Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 91

  1. Even though there are minimum sizes for carrying items, if someone has a specific purpose in mind for carrying a small amount they are liable. (Planting even one kernel or seed, for a sample, or for medicine).

  2. If someone stored away a small amount for a specific purpose and then carried it out subsequently without any specific intent, they are liable bc of the original intent in why it wa stored away. However, our tanna holds this is only for the person who stored it away, but no one else would be liable for carrying out the item.

  3. If someone plans on carrying out “their whole house,” they are still liable for carrying out the regular amounts mentioned in the mishnayos, bc such a thought is negated in view of most people.

  4. Hotzaah has two components- the akira and the hanacha. If someone did akira with one intent (to eat) and hanacha eith dif intent (to plant) they would still be liable

  5. a- What’s the law is one carries 1/2 a fig planning to plant and then it grew to a full sized fig and the hanacha was done with intent to eat? b- what’s Halacha if one does akira on full fig planning to eat but it shrinks and the hanacha on 1/2 fig is done with intent to plant? c- what happens if the akira and hanacha where on a full fig with intent to eat but in the middle of the transfer the food shrunk and then grew back? These questions are unresolved.

  6. An egg size of food transfers tumas ochlin. If someone threw small amount of food into tamei house and it combines with other food to make an egg size, maybe they are obligated for transferring on Shabbos. Even though it wasn’t the right amount for laws of Shabbks, perhaps the significance for tumah makes it significant for Shabbos as well.

  7. In order to be obligated for transfer, the item cannot come to rest in a neutral domain. If the item has akira from private domain and a hanacha in public domain, but in the middle it was placed on a karmelis, there is no liability.

  8. One is not obligated for transfer unless the entire item is in the new domain. If there’s items in a box and the item itself is completely transferred but a part of the box itself is still not transferred, there a dispute in the genara. The question is אגד כלי שמיה אגד or not

Broadcast on:
04 Jun 2020