Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 46

1.The head of household should be the one to break the bread so he breaks it generously and gives everyone large pieces. There is a dispute who should lead birches hamazon- some say it should be whoever broke the bread and some say it should specifically be a guest so that he will recite a special blessing given from a guest to a host.

  1. The Gemara has a dispute how far zimun goes. (according to rashi's explanation, the gemara is wondering where zimun ends and the regular birches hamazon begins) R' Nachman says the first blessing of Hazan is already part of Birchas Hamazon and R" Sheshes says that first blessing of Hazan is part of zimun and not birchas hamazon.

  2. The Gemara determines that the last blessing of Birchas Hamazon (hatov v'hameitiv) is not part of the biblical birches hamazon. This is evident in the law workers may skip the last bracha to get back to their jobs. An additional proof is that it starts with a new 'Baruch atah Hashem" even though there is a rule that a bracha that follows another bracha does not need a new "Baruch Atah Hashem." (it must be that "hatov v'hameitiv" is in its independent bracha and not part of the series of Birchas Hamazon.)

  3. In a house of mourning, R' Akiva's position is that instead of "hamtov v'ahmeitv" the blessing of "dayan Ha'emes" is said instead. According to the Rabbis, both are recited and the "dayan ha'emes" is incorporated into the last blessing of Birchas Hamazon.

  4. Someone who interrupted his meal to "answer" with two other people's zimun, where does he return when he completes his own meal and now says Birchas Hamazon? R' Zevid says he goes back to the beginning of Birchas Hamaozn. But the Rabbis say he can begin from the second blessing of Birchas Hamazon.

  5. The correct halacha for eating etiquette- When two people eat together, the prominent one reclines first and the smaller person below him . When there are 3 people, the most prominent person reclines first in the middle, the second most prominent in the bed above him, and the least prominent in the bed below him.

  6. For washing hands before meal, the most prominent person should wash first. (unless he will have to wait to say hamotzi for everyone and be forced to wait)

  7. For washing mayim achronim- when there are 5 ppl or less, we start with the most prominent persona and he then leads the benching. When there are more than 5, we start from the lowest person until we get till the last 5, then the most prominent person washes and leads the benching.

  8. We don't honor ppl with letting them go first on roads or bridges. (causes too much traffic and can be dangerous)

Broadcast on:
18 Feb 2020