Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 37

1.The Gemara rejects Rav and SHmuels's opinion that rice is not mezonos and proves conclusively that rice is in fact mezonos.

  1. There is a dispute between R' Yochanan Ben Nuri and the Rabanan about rice, as R' Yochanan says it can be made into Halachic "bread," but the Rabbis disagree and say rice can never be considered "bread."

  2. There is a fundamental dispute between R' Gamliel and the Rabanan. According to R" Gamliel, full birches hamazon is recited over any of the 7 special species, not only bread. According to the Rabbis, the 7 species have "al hamichya" bracha.

  3. Even though rice is mezonos, the after bracha is not al hamichya but only bores nefashos.

  4. "Chavitsa"- a cooked dish made with small pieces of bread. The Gemara says that if the pieces are more than a cazayis, they are "hamotzi," but otherwise it is just mezonos. However, the Gemara adds that if the pieces have the appearance of bread, then even if they are less than a cazayis the bracha is still hamotzi.

  5. Teroknin are obligated in Challah (it is bread). Teroknin is flour and water cooked directly in hole in stove and not in a pan. Even though its a looser batter, but it still takes some form of bread.

  6. Teresa is exempt from Challah (it is not classified as bread,) It is a very loose batter that spreads out on the hot stove and does make form of bread.

  7. Any dough cooked in the sun is technically not considered bread, but if one makes the shape like regular bread, it may be obligated in Challah. (Rabbinically, so people don't get confused.)

Broadcast on:
09 Feb 2020