Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 54

  1. One recites a bracha when he sees a place where miracles happened to the Jewish people. (there is also a bracha made when one sees a place where a personal miracles occurred to him specifically). The source for this bracha is derived from Yisro. There's also a bracha when seeing a place that idolatry has been uprooted.

  2. When one sees earthquakes, thunder, winds, or lightning, theres a bracha of "Kocho maleh olam"- Hashem's strength fills the world.

  3. Mountains, hills, seas, rivers, or deserts warrant a blessing of "oseh ma'aseh bresishis"- that Hashem makes the works of Creation. R' Yehuda adds a special blessing for seeing the "great sea."

  4. For rain and good news one recites "hatov v'hameitv." For bad news, one says "Dayan Ha'emes." There is a shehechyanu bracha recited when one builds a new house or buys new clothes.

  5. One shouldn't daven in vain, like davening "I hope the screaming is not from my house" or I hope my pregnant wife gives birth to a boy.

  6. There is a special blessing recited when one comes in and leaves a city.

  7. One is obligated to thank Hashem for the bad as well as the good.

  8. One cannot behave lightheadedly opposite the Eastern gate of the Beis Hamikdash. He also shouldn't enter the Temple Mount with his staff, shoes, money belt, or dusty feet. He shouldn't make it a shortcut or spit there.

  9. They used to make brachos in temple, "blessed is Hahsem,..until this world," but they changed the nusach to "from this World until the World" to indicate that there is another World to Come.

  10. The Rabbis instituted greeting people using Hashem's name based on Boaz's greetings to his men is Sefer Rus.

  11. Examples of places where miracles happened for the Jews is crossing of the Red Sea, crossing of the Jordan, crossing of canyons of Aronon (where Hashem crushed the Amorties waiting to ambush the Jews) stones of Elgavish (the hail stones that stopped midair when Moshe prayed for hail to stop and were later used by Yehoshua) the stone that Og wanted to throw at the Jews that fell over his face and he couldn't get off bc his teeth extended, Lots's wive, (the blessing for Hashem remembering Lot bc of Avraham) the walls of Yericho that were swallowed in their place. (they didn't collapse bc they were just as wide as they tall)

  12. Four people have to thank Hashem- those who cross the seas, go through the desert, people recovering from illness, and one who gets out of jail. They thank Hashem with the bracha of "Hagomel." The bracha should be said in front of 10 people, 2 of which are Torah scholars. Sometimes answering Amen to such a type of bracha is like one themselves said the words.

  13. A sick person, a bride, or groom need protection. Maybe also mourners, torah scholars at night, and women who gave brith.

Broadcast on:
26 Feb 2020