Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 38

  1. There is a concept of "bread" that is more of a pastry than bread like in the sense that it is not usually eaten as a staple of a meal and is therefore mezonos. But if one makes a meal out of it, it is hamotzi and benching.

  2. Date honey is shehakol and is not treated like the fruit itself. But a solid from fruit that has been somewhat crushed but not completely mashed is haetz.

  3. Shatisa (sweet flour mixed with oil and water). The thick form is mezonos as it is made for eating, but the loose pourable one is shehakol, bc it is considered more of a medicine.

  4. On Shabbos, one can't do any explicit acts related to medicine. However, a food that is sometimes eaten regularly, even though it is mostly made for medicine, may be used on Shabbos bc it is not readily apparent that it is for medicine.

5.The Rabanan say the nusach of the brach is Hamotzi, but R' nechamia holds it is only Motzi. Everyone agrees that the word should mean that Hashem made bread in past tense, and the question is whether Hamotzi implies the past or not. Motzi is certainly acceptable but Hamtozi is also good according to the Rabanan.

  1. There is a great dispute whether cooked vegetables are still haadma or whether cooking has "changed" their form and now it is shehakol.

  2. A vegetable that is generally not eaten raw is certainly hadma once it is cooked and shehakol b4, like cabbage, beets, and pumpkins.

  3. There is a dispute between R' Meir and R' Yosi is one fulfills mitzvah with matza that was boiled after being baked. However, that is untreated to our discussion bc there is an additional variable that the "taste" of matza may be thrown off by boiling. Same point is true by marror that cooked marror is no good for the mitzvah bc the taste is off, even if the bracha would still be haadama

Broadcast on:
10 Feb 2020