Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 55

  1. There a concept that the leaders are held responsible for the sins of their flock.

  2. One should rebuke someone else for a sin if there is some possibility they will listen.

  3. In Yechezkels vision of the חורבן, he originally describes that the tzadikim would be spared punishment. Gavriel the angel was to place a letter ת on their forehead and they’d be spared. However, the middah of Strict justice convinced HKBH to punish the righteous also for not protesting the sins of their generation. HKBH listened and the punishment actually began with the righteous.

  4. According to Shmeul, the merits of זכות אבות have run out. (Either in days of Hoshea, Chazael, Eliyahu, or Chizkiyahu.)

  5. There were four people who never sinned- בנימין, ישי, עמרם, כלאב- they still died bc after Adam sinend, death became a way of the world even for those who don’t sin. (Moshe and Aron seems to be a dispute if they sinned)

  6. It’s a dispute in the Tanaim, but the genara favors the opinion that Reuven did not literally sin and sleep with Billah. He moved his fathers bed into his mother’s tent. Acc to one opinion he came close to sin but Tefillah spared him.

  7. Eli had two sons who “didn’t follow his ways”- chafni and Pinchas. Pinches was surely rightoeus as we find his grandson was a Kohen serving in the temple. For Chofni, it’s a dispute if he was a big sinner or not. The pesukim say they committed adultery, but it could mean either that jsut chofni did or that they don’t bring the bird offerings of women quick enough and that delayed them from returning to their husbands. Either way, Pinchas has was guilty of not protesting his brothers ways.

Broadcast on:
30 Apr 2020