Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 44

  1. There is a rule of ikar and tafel- that the bracha on the main food exempts the need for bracha on a food that accompanies it. Even bread can become a tafel in a rare case where one is eating special super sweet fruits that are countered with salty items that need bread to accompany them.

  2. There is discussion about these amazing fruits of Genusar in Israel that are remarkably delicious. Israel's trees also have many many pigeons. Israel is also known for superb "yichus" where kohanim would marry daughters of Kohanim.

  3. When one eats the 7 special foods of Israel- R" Gamliel says a full birches hamazon is required. The Rabbis disagree and say birches hamazon is only for bread and an abridged version of birches hamazon is recited for the 7 species. A third opinion, R' Akiva, says one should say birches hamazon after any filling foods, like a cabbage.

  4. Water needs bracha when drunk for thirst (as opposed to helping the food go down). The bracha is a dispute if it shehakol or boreh nefashos, and the gemara rules that it is shehakol.

  5. There is a difference in the conclusion of Al Hamichya for fruits from Israel and others fruits. For fruits from Israel, one says "for the land and its fruits," but for fruits outside of Israel, one recites "for the land and the fruits."

  6. There is a dispute whether boreh nefashos is recited after eating any foods or only significant foods. Eventually the Gemara rules that all foods have after bracha even something like water. However, smell does not have bracha after.

  7. After performing a mitzvah, generally there is no bracha. However, the Gemara mentions a practice to make bracha of "lishmor chukav" after taking off Tefillin.

  8. The gemara discusses the health virtues of an egg.

  9. Spleen meat is good for teeth and bad for stomach. (chew it and spit it out.) Leeks are bad for teeth and good for stomach (cook them and swallow w/out chewing) Raw vegetables make pale face (after bloodletting) Anything eaten b4 fully grown impedes growth (less than a 1/4 grown) Anything near life gives life. (meat near the neck area) Cabbage is filling (and healthy). Beets are healing. Turnips can be healthy but only in certain circumstances. (overcooked or followed wine wine or meat)

  10. It is harmful to speak with someone who ate raw vegetable in first 4 hours of the day. Second view is that it is forbidden to eat the raw vegetables in the first 4 hours of the day.

Broadcast on:
16 Feb 2020