Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 58

1.When Bavel will be destroyed, wild animals will come and harm its neighbors as well. When Shomron was destroyed, its neighbors were blessed, bc Shmoron become a place for planting fertile vineyards.

  1. When someone sees large group of Jew (600,000) in Israel theres bracha that recited "the Sage of Secrets"- bracha is depicting how different each person is.

  2. Ben Zoma noted how the difference in attitude between a gracious guest who gives proper gratitude to the host and a selfish guest who gives no gratitude to his host.

  3. Special bracha for Talmidei Chacahim and for non Jewish sages. Special bracha for Jewish and non Jewish Kings.

  4. Rav SHeshes was blind but was still able to predict when the King would come bc the King comes after the silent still sound just like the Pasuk describes with Hashem.

  5. Rav Shila had a story where gave lashes to someone who slept with a non Jewish woman. The person slandered him for giving punishment without authority. Eliyahu Hanvai came and helped testify that the story was the man had slept with a donkey. The royal palace wanted to kill the man until Rav SHilla explained how merciful God is and hinted that we should mirror God and have mercy as well.

  6. Special brach for Jewish homes in their inhabited state or in their destruction. Same for non Jewish homes- a bracha is recited for them. Rav Chana's home was known especially for its amazing hospitality. There is a comfort for these homes being destroyed that our homes are linked to the Beis Hamikdash, and as long as Hashem's house in in ruins, ours are no better.

  7. Special bracha for graves. Special bracha for seeing friend after 30 days (shehechyanu) and after 12 months (m'chaye meisim) It takes 12 months to forget about a dead person.

  8. Spotted people, black skinned, red skin, white skin, obese people, dwarfs, or person with warts, we say "Meshane briyos." Amputated person, blind, person with very dense hair, person with boils we say "dayan ha'emes." It depends whether the person was born with the defect (meshane briyos) or it developed later (dayan ha'emes)

  9. On Zikin, we say "Hashme's strength fills the world." ZIkin is comet star. WE have tradition that this star doesn't pass through Kesil (name of constellation) and if it would it would destroy the world. Zikin may also be when the light of "rakiya" shines though "violin"-the bottom layer of the sky.

  10. Theres two constellations- Kimah and Kesil. They balance each other as Kesil is hot and Kima is cold.

Broadcast on:
01 Mar 2020