Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 29

  1. Rava explains the dispute in the mishna about using a garment as a wick for Shabbos candles to be based on whether it will light properly without charring it first.

  2. There’s dispute between r yehuda and r Shimon for muktzeh. One relevant case is on Yom tov to to use broken pieces of utensils for firewood. R yehuda forbids it bc the broken shards are “Nolad”- viewed as new items that were born on Yom Tov and not designated for usage. Same would be for date pits and shells from nuts- when Yom tov began they were food items and now they are “born” once the food is off.

  3. According to r yehuda that one can’t use broken shards for firewood, the Gemara wonders how we can make a fire with unbroken keilim bc once they break after the they first light one will be handling the fragments when stoking the fire. The gemara answers it is ok if one adds other wood that is not muktzeh bc then they are handling the mixture of both and not just the muktzeh item.

  4. There’s a dispute between r Eliezer and r akiva about a garment between 3x3 fingers width and 3x3 hands width that a person designated for an insignificant activity (like plugging pipes of a bathhouse or holding a hot pot). After that, if the person threw out the garment, is certainly loses its susceptibility to tumah, and if the person stored it away in a chest it certainly is still susceptible to tumah bc the owner shows he regards the rag as being significant. The dispute would be in cases like if the owner hung the rag on a peg or put it behind a door.

  5. One cannot take out oil from a lamp on Shabbos (it is a form of extinguishing). If a person makes a contraption of a seperate eggshell that slowly drips into the lamp, it is also forbidden to take oil out of the eggshell. The Rabbis forbid using such a contraption altogether for Shabbos candles lest one come to take out oil from the eggshell. Same thing for a backup oil from pottery. Only case it is allowed would be if the pottery was attached firmly bc then it’s like it’s one big kli is R yehuda allows it in all cases.

  6. Dragging bench on soil on Shabbos is dispute between r Shimon (דבר שאינו מתכון מותר) and r yehuda (דבר שאינו מתכון אסור). It is ok acc to r Shimon bc ones primary intent is not to dig furrows but only to move the bench.

  7. There’s a dispute in the gemara if the case is where one could easily pick up the bench (small ones). Perhaps in that case (small ones) r Shimon would not allow one to drag. Or, perhaps the opposite, if they were big benches that could not be picked up, even r yehuda allows it and the case of dispute is only by Small benches. The gemara ends up proving r Shimon allows one to drag even small benches.

Broadcast on:
03 Apr 2020