Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 60

  1. When buying new home or clothing, one says שהחינו. If one already inherited a similar item or if he already bought a similar type of item, there’s dispute in the gemara whether שהחינו is still recited since it’s not as new to him.

  2. We say הטוב והמטיב on good that has potential to be bad- like finding lost time that the King May interrogate him about. We say דיין האמת on and that has potential to be good- like flooding in one’s field that may fertilize the land.

  3. We don’t daven Tefillos that can’t change a previous reality. Nonetheless, there was a miracle once when Leah prayed the gender of her child be changed to a girl so rachel could have more sons. Also, within 40 days of fetus’s life one could pray.

  4. Hillel deceives a lofty concept they no matter what happened in his home, his family wouldn’t scream bc they have lot of belief and faith in HaShem.

  5. There special prayer instituted for going into a town(especially a place where they execute ppl without fairly trying them.)

  6. There special prayer b4 and after one enters a bathhouse so no danger occurs. Also b4 blootletting a special prayer is said.

  7. We derive from ורפה ירפה that doctors are allowed to practice and it is not against the will of HaShem.

  8. There dispute in gemara if one should tell angels to leave before using the bathroom.

  9. The gemara discusses all the various ברכת השחר- they are decribed as part of the morning routine. When one wakes up, אלקי נשמה. When hearing rooster, נתן לשכוי, etc

  10. We are supposed to say blessing over bad with the same happiness as blessing over good. We learn from r akiva that כל שעבד רחמנא לטב עבד- from story with his candle, donkey, and hen

Broadcast on:
03 Mar 2020