Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 141

  1. Usual straw is for kindling and muktzeh. If it’s on a bed and one wants to lie down, it’s permitted for them to move it with a body part that’s not the hand as they’re lying down. This is permitted under the category of טלטול מן הצד- indirect movements of muktzeh. Another illustration of this heter would be to pick up a radish buried in the soil, even though some soil will be picked up and fall away as well.

  2. A homemade garment press (2 boards stuck together) can’t be used to press garments on Shabbos to prepare for after Shabbos but one is allowed to lift up the top board to take out a garment that was there. However, its forbidden to do that with a professional one bc since Th e boards are pressed so tightly together it’s like destroying to pick them up.

  3. Grinding is forbidden on Shabbos. But dicing a pepper with a שינוי is permitted- like by using handle of a knife.

  4. One should dry themselves after bathing in sea bc if they don’t it may be like “carrying” the water in a karmelis when they come out.

  5. Clay on ones shoe- it can be scraped off against a wooden beam without any issues. Some prohibit scraping against a wall bc it appears like adding layer of clay to the wall (boneh) Some prohibit scraping against uneven soil so it doesn’t lead to leveling the ground.

  6. It’s forbidden to scrape off the clay off an old shoe bc it would be ממחק if a layer of leather is peeled off. A new shoe may be screwed with back of a knife. However, some always forbid using knife to scrape off the clay even on a new shoe.

  7. If clay is stuck to one garment, one is not allowed to rub out the spot with their hands (cleaning) But it’s permitted to rub the inside of the garment underneath the stain.

  8. One cannot pour oil on leather on Shabbos bc of מעבד- tanning. It’s forbidden to apply (even indirectly) a lot of oil to leather than can tann it even if ones intent is jsut to polish the leather. However, jsut applying small amount of oil that cost tan the leather and can only polish it is permitted indirectly (like putting oil on foot and then putting on shoe)

  9. One can’t out with a shoe too big on Shabbos so they don’t come to carry it. A torn shoe is permitted for men but not women. A woman can’t wear a new shoe (it may not fit and she’ll come to carry)

  10. When a shoe is finished being made on a shoe-form, r Eliezer says it does not accept tumah (not yet a kli) until it’s taken off the form or at least loose from the form. It would be muktzeh on Shabbos. Rabanan say it’s not muktzeh bc it’s a kli as soon as it’s finished being produced.

  11. If one carries a live child holding a pouch, they are export for the child bc חי נושא את עצמו but liable for the pouch. It is considered like they themselves are carrying the pouch. Accordingly, it is forbidden to carry a child holding a stone on Shabbos bc it’s like moving the stone (muktzeh) But if they child really needs the father the Rabbis were lenient and allowed it.

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2020