Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 126

דף קכו לע״נ הענטשע בת שמואל שמשון אברהם בן משה הכהן עזריאל בן יעקב שמואל משה בן שמשון אברהם הכהן

  1. Regrading putting in window shutters on Shabbos- There are 3 opinions in the Tanaaim. a- R Eliezer is the strictest, allowing it only if the shutter was attached to the wall already and suspended. (The rope holding the shutter doesn’t reach all the way to the ground) Otherwise, it’s considered building. b- anonymous Tanna says the shutter must be previously attached but it doesn’t have to be suspended c- R shimon Ben Gamliel and our Tanna: it’s permitted even if the shutter isn’t attached at all.

  2. There’s a second issue mixed with putting in a window shutter on Shabbos. Acc to the most lenient opinion that you can put in a shutter that wasn’t even attached, one has to watch out for muktzeh. If the “shutter” is just a plain piece of wood it would require some kind of designation prior to Shabbos. R Shimon Ben Gamliel personally holds even mental designation suffices but R Yochanan does not rule with this point. We encounter R Yochanans opinion regarding someone using a random item to cover a pot on Shabbos. R Yochanan rules that the item must have some kli like function in order to be used and one cannot rely on mental designation.

  3. Another similar case to the window shutters is a door bolt. We’d have the same 3 opinions about using the door bolt on Shabbos. (Only attached and suspended, attached without being suspended, and even unattached).

  4. One cannot cover a hole in the ground (like a pit) with a lid unless the lid has a handle. It would appear like building and destroying. The handle makes it clear that the lid is made to come on and off so it’s not building. There’s a dispute if this is true for covering a kli that’s attached to the ground (like an oven) or not. All agree a regular movable kli’s cover has no issue and does not need a handle.

  5. The Rabbis did not want excessive effort on Shabbos so it’s forbidden to clear away boxes unless there’s important needs - such as room for guests or in the study hall, or food for animals. One just has to make sure the boxes don’t contain muktzeh items.

  6. There’s a dispute how much one is allowed to clear in these important situations. Acc to Rav Chisda, only a maximum of 5 boxes is allowed. Additionally, one isn’t allowed to clear the whole space bc they may come to level the ground afterwards, so if there’s only 5 boxes to begin with, one can only clear 4. However, Shmuel holds one can clear however many boxes he needs as long as the floor isn’t totally exposed.

  7. There’s dispute between R Yehuda and R Shimon regarding boxes in storage. R shimon says usable items in storage aren’t muktzeh so they may be moved. But r Yehuda says once they’re put in storage they become muktzeh.

Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2020