Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 116

  1. The small section of ויהי בנסוע הארון: There’s a dispute if it’s meant to be in פרשת בהעלותך or its really supposed to be in פרשת במדבר with the flags and camping of the Jews. It has inverted נs around it to show it’s in the wrong place, and the reason it’s “temporarily” placed here is to seperate between the calamities of בהעלותך (Jews complaining and the story of the meat with the שלו). Acc to the opinion that its in the correct place, the נs are there to show it’s a separate “book” of the Torah and there are really 7 books of the Torah, not 5!

  2. The Gemara has an unresolved question about saving a Sefer Torah whose letters were erased but the margins are still intact. Do the margins have kedusha of כתבי הקדש? The gemara clarified that the space under the letters certainly doesn’t have independent kedusha and it’s only holy bc of the letters. But perhaps the margins have a sense of independent kedusha that warrants saving even when the letters are gone.

  3. Sifrei Torah written by minim we don’t save from a fire. Acc to r Yosi, we generally cut out the namese of HaShem from their toros and place them in גניזה. Acc to r tarfon, we have a mitzvah to burn them!

  4. Seforim the philosophers would write to debate ethics is unclear if they’re treated with kedusha or not. We are generally distrusting of these people .

  5. The Gemara relates a story with imma Shalom and r gamliel her brother. They exposed a philosopher judge who was supposed to be honest by bribing him with a gold lamp and a donkey about a case of a girl inheriting with her brothers.

  6. One can’t read kesuvim on Shabbos. Acc to Tanna Kamma, it’s to ensure ppl attend the late morning lecture in the beis midrash. The issur is only during the time of the lecture and it’s a dispute between Rav and shmuel if it’s in all locations or only in the beis midrash. However, r Nechemiah has a different reason why the rabbis outlawed kesuvim. It’s a protection so ppl don’t read ordinary documents. Acc to this reason, it’s forbidden all day long.

  7. When saving a Sefer Torah, one may save the case with it, and even if there’s money in it. One can bring it to an alley without an eiruv and it’s a dispute if it can be carried to an open alley.

  8. On erev pesach that is Shabbos, one may offer the Korban pesach. It is permitted to flay the skin certainly to the breast in order to take out the parts to be burned on the mizbeach in an honorable way where the strands of hair from the hide won’t get stuck to the meat. However, r yishmael doesn’t allow more flaying beyond the breast bc it’s unnecessary. But rabanan allow flaying the whole thing so the meat will stay fresh for that night or so the Korban doesn’t hang like a dead carcass. Additionally, the rabanan don’t view the half flayed animal as muktzeh and r yishamal does.

Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2020