Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 34

  1. If someone skipped Bracha while acting as Chazan and couldn't continue, someone else should take over and should not hesitate. He begins from the beginning of the bracha that was missed.

  2. The chazan doesn't answer Amen to Birches Kohanim so he doesn't get distracted. He also does not duchan even if he is the only Kohen unless he is confident he won't get confused.

  3. In general , one should be reluctant to get up to daven.

  4. Rav huna says if chazan made mistake in first 3 brachos, he goes back to beginning. In middle section, he goes back to Atah Chonen, and in the last section, he goes back to R'tzei. Rav Assi said there is no order for the middle section. (Brachos can even be said out of order) Our mishna said when the chazan makes a mistake he goes back to beginning of skipped bracha- that definitely rejects rav assi nut not necessarily rav huna bc the whole section may be called "one bracha" and the mishna indeed meant back to Atah Chonen.

  5. Requests should only be made in the middle section of Shmone Esrei.

  6. Moshe at times davens very long (40 days and nights) and at times very short (one liner like by Miriam)

  7. One should not bow during brachos that chazal did not legislate for bowing. However, a Kohen Gadol bowes at the end of each bracha and Kind at the beginning of each bracha as well bc they need the xtra humility.

  8. It is improper to bow during Hallel and Birches Hamazon but modim remains unclear whether or not to bow.

  9. Someone who make mistake during first bracha of Shmone Esrei it is a bad omen. Fluency in tefillah is a good sign.

  10. There is a dispute whether the times of Mashiach will be completely different than now or pretty much the same except that the Jews won't be persecuted

  11. There is a dispute whether Ba'alei teshuvha are greater than tzadikim

  12. It is not good to daven in an open valley.

  13. R chanina ben dosa had remarkable powers of tefillah

Broadcast on:
06 Feb 2020