Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 118

  1. There a dispute if one has to eat 3 or 4 meals on Shabbos. The Gemara proves that our Mishnas position is that one eats 3 meals.

  2. A person is entitled to charity from the “kuppah” if they don’t have 14 meals for the week. We dont consider 15 or 16 bc for Shabbos meals bc R akiva teaches it’s better to forgo having special Shabbos meals and not take from charity.

  3. When a poor person passes through town and we’re giving him charity, we give him xtra meal for 3rd meal of Shabbos. He gets a bed and pillow when staying the night.

  4. One can wash dishes on Shabbos they will need later in Shabbos, but it’s forbidden to wash dishes after the third meal bc they won’t be used again on Shabbos. Drinking utensils are always permitted even after the third meal bc people always drink

  5. Anyone who eats the 3 meals of Shabbos will be saved from 3 punishments- pain before Moshiach, gehonim, and gog/Magog.

  6. Anyone who delights in Shabbos gets special inheritance of Yaakov. Yaakov was promised ופרצת- limitless boundaries. They are also spared from oppression in Galus. And they get their hearts desires.

  7. ענג שבת comes with special foods- like beets fish and garlic. But even for poor people who can’t afford those items, simply preparing a little fried fish is kavod Shabbos.

  8. Keeping Shabbos can bring forgiveness even for idolatry.

  9. Had the Jews kept the first Shabbos properly, no enemies would have attacked them. If we’ll keep 2 shabbosim, we’ll be redeemed.

  10. R Yosi remarked he wanted his reward to be like those who eat 3 meals on Shabbos, say psukei dmizra very day, (not regular Hallel) daven with the red of the sun, and those who die with intestinal disease (the righteous), those who die going to perform a mitzvah, and those who are suspected wrongly.

  11. Better to be the one who ushers students into the beis midrash then one who ushers them out. Better to be a collector of charity than a distributor of charity.

  12. R Yosi would call his wife his “home” and his ox his “field.” R Yosi listened well to his colleagues, and was very modest.

Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2020