Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 82

  1. Rav chisda would advise how to defecate- he said it’s important not to harm the the teeth of the rectum by straining too much or sitting too forcefully etc.

  2. On Shabbos it’s a dispute if it’s better to use rocks or pottery for wiping. Rocks are safer but pottery isn’t muktzeh. Def the smooth pottery rim from a kli is the best bc it’s safe and not muktzeh

  3. One opinion favors wiping with grass. However, it shouldn’t be dry grass what is flammable bc it’s never good to wipe with flammable materials.

  4. One should not push away the urge to defecate. It causes bad breath and body odors

  5. Standing up and down helps for bowel movements as well as waking short walks.

  6. Size for liability of earthenware: tanna kamma says amount kept in between slats of wood. R Meir amount to pick up a lit coal from a large fire. R Yosi says size to scoop up Reviis of water.

  7. An idol is not only Forbidden in benefit; it also gives off tumah as the navi compares it to a niddah.

  8. What’s the extent of the tumah? R akiva holds it give tumah not only through contact but also through carrying. Just as nidda gives tumah through carrying. It’s a dispute in the gemara acc to r akiva if idols have the added din of the “covering stone” like nidda that transfers tumah to whatever is held under the stone.

  9. Acc to the rabanan, the tumah of idols is not quite as strict as niddah. It certainly does not have the xtra law of the transfer of tumah through the stone. It’s a dispute in the gemara acc to rabanan if the idol gives tumah by carrying.

  10. If an idol has a limb broken off, we are lenient and we say it does not give off tumah. (Def acc to the Rabanan. Acc to r akiva this question remains)

Broadcast on:
26 May 2020