Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Hilchos Pesach #1

  1. There is violation against having any chametz on Pesach. The Rambam states that this is even for less than an olives worth of chametz. However, chametz mixtures that are in tiny proportions, or absorptions of chemetz in pots, one is allowed to keep them over Pesach. The restriction applies only to chametz that is real and tangible. Therefore, one is not required to sell or kasher any pots they don't need to use on peach. In fact, in may be a bad idea to sell pots bc then one may have to toilet them once the non Jew sells them back. One should simply clean the pots well and store them away in places that will not tempt them to use the pots on Pesach.

  2. One cannot eat Chametz on Pesach, and this is a severe issue that is punishable with Kares. One cannot eat any chametz on Pesach, even if only a tiny tiny amount is mixed in. In fact, the halachah is that there is no bitul whatsoever how chametz on Pesach (even 1 to 1,000 is not batel) Therefore, is someone cooks with a chametz pot on Pesach the law is that the food is completely forbidden. What is the reason for this stringency?

There are two reasons. The Rosh says that it is out of the stringency of Pesach where the chametz is so assur and ppl are not accustomed to staying away from chametz. Therefore, the Rosh adds that only on Pesach itself does this law apply. On Erev Pesach, when eating chametz does not carry the Kares punishment, Chametz could be nullified in regular proportions.

The Rambam has a different answer. Chametz is a דבר שיש לו מתירין- after pesach there is no issue with eating chametz and therefore one cannot use bitul to permit chametz on pesach. (The law against eating chametz that went thru pesach is only drabanan.) According to the rambam, even chametz before pesach should not have bitul bc of this logic that it is דבש שיש לו מתירין.

We pasken like the Rosh and only on Peasch is chametz not batel. But b4 pesach, it could be batel.

  1. Usually, נותן טעם לפגם is mutar. But on pesach, when there is no bitul, many rishonim were stringent for taam pagum. This means that food cooked in a chametz pot that hasn’t been used in 24 hours would still be assur on Pesach. Before Peaach, one can be lenient bc we pasken like the Rosh that b4 pesach, chametz can be nullified.

  2. If something was batel before pesach, does it become assur once pesach comes? Example- one cooked in not fresh chametz pot b4 pesach. The food is mutar and can be eaten, even on Erev Pesach. But once pesach starts, can they still eat it? On the one hand, it was already batel. On the other hand, perhaps the issur is re-awakened once pesach starts and there is no bitul for chametz. This is a dispute in S.A.- we can be lenient in most circumstances.

So, an amazing chiddish emerges- if someone did not kasher their pot and cooked it pesach in a regular pot that hasn’t cooked in 24 hours, the food cooked could be eaten on Pesach!

Broadcast on:
15 Mar 2020