Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 55

  1. It is commendable to pray a long tefillah, but it isn't good to expect the prayer to be answered. Rather, a person should increase his reliance on Hashems's mercy. It is good to have a long meal so it will increase the possibility of a poor man entering and eating. We derive that once the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, a person's table atones for them instead of the Altar. It is good to spend a long time in the bathroom, but only if one is sitting. If one is suspended, then it can increase the possibility of hemorrhoids.

  2. 3 things shorten one's life- refusing to read from torah by an aliya, refusing to lead benching, and assuming authority (acting in an overbearing manner even in private). This is why Yosef died before the rest of his brothers

  3. One should not appoint a leader over the community unless the community is consulted first. Betzalel was only appointed once Hashem asked Moshe and Moshe then asked the people if they approved.

  4. Moshe was told to make the mishkan first and then the Keilim for the mishkan. He reversed the order of instructions to Betzalel, who caught he mistake, and explained to Moshe that it is impossible to have the keilim first bc they have no where to be stored. Moshe's response was that maybe you were in the shadow of God (btzel Kel) and thats how you knew this.

  5. Betzaelel has particular wisdom of how to join the letters which heaven and earth were created from. God grants wisdom only to those who already are wise.

  6. A dream of one fasting is really bad. Any dream that is not interpreted is like an unread letter (the dream only has effect thru interpretation) A negative dream is better than a positive dream bc it causes one to repent. Sometimes a dream's value can be in the reaction itself even if it is not fulfilled. Seeing a bad dream can be worse than an actual beating. Every dream has some senseless matters mixed in. No dream is ever fully fulfilled, like by Yosef, where he said his mother would also bow to him but she never did. We also see from Yosef that a dream can take up to 22 years to be fulfilled.

  7. A righteous person does not directly experience the pain of bad dreams but rather others see the negative dream regarding him (and inform him to that he will take care and avoid sin) It is bad not to go 7 days without any dreams at all, but it's ok if you dream but can't remember the dream.

  8. Someone distressed about a bad dream can go to three people and they can "remedy" the dream. They have a declaration and prayer that Hashem should make it better. They saw pesukim about transformation, redemption, and peace.

  9. Someone who is unsure of the meaning of a dream can go in front of Kohamim blessing the people and recite a special prayer that his dreams come out good. He should finish before the Kohanim finish their blessing so the amen of the tzibur affirms his prayer as well.

  10. The first day one is sick they shouldn't reveal it to others so his luck will not worsen. But from then on, he should reveal it to others so that they will pray for him.

  11. Dreams through an angel come true but dreams through demons have no meaning.

  12. There is a concept of the interpreter of the dream having the power to make the meaning of the dream. We learn this from Yosef that his interpretation caused the actual outcome.

  13. Sometimes dreams are just the thoughts one had during the day. Therefore, dreams at the end of the night, a dream about his friend, and a dream that is interpreted within a dream, or a repeated dream are more likely to actually come true.

Broadcast on:
27 Feb 2020