Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 47

  1. Those who are sharing the same loaf of bread as the head of the household breaking the bread should not begin eating their portion of bread until the the head of the household tasted it first.

  2. Two people sharing the same platter should wait for one another but 3 do not need if one takes a break.

  3. The one who recited hamotzi is the one who gets food first but he can honor someone else to partake in the food first.

  4. One should not break the bread until amen is finished form crowd. A different approach is that we don't require amen to be finished from all the crowd, as a majority of the crowd suffices, bc it is actually improper to answer an amen that is too long.

  5. Amen should not be Chatufa- with a sh'va instead of a kamatz. It should not be ketufah- without the end nun. Or Yesomah- without hearing the bracha it is answering.

6.Even if 2 people have finished their meal, a 3rd person can join late and considered to "eat with them" since the 2 would theoretically still eat more if their favorite dishes were brought.

7.The greatest person should lead the zimun even if he arrived late to the meal.

  1. D'mai is grain that is doubtful if it was tithed. We are lenient for poor people and soldiers to be fed Demai.

  2. Terumah should be taken before Ma'aser. If ma'aser was taken first, it depends whether it was tithed before the time of "miruach"- the smoothen of the pile of grain that triggers the obligation to tithe- If the ma'aser was taken prior to this time, it doesn't require any xtra terumah to be removed from it. But if it was taken after this time, then an xtra terumah must be take from it.

  3. When Ma'aser Sheni is redeemed, the owner adds an xtra fifth to the money, but that 1/5th does not withhold the transfer of Kedusha.

  4. One should not make a zimun with an "am ha'aretz." One can make a zimun with a learned Cussi. An "am ha'aretz" is either someone lenient in laws of Tahara, someone who doesn't tithe produce, someone who misses reciting Shema, someone who doesn't wear tefillin, or tzitzis, someone without a mezuzah, someone who doesn't raise his kids to learn Torah, or possibly even a torah scholar who does not study the reasons for the Mishayos.

  5. Ma'aser SHeni should be redeemed onto money with an image on it. Hekdesh should be redeemed onto money and not land.

  6. One can use a baby for number 10 for zimun and minyan. But not to be number 3 for the zimun.

  7. A slave can be number 10 for a minyan.

  8. One who is from the first 10 people at minyan gets equal reward as the whole minyan.

16.The gamers suggests that 9 with an Aron can be a minyan but it is rejected bc an aron is not a person.

  1. Even on Shabbos, 3 people are required for zimun. But 2 Torah scholars discussing Torah is considered like 3 for zimun.

  2. To be number 3 for zimun, we can include kids who have pubic hairs even though they are not yet 13. And according to one opinion in the Genara, even if they simply understand that bentching is to Hashem

Broadcast on:
19 Feb 2020