Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 39

  1. The size of cazayis for bracha achrona is the size of a medium olive. A big olive minus a pit would require a bracha achrona.

  2. If there is a ha'dama food and a shehakol food that is "chaviv," the ha'adama food comes first bc its bracha is more important. Between two shehakol foods, a food that is "chaviv" generally has precedence, but if the other food is more filling, it is a dispute in the gemara whether the chaviv comes first or the more filling food comes first.

  3. There's a dispute if dicing a turnip makes it better or worse, and if it does make it worse, the bracha would be downgraded to a shehakol.

  4. A mezonos ingredient to a dish that is only there for consistency does not make the dish into a mezonos.

  5. Cooked beets are very healthy

  6. Water in which vegetables were cooked is ha'adma.

  7. Water in which dill was cooked- the gemara wonders if dill enhances the flavor of a dish or just removes bad odors from the dish and the difference would be if the water is ha'adama or shehakol. The Gemara concludes that dill enhances flavor.

  8. Dried out bread in a bowl with other foods is hamotzi, (and one can prioritize that homotzi over a regular loaf of bread- tosafos) However, another opinion seems to prioritize reciting hamotzi over a whole loaf of bread.

  9. There is a dispute when to cut a whole loaf of bread. After the bracha if finished, or that the loaf should be cut by the time the bracha is finished.

  10. if there's bigger broken piece of bread or a smaller whole bread, there is a dispute which to prioritize the hamotzi over. To satisfy both opinions, one can hold both breads and recite hamotzi on both. Certainly wheat bread is prioritized over barely bread.

  11. One should always give the kohen a nicer portion of terumah. If the kohen is not nearby, there is a dispute if one should give a nicer portion or the portion that will stay fresh longer.

  12. One needs two breads on Shabbos, but not does necessarily have to break both.

  13. On Pesach, one should use a broken matzah bc it is lechem oni- poor mans bread

  14. Rav Ashi would break off one large section of bread for needs on Shabbos (to show how dear Shabbos meal was to him)

  15. It is nice to eat the Eruv bread on Shabbos to do another mitzvah with bread that has already had one mitzvah done with it

Broadcast on:
11 Feb 2020