Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 25

  1. The mishna outlawed burning Terumah temai oil on Yom tov for candles. This implies that on a regular day one can burn oil of Terumah that became tamei and Benefit from its burning.

  2. Maaser Sheini the pasuk says לא בערתי ממנו בטמא- it is forbidden to benefit from the burning of tamei maaser. There are 3 possible sources to teach that Terumah may be different. ואני נתתי לך את תרומתיHaShem HaShem said He gave Aron 2 Terumahs.

“Mimenu” by maaser implies something else is dif from maaser and we apply that to Terumah

By Terumah it says תתן לו- and we expound ולא לאורו- that one cant take xtra portion of tamei Terumah to exempt Tahor Terumah bc it would “only go to Kohens light.” We see it would at least go to his light.

  1. Regarding sacrifices that became disqualified and need to be burned, the law is that one cannot benefit from them being burned.

  2. A tamei person who eats kodshim gets Kares but a tamei who eats Terumah gets מיתה בידי שמים. Kares is more severe. (Premature death +childless)

  3. R yishmael said not to light with itran bc it has a bad smell. He’s scared someone may leave the room where the candle is. This shows that it is important to eat where the Shabbos lights are.

  4. It is a mitzvah to prepare for Shabbos with things like bathing and wearing special clothes.

  5. It is a dispute between beis Shammai and Beis Hillel if linen Garment should have tzitzis in it

  6. The pasuk in eicha laments loss of Shalom bayis after Churban and that’s reference to loss of oil for Shabbos candles.

  7. Balsam oil acc to one opinion is forbidden bc it smells so good we’re scared someone may take out oil that is burning and that would be extinguishing on Shabbos.

Broadcast on:
31 Mar 2020