Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 35

  1. Tremendously Large keilim cannot be considered movable keilim and they are therefore muktzeh on Shabbos and not subject to tumah. The size for excessively large is a kli that holds either 2 kor, 3 joe, or 4. (It’s a dispute)

  2. We said bein hashmashos is determined by the redness in the eastern sky. We really mean that there is an intensity of redness in the western sky that shines onto the eastern sky as well

  3. The well of Miriam is visible from atop Mt. Carmel.

  4. During r yehuda’s bein hashmashos, r yehuda would rule that a Kohen cannot immerse in a mikveh. However, according to r Yosi he could bc r Yosi holds that bein hashmashos has not yet started

  5. Before Kohen can eat Terumah (if he was tamei and he immersed) it must be definitely night. One should wait even until r YOsis bein hashmashos is over. It seems we are stringent both for r yehuda and r yosis bein hashmashos

  6. Another sign for bein hashmahos is based on medium sized stars. One is still certain day. Two is Bein hashmashos and 3 is certain night

  7. One who does melocho bein hashmashos is not liable bc it wasn’t certain Shabbos. But if he did melocho on fri bein hashmashos and also next day bein hashmashos, he is liable.

  8. For those who are not expert, they should light candles while the sun is still atop the palm trees. On cloudy days, there are indications from roosters, ravens, and pumpkins about the status of day/night

  9. There is a minhag to have 6 shofar sounds before Shabbos. First, one blow for ppl in the fields to stop work and come in. Second, for stores to close. Third, to light candles (and take off Tefillin) They would wait time for last minute cooking and then blow tekiya, Teruah, tekiya.

  10. After the last sound, there is a dispute if Shabbos starts righter away or if there still xtra time. There may be extra time bc the one blowing shofar had to be left with time to take his shofar which is muktzeh back home.

Broadcast on:
08 Apr 2020