Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 77

  1. For most liquids the size for carrying is a רביעית, but for wine it is a 1/4 of a רביעית. The reason given is that it is used for כוס של ברכה. Rava understands that undiluted strong wines are meant to be mixed with 3x water, so a 1/4 wine will total a full reviis after mixed. This fits with the law that all liquids are a Reviis. Acc to rava, our mishna is proof that כוס של ברכה is a רביעית. Abaye disagrees and says that wine is diluted 2:1, not 3:1, and views the mishnas rules that one is obligated for a 1/4 רביעית of wine bc wine is simply more significant to be stored away for כוס של ברכה and not bc it will end up as reviis after its diluted. Acc to Abaye, there is no proof that כוס של ברכה is a Reviis.

  2. If wine congeals, r Nossan says the size for liability is a כזית. The reason is that a רביעית of wine will congeal into a cazayis, so the two sizes are the same.

  3. We find that liquid of reviis congeals to a cazayis in another Halacha. The law is that flesh of a נבילה gives off tumah. Reviis of Blood from a נבילה is tamei acc to beis Hillel, bc the blood can congeal into a cazayis. This may not be the same exact law as wine, bc blood is thicker than wine.

  4. The mishna mentions that liability for animal milk is כדי גמיעה- the amount of a swallow. This leads to a question of the proper spelling of גמיאה or גמיעה, which the gemara eventually rules is with an א.

  5. Liability for honey is in the amount to cover the “head” of a sore, which either means the surface or the tip.

  6. Everything in Creation has a purpose. Slugs are remedies for sores, the fly for hornets bite, gnat for the snake, snakes for boils, spiders for scorpions.

  7. There’s a concept that Hashem can have weaker species defeat stronger ones. For example, an elephant is afraid of the gnat.

  8. Rav Yehuda Teaches many interesting points about nature. Goats go ahead of the flock and sheep in the back bc darkness (darker goats) is b4 light (white sheeps)

  9. Sheep has tails covering and goats do not. This is bc we use sheep as clothing to cover ourselves but not goats.

  10. Camels have short tails bc they eat thorns and oxen have long tails bc they are in swamps and need to swat away bugs. Horns of locust are soft bc they need them to see so they’re soft so they don’t fall off easily. Roosters have their lower eyelids close over their upper eyelids so the rising smoke doesn’t enter their eyes

  11. Aramaic language is very significant and the etymology of the words can be from Hebrew. For example, לבושא- garment is from לא בושה- no embarrassment. סודרא- Rabbis turban is סוד ה ליריאיו- Hashems reveals secrets to those who fear Him.

Broadcast on:
21 May 2020