Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 123

  1. Intro to the Daf: There are 3 types of movements for כלים. Moving them לצורך גופם- to use them in permissible ways. לצורך מקומם- to use the space they currently occupy. חמה לצל- to protect the kli, like moving it from sun into the shade.

  2. Our Mishna rules that a hammer can be moved to crack a nut. Acc to Rav Yehuda, this is only with a hammer designated to crack nuts, but a regular hammer, a כלי שמלאכתו לאיסור, cannot be moved at all- even לצורך גופו. However, Rabbah (prevailing opinion) disagrees and understands the Mishna to be referring to any hammer, and the rule is that a כלי שמלאכתו לאיסור May be moved לצורך גופו- another permissible usage like cracking a nut.

  3. The category of muktzeh of כלי שמלאכתו לאיסור is a remnant of a decree made by nechemia at the time of second Beis Hamikdash. Ezra snd nechemia observed that the people of Israel were extremely weak in observing Shabbos so they instituted strong decrees of גזירת כלים- not to move any utensils of Shabbos, even those that are מלאכתם להיתר! The only כלים someone could move were cutlery for food. This was an extreme measure at the time to preserve the sanctity of Shabbos. The Rabbis gradually removed these strict measures.

  4. After the dust settles from the the Rabbis easing up the decree, we have a dispute. a. Abaye- כלי שמלאכתו להיתר can be moved לצורך גופו and מקומו, but not חמה לצל. A כלי שמלאכתו לאיסור can be moved only לצורך גופו and not לצורך מקומו. b. Rava- a מלאכתו להיתר can be moved for anything even חמה לצל. A מלאכתו לאיסור can be moved for גופו ומקומו, but not חמה לצל.

  5. There’s a unique category of muktzeh called חיסרון כיס- a type of kli that the owner is particular about and wouldn’t use for other purposes beside its primary function. Those are totally muktzeh on Shabbos. Example would be the knife like part of the plow or the carpenters saw etc.

  6. There a dispute about moving muktzeh indirectly. If a fig was buried in straw, can one take a poker and pick up the fig with some straw and the straw will fall off? It’s a dispute and we rule it is permitted.

  7. A sewing needle (כלי שמלאכתו לאיסור) can be moved to remove a splinter. What if the eye of the needle breaks making it unusable for sewing but still suitable to remove splinters? One opinion says it’s not muktzeh bc of the usage to remove splinters, but one opinion says that one usually just throws out broken needles and it’s therefore muktzeh. In laws of tumah, once the needle break it certainly loses susceptibility to tumah bc it’s no longer does what it was made to do.

  8. A cane used for tuning olives is not muktzeh bc of this usage. It would not accept tumah if it’s hollow bc a wooden kli without a receptacle does not accept tumah.

  9. There a dispute about straightening limbs of an infant on Shabbos. Is it like “fixing” the body? Removing a splinter is not analogous bc that’s removed something stuck on to the body. And all agree it’s forbidden to take something that induces vomiting bc that fixes the body but setting the limbs is more of a regular conditioning of the body.

Broadcast on:
06 Jul 2020