Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 53

  1. Donkeys are cold and can wear saddle cloths in the street to protect their body with warmth. However, this is only if was “tied in their body on Friday,” meaning that the donkey usually wears this saddle cloth and it is treated like a garment for it. A saddle is a dispute if it can be worn bc it’s doesn’t add much warmth.

  2. Rams can go out attached together (it helps protect them in the street) They can go out with leather patch protecting them from attacks of wolves who go after the male sheep. Rams can go out with leather covering their genitals so they don’t mate with females. Females can go out with their tails held upward so the genitals will be exposed and males will come mate.

  3. One can’t do excessive טירחא on Shabbos. Regarding laboring for animals, to take them out of suffering both rav and Shmuel permit. For example- putting on a saddle cloth to keep donkey warm. To give them additional pleasure- like placing on a feeders basket around their necks, rav allows but shmuel does not. Taking off a saddle may be forbidden bc it could just fall off the animal by itself and it’s not necessary to take it off by hand, or perhaps rav does hold its muttar to give animal a pleasure of cooling off. Putting on a saddle may be permitted jsut like putting on a saddle cloth or it may be forbidden bc it’s doesn’t add significant warmth.

  4. Animals and people may go in street with amulets that are proven to work. It is necessary for an amulet to be proven that it works for animals and not jsut rely on proof it’s effective for people.

  5. Animals may not go out with shoes on Shabbos bc they may fall off and owner will come to carry them

  6. Sometimes goats go in street with pouches over their udders to either catch milk or to stop lactation- one tanna allows both, r Yosi forbids both, and r Yehuda allows the one that stops lactation and forbids the one that catches the milk.

  7. One can’t perform act of healing of sickness on Shabbos (it may lead to grinding herbs on Shabbos). For ones animal that is sick it is a dispute but the gemara rules it is ok.

  8. Story about a man left with Baby. He couldn’t afford a wet nurse and a miracle occurred and he grew breasts to nurse the kid. One opinion is that this reflects on the greatness of the person and one opinion says it reflects on the weakness of the person that he couldn’t have normal nature work for him.

Broadcast on:
28 Apr 2020