Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Shabbos 4

  1. If someone stuck bread into an oven on Shabbos there is a predicament for what they should do. On the one hand, רדיית הפת- the art of taking bread out of an oven- is rabbincally forbidden on Shabbos. But if the bread is left in, the person will come to an violation of Shabbos when the bread bakes. The Gemara in unsure what the right thing is to do. However, another person is certainly NOT allowed to take the bread out, bc we have a principle that a person should not sin in order to help their friend.

  2. The Mishna ruled that taking an item out of a hand is considered an akira. This seems difficult bc we think an akira and hanacha are only from/to a place that is 4x4 tefachim and a hand is smaller. The gemara attends to explain that r akiva holds we don’t need akira/hanacha for 4x4 bc he says קלוטה כמי שהונחה- something passing thru a domain is considered held and placed down in that domain. However, the Gemara note this may only be regarding making a hanacha and not regarding an akira.

  3. If one threw from private domain into another private domain but it traveled through the airspace of a public domain- r akiva says he is obligated bc of kluta principle it is like the object came to rest in the street. But the rabanan say he is exempt.

  4. There is a unique anomaly called מושיט- a derivative of carrying. One cannot extend an item from one private domain to another private domain if the item travels above a street(even though above 10 tefachim is not considered the public domain!)

  5. If one threw an item and it landed on tree branches, there is a dispute if that’s considered like it landed on the main part of the tree (trunk) a place of 4x4 or maybe we consider the branches their own place and it did not land on place or 4x4.

  6. Rebbe holds that an enclosed private domain is considered “full” and if an item whizzes through it is like it landed and is uprooted from place of 4x4

  7. A covered public domain is halachically not a reshus harabim on Shabbos bc it is not like the Jewish camp in the desert

Broadcast on:
10 Mar 2020