he also loses the coin, so there are two things that are, really I should say three things that are coming back, a flask, oil, and the coin, now it's not clear in the mission, I was going to see in the gamart, I wasn't going to show up with, who's flask with it, what was the case, who gave the flask, it was very unclear, the mission does not clear about that point, the mission said that you said the miner's son to get the oil, clearly you gave him the money, put in on his hand, the storekeeper gives him the oil and the change, that's clear, but it's not clear where the flask came from, now we'll see in the gamart, the garb will deal with that, but the question is, who's liable here, there's oil that the balabais wants more of, and there's the change that the balabais wants more of, so the law is, the tonicama says, if I'm any guy, the storekeeper is liable, why? Because he was absolutely ridiculous for him to give it to the child, I think I sent his child, no, he didn't send the child that he should give it to the child, that wasn't the message, the message was, he was sending the child to deliver the message, this is, I want the oil, and I want my change back, but don't send it back with my kid, send it with someone from the store, send it with a responsible adult, so just because I sent a very interesting question, we're dealing with it, the tonicama's view is just because I sent the miner to get it to you, to get my request in, to communicate with you that I want the oil, that doesn't mean I thought you were going to send it back with a miner kid, nobody's going to do it, hold this flask of oil and the change, obviously no kid can do that, so therefore, it's the irresponsibility of the storekeeper for placing it in the hands of the child, again, these are my things, he's giving them my things, now there's a business, he's trying exactly to me, he's but you're irresponsible for giving to them, and therefore you're liable for any damage that might happen, right, so review, this was really a publicama, that's what's interesting, I really like went back to publicama quickly here, so it's a damageous aspect, right, so review the potter, review the potter's storekeeper, I'm not asking Jojo, it was with this intent that the father sent the kid, those review those arguing, no, that's not the purpose, if someone sent their kids to the store with that thing, they would ask me for oil and the money, then they're saying okay, I trust, I'm hoping that the kid's going to come back, he accepted the risk, (speaks in foreign language) so it seems like we're saying that he's not liable for the flask, in other words, if it sounds like here, and this is what we're going to go back to again, in the ratio, whose flask was it, but it sounds like at the end of the mission, if the kid showed up with the flask, then if he just, the company just poured inside, then he's never accepting any responsibility for the flask, he never came to him, he never had any responsibility for it, so then obviously he's going to be part of the flask, again he's still going to remain liable for the oil and for the change, but the marble discusses further what is going on here in this end of the mission, okay, so when we look at the gomara now, let's just, just to keep clear, we're going to assume that the flask was brought by the kid, to be filled with oil, that's what the gomara starts off assuming, it's not so clear to me why the gomara assumes that way, because obviously it almost seems difficult, the end of the mission, the kid showed up with the flask, the beginning of the mission didn't seem like he showed up with the flask, but eventually the gomara will get to that, but initially when you read the gomara, assume that daddy sent the kid with a flask money and he tells him to ask for oil, so based on the base of a shaman, well please, he says the gomara, I understand what's going on, about the coin and the oil, I understand the maklokus, I want to say that the kid was sent just to inform the storekeeper that the father wants the oil, but he didn't want the child to bring him home himself, therefore if the storekeeper entrusts the kid with the oil and the answer and they're lost, then he is liable, very good, who does suffer the steward they shot, you know, it was the intent that the father sent the kid, that the storekeeper should send it back with the kid, very good, therefore the storekeeper is exempt, and let's look at the kid, but in terms of the flask, evade me das, that's an evade me das, that's deliberately losing something, in other words if a father gives a young child a breakable flask, he deliberately abandons it, so why are the chachamom saying that the storekeeper is liable for breaks, so let's understand something, let's understand, but the camarra is trying to say it's like this, if you put again assuming that the storekeeper, the father gave the flask to the kid and the kid shows up at the flask, that's a very irresponsible thing to do right away, forget about by the time he gets to the store, it's lucky that the flask is still around, so that's called evade me das, evade me das basically is, there's no dina shavas evade das, I don't have to do evade shavas evade das, something that someone willingly abandons, someone lost something, didn't try to abandon it, they lost it, there's a dina shavas evade das, evade me das, when you're willing to lose it, it essentially becomes like totally after, like I don't have to return it, so what's the camarra saying over here, so the camarra is saying that we should do that flask, when we gave the flask, it's like making it totally after, therefore the marra saying is that when I pour it in the oil, pour the oil in it, whatever it is, I shouldn't become high for it, it's an evade me das, therefore I shouldn't become high, okay, understand what the camarra's about, but then wait a second, why is the coin any different, the coin's also the same thing, when you give it, what is