Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 9

  1. In an alleyway that is walled on 3 sides and open on 4th side to the street- there needs to be a Lechi (vertical beam) in entranceway to permit carrying in the alley. However, one can only carry from the inner point of the beam and in, so the thickness of the entranceway itself would be forbidden to carry. One can also permit the alley with a korah- a horizontal beam that is on top of the alley. In that case, the outer tip of the beam is viewed as descending and forming a partition. In this latter case, as long there are no doors that “close out” the beam from the alley, one can carry under the beam, but if the door close out the beam, one cannot carry under the beam.

  2. There is a principle called פי תקרה יורד וסתם- the edge of the roof descends and seals. This refers to a ceiling that is 4x4 tefachim. If two beams were not 4x4 but they were separated by an airspace less than 3 tefachim, they can be considered attached thru lavud, be like a thick ceiling, and then “descend and seal.” However, if doors close between the two beams, then the two beams cannot be considered connected.

  3. Close to Mincha time, one cannot begin a time consuming activity- like a meal, a haircut, tanning hides, court case- until they daven. If they already started they don’t have to interrupt.

  4. The gemara explains this is referring for Mincha Gedola time- the early part of the afternoon. According to one opinion, this is only for an extreme haircut that is particularly time consuming or a wedding meal. But a regular meal or haircut may be strarted in the beginning of the afternoon. A second opinion feels that even a regular meal and haircut should not begin in the first part of the afternoon bc the scissors may break or the meal go on very long.

All agree that once the time of Mincha Ketana comes- the second half of the afternoon- one cannot do any of these activities until the pray and they are even required to stop what they’re doing to pray.

  1. In bavel they used to wear tight belts. Once one loosened his belt, it is considered that the meal has started and they don’t have to interrupt to daven Mincha (or Maariv since it it optional.)

  2. One shouldn’t wear a belt while davening.

Broadcast on:
15 Mar 2020