Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 117

  1. Our Mishna rules that a Sefer may be saved from a fire on Shabbos together with a case that has money in it. It seems that we are lenient here on two accounts- carrying the case unnecessarily to a place that may be forbidden rabinically to carry and the moving of muktzeh money. We are lenient bc it’s the easiest and most efficient way to save the Torah. Even though the owner ends up benefiting personally by saving the container and money, they may do so bc it’s also an “honor for HaShem” to save the Torah the easiest way.

  2. Generally, the law is that a bosis (holder) for muktzeh is treated like muktzeh. In our case, the container is a bosis for both muktzeh (money) and non muktzeh (the Torah) so the container itself does not become a bosis. We would usually require one to shake out the muktzeh item from the bosis but we don’t require that here bc we don’t want any delays in taking out the Torah and it’s complicated to shake out money from the container and keep the Torah inside. In contrast, it would be forbidden to bring a container with money to the Torah to save it bc it’s so easy to just shake out the money while one is running to the Torah.

  3. On erev pesach, the Korban pesach May be brought even on Shabbos. One can even flay the skin to the breast to take out the sacrificial parts nicely. R yishmael doesn’t allow any further flaying but the rabanan allow it if it’s done with a Shinui of flaying in small strips. Since there will be more honor to HaShem with the meat better preserved and the animal fully flayed, we are lenient to flay in this way. The source for this is our Mishna where we are lenient not to shake out the money bc it’s easier to take the Torah out this way.

  4. When saving a Torah on Shabbos, it can be carried into an alley that isn’t perfectly “fixed” for carrying. By biblical law, we hold 3 walls is sufficient to make the area a reshus hayachid, (unlike r Yehuda who says even 2 walls suffices) but rabbinically we require some fixing on the fourth side as well. R Eliezer holds 2 lechis are required for regular carrying. But for the Sefer Torah it is certainly fine to carry to an alley with only one lechi, and Ben Beseira allows it without any lechis at all.

  5. The Rabbis were concerned that if people would save all their possessions from a fire they may come to put out the fire, so they decreed that one can only save enough food for Shabbos meals. (On fri night they save 3, Shabbos morning 2, Shabbos afternoon 1. But r yosi always allows 3 meals to be saved) They can save food for their animals to eat as well.

  6. If someones barrel of wine breaks on top of a roof on Shabbos, one can save only one vessels worth bc if they could be busy saving everything, they may come to carry a vessel through the street.

  7. In the scenario of the breaking barrel, if one has guests coming they may save more wine for them. It’s a dispute if one can do הערמה- subterfuge- by quickly inviting guests he knows won’t end up showing in order to save more wine.

  8. A similar scenario of subterfuge is when a parent and offspring cows fall into a pit on Yom tov. Only one can be slaughtered on Yom tov (bc of the prohibition of slaughtering parent and offspring on the same day). The owner doesn’t want one to remain in the pit where it’s bad for it’s health. Here too it’s a dispute if subterfuge is permitted to bring one up, “planning” to slaughter it, and then change ones mind and decide to slaughter the other so they end up with both brought up.

  9. It’s forbidden to perform special skill of peeling bread off oven wall on Shabbos. If one forgot bread in the oven and now it’s shabbos, they can save 3 seudos worth of bread and peel it off with a knife for a Shinui.

  10. There an obligation to have 2 loaves of bread at Shabbos meals but only one need to be broken.

  11. One should wake up early on Friday to shop for Shabbos

  12. It’s nice to use eiruv chatzeiros bread for another mitzvah like lechem Mishna.

Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2020