it, you think the coin's gonna get to the store anymore, they give a little fall out of his pocket, a little spending on ice cream, whatever it is, the kid, it's not gonna come to the store, so the raspam explains that in economy that there was an evade me das on the money as well, but once he takes it, very interesting, the storekeeper took it, he took the esir, and now he's giving him the podium, he's giving him the change, he has payment, so now he's obligated to return the value, the value to the father, in other words with the flask, what happens, he just fills it with oil and returns it to the kid, he's not keeping anything from it, he took the flask, fills it with oil, gives it back to the kid, he's not keeping anything from it, therefore they need to be das, the comar is bothered by it, he should be bothered from it, he took the esir, he took this, and he's now giving back the change, so now the storekeeper should be liable, meaning even though the father was very much irresponsible with the original esir, and that's true, I'm sorry, the original podium, that's true, that doesn't mean when I take the podium out of my possession, I give the change, I'm a lot of irresponsible back, that's not true, one irresponsibility doesn't create my right to make a second irresponsibility, but that's all by the money, where I take that coin and I'm giving back the change, so I can't be irresponsible with the change, then I should be shy of if the father wouldn't want me to give it with the kid, but the flask, I didn't take anything, I just took it filled with oil, give it back, it's not taking anything, it's there, the comar is bothered, that that has the shame, I gave it to me das, I gave it to me das, why my memorial is, then what the father did, right, the father is irresponsible with it, and now I have it then that I'm supposed to be more responsible on it than he was, what's the shot, how could there be such a as far in Rio that I'm sure we obligated for being irresponsible with his flask, and again, this is all because the comar is assuming that the flask was the father's, my answer is (speaks in Spanish) the kids is like this, the asshole there, he didn't stop sending the flask, he sells flask, that's his business, and he drives bomb ads that the intent did, the reason he's doing it, he's not stomping like a banding it, he's not a fool, he's hoping that the story people will say, whoa, what a nice as a shiny flask, nice one, and I'll try to buy it, thank you, okay, probably always needs flask in the oil industry, so he wants that to happen, it'll go in and then what happens, (speaks in Spanish) that's exactly what happened, the storekeeper takes it, he's looking at it, he's checking it out, he's inspecting it, he's considering purchasing it, so he's not stomping taking it and filling it and returning it, he's actually taking it and then checking it out with the das of buying it, (speaks in Spanish) now that we say he becomes liable, this is like what (speaks in Spanish) if you're in a store and you pick up, you ever ever have such a hard scenario, you know, you're in the grocery store, you're picking up jars also, you're looking at the back ingredients, this is chunky, this is whatever it is, and then the whole thing breaks, what's (speaks in Spanish) so it's interesting, (speaks in Spanish) so Schmul said that you take it with the intent, inspect it, with to consider it to buy it, and that's the other, even if it's an onus, what happens, (speaks in Spanish) if you become liable, very very interesting, we'll talk about (speaks in Spanish) more, it's already somewhat entered into his possession, it's a very big (speaks in Spanish) basically as long as there's a fixed price that's offered for sale, if you decide to keep it, the seller wouldn't be able to retract, and therefore we say that it's like, you know, it's already somewhat (speaks in Spanish) okay, we'll talk about this a little bit more tomorrow, but the bottom line is, there's such a use of Schmul, (speaks in Spanish) that's the case here, the father sent it, the flask, to the storekeeper, too, and he wanted it to sell it, the storekeeper (speaks in Spanish) therefore the marz arguing that now he becomes, he becomes liable, so he takes it from the flask, he takes possession of it, if he decides not to buy it, he's liable until he gives it back, so typically you're right, (speaks in Spanish) you don't have to act responsibly, you don't have to act responsibly for it, but what we're saying over here is that it was sent specifically with you, didn't check it out, and once you took it to check it out, that you become (speaks in Spanish) and you have to return it, and now that's why there's liability, so (speaks in Spanish) that's the case, and what we're going to say (speaks in Spanish) because we've usually just rejected what Schmul said, that would be hard, so the marz therefore tries to switch it, (speaks in Spanish) the storekeeper sells flasks, the flasks that broke would belong to the storekeeper, and he was selling it to the father, in other words, it was sent along, the flask was not the father, it was the storekeeper's, the father wanted to purchase it, he sent the kid with the opinion to purchase a flask filled with the oil, so he never was made out of a demi-das in the flask, we're totally switching the case, the flask was actually the storekeeper's originally, (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) that he says the father wanted him to do that, right, you send me your kid, you're expecting me to do that, your abundance say no, you're liable for the flask, for the same reason that you're liable for the oil and the answer, I just was trying to inform you by sending my kid that I wanted a flask of oil, I didn't want you to actually send it with my kid, so very clear, we're talking about a case that it was owned by the storekeeper, question is what did I want my kid to do, (speaks in Spanish) I was trying to get