Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 43

  1. The mishna said one can’t move a cup to catch dripping oil from the lamp. The Gemara introduces a new reason for this based in the principle of ביטול כלי מהיכנו- if the muktzeh oil will fall in the kli, kli will become a בסיס base for the muktzeh and will also become muktzeh. Making a non muktzeh kli into muktzeh is rabbiniccslky forbidden on Shabbos (bc it resembles building/destroying the kli)

  2. The issue of ביטול כלי מהכנו is not relevant to catching a muktzeh item that may become non Muktzah, like tevel. (Would become non muktzeh if it was tithed). Another similar example would be placing kli for chicks to use as a temporary ladder on Shabbos. This is ok bc the chicks will leave so it’s not ביטול כלי.

  3. There’s a dispute between r shimon and r Yehuda regarding the scope of Muktzah. There are many different points they disagree about, but one is the idea of מגו דאיתקצאי- if something was not “prepared” for Shabbos at the onset of Shabbos, r Yehuda holds its muktzeh for the entire Shabbos no matter what occurs. R shimon says there is no such idea.

  4. R Yitzchak holds one cannot move a non muktzeh item for the sake of a muktzeh item, even if it’s to save something. However, if the non muktzeh item was already in ones hand, they are allowed to continue and use it for a muktzeh item.

  5. A beehive is not muktzeh if there is honey inside. During the winter when there isn’t much honey but there is jsut two combs left for the bees to eat, r shining says the combs are not muktzeh bc they are suitable for human consumption, but r Yehuda says they are set aside for the bees so they are muktzeh.

  6. If a dead body is in the sun of Shabbos, one cannot move the dead body out bc it is muktzeh. They could put another non muktzeh item on top of the dead body and move both the body and the item together. If no body is available, there is a dispute if one can indirectly move the muktzeh by flipping it from bed to bed. The gemara favors that it is forbidden.

  7. If there is a dead body around a fire and there’s no non muktzeh time around to move it with, there is one opinion that it’s muttar to move the muktzeh body bc otherwise ones distress about the body may cause them to put out the fire and violate Shabbos.

Broadcast on:
17 Apr 2020