Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 40

  1. One should not make a hefsek between hamotzi and eating bread. But speaking regarding the meal is not a hefsek. For example, take the bread. Bring salt. Prepare food for the oxen.

  2. It is forbidden to eat before one feeds their animals.

  3. One should not recite hamotzi for the table until there is salt/dips before each party so that they can enjoy their bread right away.

  4. Urine does not fully empty unless one is sitting. Loose earth is also acceptable, or from a high place onto an inclined surface.

  5. After eating, one should have salt. After drinking, one should drink water.

  6. It is good to eat lentils every 30 days, but not too frequently. Same for mustard. Eating small fish is healthy.

  7. Ketzach prevents a person from heart pain. But its odor is dangerous

  8. R' yehuda holds that a person should be specific with his brachos and that is why he broke "pri ha'adama" into smaller categories. It says to bless Hashem "day by day," meaning that each unique day has its own blessing and so too with foods.

  9. Hashem makes it that the more Torah knowledge one possesses the easier it is to hold more. This is the opposite of vessels that cannot hold more once they are full.

  10. One is yotzei the blessing for fruits if they recite a ha'adma. But they are not yotzei if they make a ha'aetz for a vegetable. And one is always yotzei after the fact if they recite a shehakol.

  11. The tanna of our mishna who validates a "pri ha'adma" on a fruit holds that tree fruits are fundamentally grown from the ground and the tree is really just subordinate to the ground. This is only R' Yehuda's position, but the other Rabbis hold the tree is the fundamental source of growth and therefore one is not yotzei with a ha'adama on the fruit. This dispute is found regarding reading Bikurim if the tree was cut down by the time one brings the fruit.

  12. Adam Harishon ate from a tree, but which type? It was either a grapevine, a fig, or a wheat stalk. Even though a wheat stalk is called a "tree," wheat is still "ha'adma" bc fruits are grown only on perennials and not on trees that die and come back. The important takeaway is that ha'etz vs ha’adama does not depend on "tree" but rather on whether it grew on a perennial.

  13. There is a dispute whether shehakol exempts even bread and wine. There is a dispute among Tana'im if one deviates form the nusach of the brachia that the Rabbis made whether they are yotzei are not. However, the Gemara tells us that these two disputes are not necessarily the same. (the latter is an issue on making up a new bracha and the former is that one did not mention the bread or wine)

  14. One can be yotzei birches hamazon in other languages and even if the words are not a translation of the Hebrew words.

  15. A bracha needs to mention the name of Hashem, and there is a dispute if also must mention Hashem's kingship.

  16. Anything that does not grow from the ground is Shehakol, meat fish grasshoppers, milk, eggs, cheese. Truffles and mushrooms are shehakol bc they grow from the ground only through the air, and they are therefore classified not something that draws from the ground.

  17. Shehakol is recited over spoiled wine or a cooked food that spilled. R' Yehuda says there is no blessing on something that was a curse, (like the vinegar which is spoiled wine or like dates that were scorched by the sun.

Broadcast on:
12 Feb 2020