Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 35

  1. Fruits are העץ with the exception of wine. Vegetables are האדמה with the exception of bread.
  2. R Yehuda holds that greens have special bracha of מיני דשאים.
  3. What is the source for making a bracha? The gemara tries to develop a source from the soul of קדש הלילום לה׳ but it ultimately does not work. The source is logic that it is forbidden to derive pleasure from food without first thanking Hashem.
  4. There is a dispute if only grapes are obligated in 4th year bringing to Jerusalem or all fruit trees
  5. Singing in beis Hamikdash is only with wine.
  6. It is through a bracha that Hashem give us permission to eat food
  7. One pasuk indicates that we are meant to work while one pasuk indicates we are supposed to learn. R yishmael says we should split the time, while R Shimon says we should jsut learn and then our work will be done by others. The gemara comments that only few people can attain r Shimon’s approach.
  8. Our generation has weakened in the sense that we know much less Torah and in the sense that we are trying to get out of performing mitzvos
  9. Why does wine get a special bracha? Because it has changed for the better, satiates, and makes one happy.
  10. The reason one doesn’t say birchas Hamazon after wine even thigh wine satiates is bc it is not generally made into a meal.
  11. The correct bracha for olive oil is העץ. However, in most cases this bracha will not be said. If one drinks plain oil, it is harmful and no bracha is necessary. If eaten with bread, it is exempted by the breads bracha. If drunk with beet juice, it is exempted by the beet juices bracha. However, if one had a sore throat and added a lot of oil into the beet juice, the correct bracha would be העץ.

Broadcast on:
07 Feb 2020