Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 63

  1. In the beis hamikdash, they didn't say amen but rather "baruch shem" after brachos. Each bracha warrants a separate response.

  2. We derive that one uses Hashem's name to great people from Boaz. Also from the angel who greeted Gidoen. The Gemara invokes the principle that there are times to forsake the Torah in order to uphold Hashem's wishes.

  3. In a generation where the Rabbis aren't sharing Torah, one should. In a generation where people are distributing their Torah, one should focus on their own studies. If the generation particularly, loves Torah, teach it and don't be afraid of losing out on personal learning. One should not issue Halachic rulings in a place of an existent authority.

  4. It's unwise to give a stranger too much authority in one's home, as we see from the story of Potifar and Yosef.

  5. Sota is next to Nazir bc after seeing the Sota and the ill effects of wine, one should become a nazir. Sota is also next to parsha of giving tithes to the Kohen bc if one doesn't tithe correctly they will eventually need the Kohen for Sota ritual and fall into poverty.

  6. In time of distress, one should bring Hashem into their pain. Additionally, one should make sure not to weaken in any areas of Torah.

  7. Declaring leap years is something that really should only be done in Israel.unless the person outside of Israel is clearly grater than those left in Israel. This is based on the pasuk that torah emanates form Tzion.

  8. When the Yeshiva started in Yavneh, all sorts of Torah was recited there. One piece of Torah from R Yehuda was that Torah Scholars are considered those who "seek Hashem." Moshe and Hashem had to show "each other kind faces" in order for the Torah to be properly transmitted to the Jewish people. After the Golden Calf, Moshe was instructed to move his tent back into the Jewish camp and be with the people.

  9. Every day, Torah is supposed to be fresh and considered as if it was just given. This is the reason why it is so severe to miss even one day of Krias Shema.

  10. It is important to study Torah in groups and not alone. It is also important to study very hard and to toil in Torah. It is also vital to first learn a lot of information and only then break it apart and analyze it. There is tremendous value in hosting a Talmid Chacham and supporting him.

Broadcast on:
06 Mar 2020