Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 13

  1. It’s a nice stirgnency for Tahor people not to consume Tamei food, and the mishna didn’t even bother discussing that, bc people keep that. (The mishna added that a zav and Zava who are both tamei shouldn’t eat together so they don’t end up sleeping together)

  2. The rabbis advise against a Torah scholar who is tamei from eating with an ignorant tamei person- either bc the ignorant person may not have tithed his produce correctly or bc the Torah scholar may continue to eat together even after he is pure and will end up eating tamei foods

  3. Not only can couple not have relations when she is nidda bhr even close to relations is assur( like skin to skin contact)The genara wonders about sleeping together in clothing, bc they are two people who can remind each other and they are deviating from Normal practice. Ultimately the gemara says it is forbidden. Similarly, the gemara says a Niddah couple cannot eat together regularly.

  4. The genara says ulah would kids his sisters but that it is unclear if this was in fact permitted for lost people.

  5. There was a story with a Torah scholar was died very young bc he wasn’t careful with laws of distancing from niddah.

  6. There were 18 specula enactments made in the attic of chananya Ben chizkiya. He went to the attic to expound on Seder Chizkiya and reconcile it’s passages with the Torah.

He also wrote a special book called Megillas taanis. (Days were don’t fast or eulogize bc we were saved from tragedy) we don’t appreciate being saved anymore bc were so numbed from suffering

  1. Dead body fees pain when worms go through the body.

  2. Some of the 18 decrees- a person who eats tamei foods, either rishon or sheini, the person becomes a sheini and must stay away from Terumah. Same is true if he drinks liquids that are tamei. Someone who immersed in drawn water or has contact with a Sefer is also a sheini. Ones unwashed hands are a sheini.

Broadcast on:
19 Mar 2020