Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 92

  1. We have a dispute if אגד כלי שמיה אגד- where an entire item is transferred but the utnensil that holds it is still somewhat in the other domain. There also a dispute about אגד גוף (item is completely transferred in hand to another domain the body of the person is till the original domain). But the case is only if the hand is within 3 tefachim of the ground. Otherwise one is certainly exempt.

  2. If someone carries in an unusual way, they are exempt. Example would be in ones foot or in his mouth. But left hand or on one shoulder is not unusual and liable. (The family of Kehas Carried the aron on their shoulder)

  3. If someone carries an item in the street on their hand above 10 tefachim, they are liable (even though 10 tefachim and above is not the street) bc we learn from the way Kehas carried the Ark and Altar. They carried them on their shoulders and they were above 10 tefachim off the ground. The Aron was only 10 tefachim so carried on shoulder was certainly 10 tefach off ground. The Altar was 10 Amos High and it may have been above 10 tefachim from the ground. (This depends on how tall Leviim were. Moshe was 10 Amos but maybe he’s the exception bc leaders are supposed to be tall rich and wise)

  4. Carrying something on top of ones head is unusual and exempt. Even though people of hutzal do it, it’s still weird and even for them it’s considered unusual

  5. Someone who wraps money in cloth and carries it behind their back is unclear if it’s considered unusual. It may be bc the weak guarding of the cloth may make it weird. There’s a dispute between r Yehuda and rabanan about carrying a money belt with its mouth open down. R Yehuda says it’s not weird and rabanan say it is.

  6. If someone intended for the cloth to be in front of him (good guarding) but it slipped behind him while he’s moving he’s exempt bc it’s מתעסק- not the way he intended it. In the opposite case, he intended it to be behind but it slipped in front, he may be obligated bc its an upgrade and not considered against his intent.

Broadcast on:
05 Jun 2020