Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 56

  1. The Gemara records two stories about R' Yehoshua and Shmuel who were able to predict to Kings what they would dream about by placing thoughts in their head during the day and thereby causing them to echo these thoughts in their dreams.

2.Bar Hedya was an interpreter of dreams and if he was payed, he would interpret it nicely, but if he wasn't paid, he would say it meant something bad. Abaye and Rava both dreamed the same dreams, but Abaye got a good interpretation bc he paid while Rava did not and he received a negative interpretation. For example, the pasuk of "your ox will be slaughtered in front of your eyes and you will not eat from it," to Abaye was interpreted that his business would do so well that he would be so overcome with joy he'd have no interest in eating. But for Rava he said the dream meant his business would fail and he'd be so distressed, he'd have no interest in eating. The Gemara continues with many such example of opposite interpretations for Abaye and Rava even though they had the same dream. Very tragic things were predicted and occurred for Rava - his wife died, he was extremely poor etc. Eventually, Rava paid Bar Hedya and had a positive interpretation for his dreams. Afterwards, Rava discovered in Bar Hedya's books the great secret the the interpreter of dreams actually has the power to dictate the meaning of the dream. Rava was upset, specifically about the death of his wife that he now realized was bc of Bar Hedya's interpretation, and he cursed Bar Hedya. Bar Hedya tried to run away to self imposed exile to Rome. The master of the treasury had a dream but he didn't pay Bar Hedya to interpret it so Bar Hedya ignored him. Eventually, Bar Hedya informed him that worms set themselves upon all the royal silk garb that he was supposed to be watching. The Romans realized that Bar Hedya could have prevented a lot of the damage and that he refused simply bc he wasn't paid his fare. The Romans executed him in a gruesome way by splitting his body in two.

  1. The Gemara relates two stories of Rebbe interpreting frightening dreams positively. A nose falling off meant that although he was threatened, the wrath was lifted. Two hands cut off meant there would be no need to work. Two legs cut off meant there would be no need to walk from place to place. In Adar you will die and you will not see the month of Nissan meant he will die in glory (hadar like adar and not see tests, nisayon like nissan)

4.R Yishamel once interpreted dreams of a Tzeduki negatively. Pouring oil into olives was a sign he had slept with his mother, plucking a star out of the sky meant he had kidnapped a Jew. Swallowing a star meant he had sold the Jew and used the money. Eyes touching one another meant he had slept with his sister. Kissing the moon meant he had slept with another Jew's wife. Walking in the shadow of a myrtle meant he has slept with a betrothed naarah. Ravens around his bead meant his wife had committed adultery. Doves around his bed meant he had defiled many women. Holding two doves that were flying away meant he married two wives who he divorced. Peeling eggs meant he stripped corpses (of their clothing) It turns out that it was true and the Tzeduki was guilty of each of these crimes.

  1. A well is a sign of peace, or Torah, or life itself. The three dream visions of peace are a river, a bird, and a kettle.

Broadcast on:
28 Feb 2020