Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 33

  1. For wrong judgement and bitul Torah, the Jews will be invaded and famine will come.

  2. False paths and chillul Shabbos and Hashems name, wild beasts willl increase and cattle will be destroyed

  3. For sins of murder, the Beis Hamikdash will be destroyed and the Shechina will leave.

  4. For immoral relations, and not keeping shemita/yovel, the Jews are exiled

  5. For bad language, calamities befall the Jews. Orphans won’t be answered. People can get lot of gehonim for bad lanaguage

  6. Hydrakon can be a sign that someone has sinned.

  7. Askarah (throat disease) happens bc of lashon harsh or eating things that haven’t been tithed. Or bc of bitul Torah

  8. There’s a concept that the righteous can suffer on behalf of the whole generation. Same thing for school children

  9. R yehuda and r shimon disagreed whether to be appreciative to the Romans or not. R shimon was hunted down by the romans and he fled and hid in a cave with his son. He survived on miracles. When he exited the cave, he and his son suffered from seeing ppl not engaged in Torah study. Eventually, they were calmed when they saw an old man running with 2 haddasim bundles, one for zachor and one for Shamor. R shimon became much bigger in Torah from his time in the cave.

Broadcast on:
06 Apr 2020