Young Israel of Westside Shiurim

Brachos 30

  1. Tefillas Haderech should be said once one has set out on the road until one parah into the journey.

  2. There are two opinions regarding the need to stand when reciting Tefilas Haderech

  3. Difference between Havinenu and the shortened tefillah in danger. Havieneiu is a fulfillment of tefillah, keeps the first 3 and last 3 brachos, should be said standing, and exempts one from praying once they are home. The shortened tefillah for danger has no first 3 or last 3 brachos, can be said while traveling, and does not except one from praying once they reach home.

  4. Someone traveling on a donkey, there is a dispute if he needs to get off the donkey to pray. Some say that even if there someone else to watch the donkey, he does not have to get off the donkey bc he is disturbed by having to deal his travels.

  5. Everyone is the world is trying to face their faces and minds to the Kapores.

  6. There is a dispute which has greater priority- davening standing or davening with connecting geulah to tefillah.

  7. There are 3 opinions regarding mussaf. 1.An individual never has to pray 2. An individual always has to pray. 3. An individual has to pray if there is no shilach tzibur being motzei him

  8. When davening with minyan on Rosh CHodesh, even if one forgets yaalevh vyavo- they don't repeat bc they will hear it from the Chazaan and they themselves will mention yaaleh vyavo in the next Tefillah. (except at mincha where thats the last tefillah)

  9. Someone who forgets yaalev vyavo at maariv they never have to repeat bc the court wouldn't declare the new month until the morning.

  10. One should daven with seriousness. WE derive this from verse to "rejoice with trembling." We also derive that too much happiness is not good and should always be mixed with some fear.

  11. The early chassidim would prepare one hour for tefillah. One cannot interrupt the Shmone Esrei even if a snake wraps around his leg.

Broadcast on:
02 Feb 2020