Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 42

  1. Pas hab׳ah bkisnin- the breads that are more like a pastry. Although they are really bread, since people generally do not make a meal out of them, the rabbis said to make mezonos and not to say birchas Hamazon. However, if one eats an amount of these pastries that is the amount of a full meal they are in fact required to say hamotzi and to bentsh.

  2. Once one׳s mind is this the meal is finished and that they will now bentsh, a new bracha would be required for any new foods brought out. According to one view in the Gemara that happens when the tables in front of people eating are cleared. Another view is that it depends when people clean their hands with oil. However, the Gemara ultimately rules that since bentshing is supposed to immediately follow washing mayim Achronim, until mayim achronim is washed ones mindset is that the meal is still continuing.

  3. The Brachos on wine before meal can exempt the bracha from wine drunk at the end of a meal. A bracha on appetizer before meal can exempt bracha for appetizer at the end of the meal. The bracha on bread exempts appetizers but the bracha on appetizers does not exempt the bracha on bread.

  4. Only if a group is reclinjng together (formally eating together) can one person be Motzi others with Brachos on foods. However, the Gemara qualifies that if a group of people verbally declared their intention to eat together, one can be motzi others even if they are not “reclining.”

  5. During a meal itself, one person cannot be motzi others with bracha on wine.

  6. The Gemara qualifies the rule of bracha on wine exempting bracha for wine after the meal to be true only when one is accustomed to drinking wine after the meal, like on a Shabbos or holiday, but at a regular meal when one is not accustomed to drinking post meal, a new bracha would be required for each new cup of wine. Moreover, even on Shabbos, if a person generally does not drink after the meal, they would require another bracha on the wine.

  7. The gemara wonder whether a bracha on wine made during the meal can exempt wine drunk after the meal. Is it only wine b4 meal (that’s drinking) or even wine during the meal (that’s only “soaking” the food)

Broadcast on:
14 Feb 2020