my kid to inform the storekeeper, that I wanted a flask of oil and the change, and that should obviously be sent with a responsible adult, according to review, the assumption was I was trying to inform the storekeeper that I wanted to send back with my kid, (speaks in Spanish) that the flask was being purchased by the father, (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) that if the flask is in the child's hands and the storekeeper measures the oil into which our company is possible, (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) but you said that they're up on an hold, that when you send your kid, you're just informing the storekeeper of your need for oil, you didn't want him to send him on with the oil, to send the oil home with the kid, (speaks in Spanish) so if the flask was being purchased, so the storekeeper would not be authorized to give it to the child, (speaks in Spanish) so and for whatever reason he gives it to the child, then he has to absorb the law, so in other words, what we're asking now, that in the safe, it doesn't make sense, that the way we're following through, the way we're following through, if it's true, that the flask is being purchased by the father, and it's true that according to the robon, I don't want you to send it home with the kid, so then what's the shot, that in the safe, it's saying that the femur needs putter on the slaughterhouse, so now the gomars going to propose a totally different shot, we're going to move that no one's trying to sell a flask, the case is that the child brought the father's flask to the store with him, (speaks in Spanish) what was the cash, it was (speaks in Spanish) that was the problem, so says the gomara (speaks in Spanish) how come my skin and what are we dealing with top of it, (speaks in Spanish) the storekeeper took it to use it, meaning if I was talking to David Midas, typically David Midas you don't have his possibility for it, but once you take it, to have I know from it, like here he's taking it to measure the oil with it, because he needed to measure the oil, now you become responsible, and if you act responsibly, irresponsibly, you're alive, and there was a big caveat on David Midas, (speaks in Spanish) you don't have responsibility to it, but once you take it to use, then you become responsible, so the case was that the storekeeper actually needed to use it as a measuring cup, so once he took it, now he becomes responsible, (speaks in Spanish) when you find something and you don't have to do (speaks in Spanish) because it's unbefitting for your couple, (speaks in Spanish) however, (speaks in Spanish) you hit the animal, which makes it move, now you become obligated to return it, and I was even though you're responsible for (speaks in Spanish) if you start returning it, right, by striking it, you make it move, now you have to finish up the meds, so do we here, if the storekeeper takes it in his hand, now he becomes obligated to return it to his father, now that it's time taking it and putting the oil in one piece, (speaks in Spanish) but if you're using it, you're bringing it under your jurisdiction, now you become obligated to return it, it's very clear, now, it says (speaks in Spanish) that's only true of by living creatures, (speaks in Spanish) you hit it, you caused it to stray even further from the master's domain, meaning when you hit it, you made it harder to go back to the owner, and that's why you're obligated to return it, if you hit it, even though you're not having a sharpens of video, you're distancing it further from the owner, that's why you become (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) where it stopped, I took the flask to use (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) you worsen the owner's chance of getting it back, therefore that's what obligates you now to fully return it, (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) and you start and you use it, there's no (speaks in Spanish) you have to return it, (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) me and the line of the group, (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) who's the line of the group is (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) to measure it out for other customers, so you know what he was doing? He started borrowing it without permission, that's the case, (speaks in Spanish) someone who borrows something without permission, what's the status of that person? (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) he becomes like a lot, he becomes liable, and otherwise when you borrow something without permission, basically we're saying that you have a den of a theft, so that's the big hula here. If you're like a thief, then you might also have to return it to the biolum, and therefore it doesn't make a difference (speaks in Spanish) but you have a gavel on it, (speaks in Spanish) (speaks in Spanish) and again, a borrower only has to return it from the place where he took it. So if, according to your view, that someone who borrows something without permission is considered a borrower, so they don't have to put it back right by the child's hands, and when he's not more liable for anything further, not shaking the gavel on behalf of his like, "Oh sure, gavel's all the Torah says." So therefore he has to return this stolen thing to its owner completely, completely, completely. So he's liable until it comes all the way back, so therefore they end up explaining in a totally, totally different circumstance, that yet the kid showed up with it. We think that they ended me down, so you're not so high for the responsibility. You're high, only 'cause you go ahead and you use it. Shilah is, now you have a shovel to return it. The question is, to what degree do you have to return? If you troll, I just put it back by the kid's hand. I say if it's gavel, and I have to get it all the way back to the father, and therefore I'm liable, if something happened to him.