Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 57

  1. The name הונא in a dream means a miracle will happen. חנניה חנינא mean double miracles (נ stands for נס)

  2. In a dream, answering Kadish means you go to olam haba, saying shema means you’re fit for prophecy, putting on Tefillin means you’ll be great, and in the middle of davening to HaShem is a good sign.

  3. Someone (in a dream) who sleeps with his mother will get wisdom, sleeps with betrothed girl will get Torah, (Torah is מאושרה-betrothed to the Jews), sleeps with sister will get wisdom, sleeps with Married woman will go to olam haba. All of these are where one hasn’t thought about these women before going to sleep.

  4. In a dream, wheat=peace, barely=forgiveness of sin, full grapevine=birth of healthy children, empty vine= mashiach, figs= remembering Torah, pomegranates=business success, split pomegranates= Torah success or full of mitzvos, olives=success or good reputation, olive trees=many sons, oil=light of Torah, dates= end of sin, goats= blessed years, Haddasim= blessed assets, esrog= beautiful to HaShem, lulav= dedicated to HaShem, goose= wisdom, male chicken= sons, hen = nice garden, egg, glass, or any easily breakable items= his request is pending and once they break it is answered, boat= good reputation, standing naked in bavel=void of sin, naked in Israel = void of mitzvos, entering swamp=Rosh yehsiva, forest= leader for elite students, bloodletting=forgiveness, snake= easy sustenance, snake biting you=great parnassah, you biting snake is bad sign.

  5. All drinks are good signs except for wine which can be good or bad, except for Torah scholars when it is always good.

  6. Dovid (in a dream)=chassidus, Shlomo=wisdom, achav= punishment.

  7. Book of melachim (in a dream)= greatness, Yechezkel=wisdom, isiah=comfort, Yeshaya=punishment. Tehillim=chassidus, mishlei=wisdom, Iyov=punishment, shir hashirim=chassidus, Koheles=wisdom, eicha=punishment, Esther=miracles.

  8. Someone who sees rebbe Yehuda hannasi=wisdom, r elazar Ben azarya=wealth, r yishmael=punishment. Someone who sees Ben azzai=chassidus, Ben zoma= wisdom, acher=punishment.

  9. All animals are good in dreams except for elephant not saddled and monkeys

  10. Metal tools in their blades are bad signs, all fruits are good sign except unripe figs, turnip heads are good in the ground but out of the ground they are bad and they resemble a club.

  11. Some things are 1/60th- shabbks to olam haba, fire to Gehonim, honey to the manna, sleep to death, dream to prophecy.

  12. Sound, sight and smell restore ones mind. Nice house, wife, and furniture expand ones mind.

  13. Large cucumbers are bad, but small ones are good like Rebbe and Antonines who always had cucumbers at their table.

  14. There’s a bracha recited in seeing markulis avoda Zara regarding Hashems patience with people who do the wrong thing. Also a prayer for people to stop doing idolatry. There’s 5 potential blessings in Babel. One of them related to theme that bavel is slowly being destroyed and even the animals are taking out dirt form bavel constantly.

Broadcast on:
28 Feb 2020