Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 12

  1. A person is allowed to walk out with Tefillin on close to Shabbos and there is no decree that he may come to carry them on Shabbos, bc Tefillin one is always cognizant they are on him. This is rooted in the law that one is actually obligated to touch his Tefillin when they are on. It’s derived as kal vachomer from the tzitz of the Kohen Gadol.

  2. One can’t take louse off clothing on Shabbos next to candlelight bc he may tilt the light. However, one can in general take the louse off clothing and we’re not concerned that it may lead to killing the bug.

  3. There’s a 3 way dispute about killing louse on Shabbos. One opinion says it is biblically prohibited, like killing a camel. One opinion say it is only drabanan, and one opinion permits it outright. (Louse do not lay eggs and may not be like the rams killed in the mishkan)

  4. One should not discuss business on Shabbos. ממצוא חפצך- however, beis Hillel permits any business relating to mitzvos, like arranging shidduchim, hiring teachers, etc.

  5. It is with difficulty that the Rabbis allow one to visit the sick and consul mouners on Shabbos. One does not pray for the sick on Shabbos bc it is too distressing but we mention the idea that Shabbos is restraining the prayer and That Shabbos itself can heal.

  6. One should always include a suck person together with other Cholim in prayer (תוך שאר חולי ישראל).

  7. Hashems presence is with a sick person.

  8. The angels don’t understand Aramaic language and so one shouldn’t daven in that language generally, but for the sick it is ok bc Hashems presence is with the sick

  9. One cannot read by candlelight on Shabbos even if it is impractical to adjust the flame. ( it is high and away)

  10. A prominent person is allowed to read by candlelight bc they generally do not adjust their own candles.

  11. R yishmael thought he was above this decree until it was happened to him and he either almost tilted the candle or he actually did it.

  12. It’s a dispute if a non regular servant can inspect tableware by candlelight on Shabbos.

Broadcast on:
18 Mar 2020