Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 33

  1. One does not interrupt Shmone Esrei for a snake, bc it probably won't bite, but one should interrupt for a scorpion. However, snakes will bite it one falls into a pit with them.

  2. An black ox during spring is considered very dangerous and one should interrupt Shmone Esrei is they see one.

  3. R" Chanina Ben Dosa once killed a large serpent when it bit him and it showed that with extreme righteousness, one can kill dangerous animals.

  4. Mashiv Haruach is in bracha of restoration of life bc rain gives life. V"sein Tal Umatar is in birches hashanim bc it provide sustenance, and havdlah is in blessing of wisdom bc it takes wisdom to divide between holy and regular. It's also the first weekday blessing.

  5. Wisdom, beis hamikdash, and vengeance, are all great as they are written between two names of Hashem.

  6. R akiva says Havdalh is its own bracha in SHmone Esrei. R Eliezer says its part of Modim. And Chachmim say part of Atah Chonen.

  7. Havdalah historically was first placed in tefillah. Then people got richer so they placed it on a cup of wine. Then people got poorer, so they reinstated it in davening. But they said it one can they should also make havdalah on wine.

  8. IF one makes havdalah before davening maariv, they still say havdalah in davening

  9. If someone forgot Havdalah in davening and then ate before havdalah, they need to daven again.

  10. On matzei shabbos that is yom tov there is no regular bracha to insert the havdlah in. IT's possible to put it in modim but ultimately the gemara prefers a special "Vatodienu" insertion into the middle bracha of the yom tov SHmone Esrei.

  11. WE silence one two says sending away mother bird is expression of Hashems mercy, either bc it makes jealousy between animals or bc Hashmes laws are not an expression of his mercy for birds.

  12. WE don't add on more praise for Hashem than was instituted by the Anshei Kenesses Hagdola.

  13. Someone who repeats each word of SHema is not silenced but its bad way of saying Shema, but someone who repeats each line of SHmea is silenced bc it appears like he is saying Shema to two different powers.

Broadcast on:
05 Feb 2020