Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 10

  1. One should wear shoes when davening.

  2. There’s a dispute whether davening long is good if it takes away time from Torah study.

  3. We mentioned One shouldn’t start judging a case close to Mincha but if they started they don’t have to stop. Starting is defined by putting on robes to judge, or it the judges were already wearing robes from Previous cases, then when the lawyers start arguments.

  4. Judging court cases is very important and can stop learning for it. However, one does not have to judge cases all day. As long as they judge correctly for a time, They are considered partners with HKBH in creation and it’s like the judged all day long. (Once meal time comes (6th hour) they can stop judging)

  5. 4th hour is meal time for regular ppl. 5th hour for laborers and 6th hour for Torah scholars

  6. There are 3 sections to bathhouse. Outer section where ppl are already dressed one can daven and out on Tefillin. In middle Section where some ppl are naked, one should not pray or say Shema and put on Tefillin, but they don’t have to take off Tefillin already worn. They cns greet ppl with the name Shalom (Hashem’s name) In the most inner room, where everyone is naked, one can’t even wear Tefillin and can’t greet ppl with the name Shalom. This is true even if there is no one in the bathhouse at the time.

  7. A designated bathhouse that has not yet been used one is allowed to pray. However, a designated bathroom is questionable bc the very name of a bathroom is repulsive.

  8. One has to tell a recipient when he gives them a present. We learn this from HaShem telling the Jews that he gave them the Shabbos. (They wouldn’t have been aware of the huge reward of keeping Shabbos, but a gift that will be self evident that it’s given the giver does not have to inform the recipient of the gift, like moshes shining face)

  9. A person is always drawn and attracted to what they know.

  10. We learn from Yosef and the Shevatim that a parent shouldn’t favor one son over another.

  11. Lot ran to Tzoar bc it was a recently built city and had less history of sin.

Broadcast on:
16 Mar 2020