Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 127

דף קכז לע״נ הענטשע בת שמואל שמשון אברהם בן משה הכהן עזריאל בן יעקב שמואל משה בן שמשון אברהם הכהן

  1. Acc to r Yehuda’s stricter definition of muktzeh, one can’t move items in a storehouse on Shabbos bc they were put away, but it’s still permitted to walk through and clear space with ones feet as they walk.

  2. Even piling up a significant amount to grain (15 se’ah) defines it as being “for storage” and acc for Yehuda it is muktzeh on Shabbos.

  3. Generally, the rabbis don’t allow moving boxes of stuff around on Shabbos bc it’s excessive טירחא. But it’s fine for guests or the beis midrash to move 5 boxes. The Gemara wonders if the point is the volume of 5 boxes however many trips one makes, or if the point is that one can only make 5 trips and the volume doesn’t matter.

  4. The limit of 5 boxes means 5 boxes per guest coming, not a total of 5 boxes. However, the Gemara wonder that perhaps one person cannot move all the boxes for guests and we instead require that each guest move their own boxes.

  5. The Heter to move boxes is for guests and beis midrash. This shows the great value of hosting guests, and perhaps that it’s even more than the beis midrash.

  6. We learn from Avraham’s dialogue with HaShem that greeting guests is greater than the Shechina.

  7. Having guests and judging others favorably have reward in this world and The World to Come. HaShem judges favorably those who judge others favorably.

  8. The Gemara has theee stories about great people who judged others favorably even though it seemed they were doing the wrong thing.

  9. Terumah is not muktzeh on Shabbos even if it’s in the hands of a non Kohen who can’t eat it bc it’s fit for a Kohen. Demai isn’t muktzeh bc it’s allowed for the poor and anyone can theoretically make themselves poor and eat it.

  10. Maaser Sheini and kedkesh that have been redeemed are pemitted to be eaten and not muktzeh even before the extra 1/5th charge has been paid.

  11. One isn’t obligated to tithe before the grain is finished it’s production (מירוח- smoothing of the pile) One can tithe before that as well if they like. The order is first 2 percent Terumah then 10 percent of the remainder as maaser, and the levi is to give a 1/10 of his 1/10th as תרומת מעשר. If the maaser rishon was tithed ahead of the Terumah, there will be a smaller amount remaining for we Kohen to receive 2 percent from. In that case, does the Levi have add xtra for the Kohen to compensate for what he lost out on? It depends. If the tithing was before the מירוח, then the Levi is exempt from giving xtra part for Terumah. But if it occurred after the מירוח, the Levi must give extra.

Broadcast on:
10 Jul 2020